Make a Beer Box Top Hat
Top hats made from beer boxes are a great accessory for any tailgating or college fraternity party. Professionally assembled beer box top hats can be purchased online, or you can make your own using three empty beer boxes and some basic supplies. Read on for detailed steps to make your own unique party accessory.
- Research images online for top hats so you have an image of what the end product should look like. Frat Toys has a few great visuals of hats made from beer boxes.
- Flatten three empty beer boxes by opening the sides and unfolding at the creases. Each box should be the size that holds 24 cans of beer.
- Make sure the boxes are dry and in good shape. Use the same brand for a more professional look or different brands if you want to showcase multiple kinds of beer.
- Be careful not to cut or rip the cardboard. This will ruin the box.
- Once the boxes are unfolded, face the printed side of the box downwards towards the floor or tabletop. The brown cardboard from the inside of the box should face upward.
- Flatten any lumps or uneven sections. This can be done with your hand or a hard, flat object like a book or ruler. The flatter you can make the empty beer boxes, the better your top hat will look.
- Measure the size of your head by wrapping a piece of string around the largest part of your head. Mark the spot on the string where it intersects itself.
Make the Pieces of the Hat
- To create the top of the hat, place the string in the center of one of the cardboard boxes in an oval shape resembling the shape of your head. Make sure to use the size that you measured. Trace this shape with a pencil and cut along the line. Remove the cut portion of the box and set it aside.
- To create the brim of your top hat, place the piece you just removed into the center of the second cardboard box and trace it with a pencil. Remove the piece and set it aside.
- Use a compass to measure three inches out from the outside of the circle and draw another larger circle all the way around.
- Cut out the larger circle from the edge of the box.
- Cut out the inner circle from the inside so that you are left with a full ring. This will be the brim of your top hat. Set it aside with the top of your hat.
- To create the body of the hat, use the third flattened beer box. Lay the string out flat along the edge of the box. Mark on the box where the measured string ends. It is important that the length is the same as the length of the string you measured around your head.
- Measure at least four inches in from the edge and draw a straight line parallel to the edge. You can make it larger than four inches if you would like a taller top hat.
- Cut along the line so that you have a four-inch wide strip. Set this piece aside with the top and brim of the hat.
Assemble the Pieces Together
- Fold half an inch along one long edge of the strip inside towards the brown cardboard side.
- Fold half an inch along the other long edge of the strip outwards towards the printed side.
- Bring the two ends of the long strip together to create a cylinder. Make sure the brown cardboard side is the inside of the cylinder. Use clear packing tape on the inside to secure the two ends together.
- Place the top of the hat piece on the ground or tabletop with the printed side facing down. The brown cardboard side should be facing up.
- Place the cylinder with the edges folded inwards on top of the top piece and adjust so that the edges all line up to the shape of the top piece.
- Use clear packing tape on the brown cardboard side along the inside of the cylinder to secure it to the top piece.
- Flip the cylinder right side up so the top is now at the top. Take the brim of the hat and align it with the shape of the top.
- Slide the brim all the way down the cylinder so that it sits on the bottom edge that is folded out.
- Use clear packing tape on the bottom cardboard side to secure the brim to the cylinder all the way around.
- Place the beer box top hat onto your head to make sure it fits correctly. Make adjustments if necessary. Secure with more packing tape only on the inside if needed.
- If you would like to create your own design or colors (for your favorite sports team, for example), follow the same steps to create the hat and just switch the way the sides of the box are facing. Then paint the outside brown cardboard as you wish.
- Make a beer box top hat from the boxes of a brand of beer you enjoy.
- Do not place anything on top of the hat to avoid crushing your new party accessory.
- If using staples to secure the pieces together, be sure to cover the staples with clear packing tape to avoid getting cut by the staples when wearing the hat.
- Major consumption of alcohol can lead to alcohol poisoning and even death. Always drink alcohol responsibly.
Things You'll Need
- Three empty 24-can beer boxes
- Pencil
- Scissors
- Clear packing tape
- String
- Ruler