Make Your Wardrobe New Without Buying Anything

We all want new clothes. We all want to be "the cream of the crop" when it comes to fashion. But, most of us, do not have the money to invest in getting those clothes. If your wardrobe is getting dull, or you just want change, the following advice will be great-for teens to adults!


  1. We all notice our closets get disorganized. The first step is for you to neatly take all of your clothes and etc. out of your closet. Then, put the ones you do not want in a pile to donate or sell somewhere.
  2. Look at your clothes! This is the most important step in the process. Look at them and think 'Do I wear the same pattern of outfits over and over again?' and, 'Do all of these look the same, just in different colors?' Put clothes that you either have a duplicate of or you are just tired of it in a pile SEPARATE of your throw-out pile.
    • The separate pile will be spiffed up by doing something as simple as using scissors to cut off extra beading,so it won't look the same as the other shirt similar to it.
  3. Pair up the outfits you normally wear. Ex. I normally wear a green t-shirt with a logo on it and jeans. That would be a pair. Try to find out where your weaknesses are. Maybe you always wear a red blouse with your black cardigan. When you have them all paired in the basic piles, go onto step 4.
  4. Try pairing your articles of clothing up with different ones from usual. Bring out your shoes and jewelry. Make a belch outfit pop with an awesome necklace. Or, on the make-up side, wear a different color of lip gloss, eye-shadow, lipstick, or blush with an outfit that doesn't have a lot of spark.
  5. If you're in a creative mood, maybe do one of the following: You can get fabric paint and splatter different colors on a top you may wear out to the mall. Or, get some iron-ons, and iron them on for a different feel. Maybe, you could make some old and ugly jewelry look new again by cleaning it off- a simple thing like that could make it wear-able!
  6. Look at patterns online, if you have some sewing skill you can easily alter most clothes. If not, you could always take them to a seamstress or a tailor.
  7. Putting your clothes back. When you put your clothes back, make sure to clean the rest of your closet (Yes, like getting extra junk out, dusting, e.t.c.). It will make you want to look at your closet more, and not avoid it.
  8. Now, you PUT your clothes back. But do not put a pair of jeans by a t-shirt. Designate an area for t-shirts, and area for blouses, and area for skirts and jeans, and an area for jackets. While putting them away in their designated areas, try to put them in color order, so when you want a red top, you can find one lickety-split.
  9. Follow by putting everything else back in an organized manner.
  10. Step back and enjoy your wondrous closet! Enjoy!


  • If you have a black dress you are pretty set for the year! There are many things you can do with the same dress! Slip a skirt over it and the dress becomes a cute shirt or slip a cute blouse over the dress and it become a skirt! And there is many more things you can do with that one dress.
  • Do NOT stick with the same new outfits. Mix it up. Do NOT get in the habit of getting out your yellow shirt with your blue jeans. Over-time, those habits will make you buy the same things in different colors.
  • If you are going to go shopping, think of what you already have. Also, if you find an extremely cute skirt you know you'll never wear but love, find a skirt (or whatever) in a style that is similar, instead of wasting your money on something you'll never wear.
  • Have fun! Don't do this forced! If you do it without 'forcing yourself', you will get better results and will be more thoughtful and organized.
  • When trying to make your clothes have more 'pizzaz' be unique! Cover an old shirt with glue and sprinkle on a load of glitter. Have a bunch of too small tees and one plain one that fits, cut up the small ones and sew them onto the plain one, A unique and awesome shirt. Be creative!
  • KEEP THE CLOSET CLEAN! That is the most-important tip! Never let it get too un-organized, or you won't want to look at it and spend time deciding on what you want to wear.
  • Try to do this every year right before spring hits, so you run off some energy from being stuck inside. Also, it's a good idea to do it in the middle of summer when it's too hot to be outside, and you won't get in the habit of the same pair of shorts with different tank tops!
  • When putting your shoes back, try to keep the boots together, the tennis-shoes together, and flip-flops together. That creates an aura for you that you have more to choose from and won't go waste money on new ones.


  • Do NOT get into the habit of wearing the same NEW outfit over and over! Switch that up, too!
  • Do not throw away clothes in good condition! Use one of the tips in step 5 to make it different!

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