Make a Blanket Fort

A blanket fort is easy to build and provides hours of fun for children and adults. It can be made by using everyday household items like blankets, sheets, chairs, and rubberbands. To create a blanket fort you must build a framework with furniture, drape blankets over the frames, and secure the blankets.


Gathering Materials

  1. Find a location with enough space. Make sure that the room that you want to create a fort has enough space. These spaces are typically in the living room, dining room, or bedroom.[1]
    • The room does not need to be empty. The furniture in the room can help to serve as some of the “walls” in the fort.
  2. Locate the materials to build the frame. Chairs are most commonly used because their backs provide height for the fort. Also consider using furniture like tables, bed frames , and couches to help construct the framework of the fort.[2]
    • Use furniture with varying heights to create different spaces within the fort.
  3. Collect several blankets and pillows. You will need several blankets to drape over the frame of the fort. Sheets make great draperies for the fort as they are lightweight and won’t fall down quite as easily. You will also need blankets and pillows inside of the fort for comfort.[3]

Building the Structure

  1. Determine the placement of the walls. Place the furniture that you have collected around the room to construct the framework of the fort. Be sure to add space for hallways, doors, and secret passageways within your fort.[2]
  2. Drape blankets over the frames. Once the framework is in place, begin draping the blankets over the frames. Use different blanket weights to create different spaces within the fort.[3]
    • For example, drape sheets over part of the framework to allow light and and air into the fort.
    • Add heavy comforters to parts of the framework to create dark rooms within the fort.
  3. Secure the blankets. Use clothespins or rubber bands to help secure the blankets that are creating the walls and roof of the fort. Large pillows or couch cushions can also be used to secure the blankets by propping them against the forts framework.[1]

Making the Space Comfortable

  1. Create a floor with blankets. Lay blankets down on the floor of the fort for added comfort. Sleeping bags can be added to a portion of the fort to create a bed.[3]
  2. Add pillows for comfort. Carefully place pillows within the fort to create couches, chairs, and beds. Since you will be resting on the floor, multiple pillows will provide comfort to the fort’s guests.[1]
  3. Add lights to the fort. Christmas lights or flashlights are a good addition to any fort. The light will allow for reading or board games within the fort’s structure.[2]
  4. Add a fan to keep the space cool. Place a fan in an opening to the fort to help circulate air throughout the fort. Be careful to not hang any blankets behind the fan.[2]


  • Add snacks or board games for additional fun.
  • Use different heights of chairs in tables to create different rooms and passageways.
  • If you have an electronic device make sure your fort is close to an outlet so you can charge it.


  • Avoid using heavy blankets for the roof.

Things You’ll Need

  • Chairs
  • Blankets
  • Pillows
  • Christmas lights
  • Fan
  • Rubber bands or clothespins
  • Soft toys
  • Comfy mat
  • Entertainment
  • Tables
  • Couches

Sources and Citations