Make Your Own Pore Reduction Treatment

Large pores result in unsightly problems such as blackheads, whiteheads and other skin bumps. The aim of a pore reduction treatment is to lessen the area of the pore so the bump does not appear or is shrunk back quickly to look like normal skin. The following is an easy homemade treatment that saves you some time and money.


  1. Gather one egg white and some lemon juice (freshly squeezed).
  2. Mix the egg white with a few drops of lemon juice.
  3. Wash your skin with warm water so it is clean and free of fluff, dirt or makeup.
  4. Massage the treatment into your skin. You can use your fingertips (press gently) or a makeup brush.
  5. Leave the treatment on your skin for five (5) minutes to allow it to tighten on your face.
  6. Rinse off with warm water. Use a soft face cloth to wipe off if needed.


  • Use this regularly (once or twice a week) to achieve smooth skin constantly.


  • If you are sensitive to fruit acids, test a small portion on the skin close to your chin first. If you have a reaction (itchiness, swelling, redness etc), then this is not a good treatment for you.

Things You'll Need

  • Egg white
  • Lemon juice

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