Make a Bubble Snake Maker

Do you have a bored child who has nothing to do? Pull together a quick and easy bubble maker that forms cool bubble snakes using basic items that you'll find in the house.


Assembling the Bubble Maker

  1. Cut the bottom off each bottle. Use scissors to cut across the base of each bottle being turned into a bubble snake maker. Only remove the bottom quarter portion of the bottle so your child will have enough room inside the bottle to blow into the washrag or fabric.
  2. Create a circle on the washcloth or fabric. Cut a large circle that can be placed at the bottom of the bottle and held snugly with the rubber band. The fabric or rag will need to overlap the bottle enough for the band to hold it in place, so cut with plenty of edge left.
    • If you don’t want to cut into your washrag, just make sure it fits comfortably (flat and not bulky) on the bottom of the bottle and is easily held in place by the rubber band.
  3. Cover the bottom of the bottle with the fabric. Secure it with the rubber band. Consider double tying the rubber band to ensure a snug fit; however, avoid crushing the bottle.

Making Bubble Blowing Mixture

  1. Create your own bubble blowing mixture in a small bowl. Consider using small individual plastic bowls for each child (this lessens any chance of fighting to get to the bubble bowl). Homemade bubble mix is made as follows:
    • Combine two parts regular dishwashing liquid (not the type used for automatic dishwashers though) to one part water. The water used can be warm or cold.
    • Gently mix the liquids together without creating froth or bubbles.

Blowing Bubble Snakes

  1. Dip the fabric end of the bubble maker into the soapy water mixture. Allow the fabric to absorb the soap and water without over-soaking the fabric (or it will become heavy and too soggy to create bubbles).
  2. Blow on the other end of the bottle (the mouth) and watch the bubble snake emerge.
    • Instruct children to gently blow in a steady stream to achieve a constant, consistent flow of bubbles.
    • If the fabric becomes too saturated with bubble mixture, remove it, wring out and replace.
  3. Finished. Blow as many bubbles as you wish, adding more bubble mixture if needed.


  • Remind children to blow outward and to not inhale. Inhaling may send soapy water down the child’s throat, which will most likely taste disgusting.
  • Blow bubbles in a grassy area or somewhere non-slippery. Avoid doing this project in an area where the floor could become slippery (soapy water on a slippery floor could create a slip and fall hazard).
  • Keep the bubble solution foam free, as it weakens the bubble structure.
  • You can also use liquid dish soap and water for the bubble mixture. It works just the same, and you can use scented dish soap to make the bubble snake smell nice. Just make sure your kid doesn't eat it.

Things You'll Need

  • An empty 8 ounce water bottle––if you plan to provide multiple bubble makers, locate enough water bottles for each child

  • 1 washcloth per bottle––you can also use terrycloth fabric from the rag bag, but make sure it is big enough to completely cover the bottom of the bottle; a tube sock is another option

  • 1 rubber band per bottle
  • 1 very sharp pair of scissors

Sources and Citations – research source

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