Make a Card for Teacher's Day

Many countries celebrate Teacher's Day- teachers work hard and they deserve to be recognized. While World Teacher's Day is October 5 The date of Teacher's Day is different in every country, and many countries have their own traditions connecting to the history of education in the country.[1] In the United States, Teacher's Day is the first day of Teacher Appreciation Week, which is the first week of May.[2] Some states celebrate their own Teacher's Day apart from Teacher Appreciation Week.[2] If you want to give your teacher a self-made card on Teacher's Day, there are different ways, depending on how much time you have an how much you enjoy crafting.


Using a Printable Teacher's Day Card

  1. Find a card. This may take some time, as there are plenty of cards out there, and you want to find a card that expresses your feelings and is unique.
    • Look for printable cards for teachers online.[3]
    • See if there are printable cards that you can personalize- for example with your teacher's name on it, a certain image and size. [4] That way, even if it's a printed card, it is personal.
    • Pick several cards first, and compare them. If there is more than one card that you like, come up with a top five list.
  2. Pick a card that you like. Once you have narrowed down your selection, you need to pick the card that is going to be your card.
    • Take your time- there are many cards out there, and you want to find just the right one for your teacher!
    • Look at the motive- should it be school-related (a blackboard, or a school building), something timeless (flowers for example), or something funny?
    • Make a generous selection of cards, and then narrow it down step by step until you have one that you like.
  3. Pay for the card (unless it's free, then go to the next step). While most of the printable card designs are free, some are not.
    • Check whether the card is free or not. Most often the website will tell you right away.
    • Decide whether you want to pay for a card. If not, continue looking for free cards.
    • Pay for the card using the safest method possible. If you are under 16, ask your parents first.
  4. Print out the card. After you've picked your card, paid for it (if required) it's time to print it out!
    • Look at your printer and see if all the cartridges are full (this applies only to ink printers).
    • Check on the website whether the printing requires special instructions.
    • Make sure you use the right paper size.
    • Consider using colorful printing paper- this adds an extra touch of fun to your card.
    • Use thicker printing paper- this will give your card the right feel.
  5. Wait for the printed card to dry. Depending on the size of your pictures, how many shades of color there are and your printing paper, it may take a few minutes until the card is dry. While you wait, there are several things you can do.
    • Think about what you could write in the meantime.
    • Look at how much space you have in the card, and whether there is a message inside already.
    • Write your message on a regular piece of paper first.
    • Print out the card several times in case you misspell something, your pen explodes or you don't fold neatly right away.
  6. Slowly fold the card on the dotted lines. This is harder than it looks, so be patient with yourself.
    • Use a ruler to help you fold exactly on the line.
    • Fold several of the cards you've printed out. Folding a card neatly is sometimes hard to get right the first time.
    • Pick the card that came out best.
  7. Write a message for your teacher inside the card! The message is the heart of the card- it makes the card whole, and verbally expresses what the imagery of the card shows.
    • Re-read your draft- does it encompass what you want to say?
    • Decide whether you want to use your draft, or re-write your message.
    • Personalize the card- for example, draw a little flower or a heart inside the card or write your teacher's name with glitter pen!
    • Write something personal on how your teacher has been important for you.
  8. Consider adding a small gift with the card. If you feel that a printed out card is too impersonal, or your teacher has truly gone the extra mile for you, a small token of appreciation can be the extra cherry on top.
    • Think about something small that your teacher would like- this can be a piece of their favorite candy, a pretty flower, their favorite tea or coffee.
    • Look around online. There are many websites with neat, extraordinary ideas.[5]
    • Decide what gift you'd like for your teacher.
    • Wrap your gift or put a bow on it- it's again the gesture that counts.
    • Add the gift to the card.
  9. Deliver the card. This is the final step, and as important as the other steps. You need to decide when and how to deliver the card.
    • Pick a time when your teacher is not too busy, after school is better than before, as they often are still prepping before class.
    • Give them the card (and the gift if you have one).
    • Smile and be friendly- this will only add to your card's message.
    • Ask the administrative staff to put it in her mailbox- this is an option shyer students like to pursue. It gives the teacher privacy when reading the card.

Designing a Photo Card for Your Teacher

  1. Plan ahead of time. During regular school hours, everybody is busy. Hence, it is a good idea to plan ahead of time, if you want to design a photo card for your teacher. Time goes fast, and things can take longer than expected, so be generous when you budget your time.
    • Depending on whether you want to use a photo printing service,[6][7] or whether you need to ask people for photos, start at least two weeks in advance.
    • Compare prices of photo printing services- often you can get good deals if you look around carefully.
    • Look at photo cards online and compare designs- this will make picking one easier for you later.
  2. Find digital pictures. Most people have phone cameras or small digital cameras and take a lot of pictures. Still finding the right ones can be a bit tricky.
    • Look for pictures showing you and your teacher, for example on a field trip, or a school festivity.
    • Check the school website for pictures of you and your teacher.
    • Ask other teachers, your friends and parents if you have trouble finding photos.
  3. Make sure that they are high quality pictures. Even if you end up having a lot of different pictures from different occasions, you have to check them for quality.
    • Check whether you and your teacher are clearly visible and the photo is not blurry.
    • Compare the formats of the digital files and see if they are supported by your program. [8]
    • Print the pictures out- sometimes you cannot tell on a computer screen how they come out printed.
  4. Decide which pictures you want to use in your card. Now that you have come up with a selection of high-quality pictures, you need to decide which ones should actually go into the card's design.
    • Use pictures with as many smiles possible-memories of happy times will put your teacher in a good mood and make them smile!
    • Decide on a number of pictures- too few can make the card look empty, too many will look crowded.
    • Put the printed pictures together for a hand-made collage- this will help you visualize the final product.
  5. Make an electronic collage on your computer. This can take a bit of time and effort. Remember though to have fun with it and use the creative potential these programs harbor.
    • Use a photo software for your collage, such as Photoshop[9], Picasa[10] or iPhoto [11] for example. These are the most common ones, but there are plenty of others, so look around!
    • Consider using an online photo service. Common photo printing services include Snapfish [6] or Shutterfly[7] for example. The downside is that they are not free and it takes time until the printed cards arrive.
  6. Decide whether you want to use a template. There are pros and cons to using templates- if you are not very experienced, or running out of time, a template is a good solution.
    • Both photo software and photo printing services often have pretty templates that will frame your pictures nicely.
  7. Re-arrange the photos in different ways, to see which way looks best. Now that you have discarded the bad quality ones, and picked the pictures you like best, it's time to move towards the final product- re-arranging the pictures.
    • Play around with the different features the software or photo service has.
    • Put a picture of your teacher in the center. The card is for them after all!
      • Make sure the picture shows your teacher in their best angle.
    • Save your card- you might need to print it again later.
  8. Print out the card (this step doesn't apply if you've used a photo service). This is a quick step, but needs to be prepared properly.
    • Ensure that your printer has enough ink cartridges (if you are using an ink printer) or that the toner is full (if you are printing with a laser printer).
    • Use photo paper to print the card. This will make the pictures come out beautifully.
    • Print different sizes of your card to see which looks the best.
  9. Wait five minutes for the pictures to dry. Depending on the size and material you've printed, it can take a little longer. While you wait you can prepare the next steps.
    • Prepare your text for the inside of the card in the meantime.
    • Be creative in your text- try out writing a short poem,[12], or a list of good adjectives spelling out their first and last name.
  10. Fold the card according to your design. This is a simple step, but pay attention to detail!
    • Print out the card several times, in case you fold the wrong way or misspell something.
    • Use a ruler when folding, to be exact- teachers love neatness!
    • Choose the card that looks the best. This is obviously in the eye of the beholder, but pay attention to the overall design. Which card is the most clean looking, and accurate?
  11. Write a message inside. This is the heart of the card- you message should support the pictures, and make your teacher smile.
    • Write a draft first- you don't want to have to cross out words in the card for your teacher!
    • Reference the event(s) shown on the picture when you write the card- this will make your card one-of-a-kind!
  12. Deliver the Card on Teacher's Day! A good delivery rounds off the entire card making operation.
    • Give the card to your teacher either before or after class (after is usually better).
    • Put on a smile and give your teacher the card. This will tell them that something good is coming and put them at ease.
    • Consider asking the school administrative assistant/secretary to put the card in your teacher's mailbox. After a long day, this will make them smile!

Making a Card Following Crafting Instructions

  1. Look for craft instructions for Teacher's Day cards. While there are a lot of crafting ideas and instructions around, finding the right one can be a bit like finding a needle in a haystack.
    • Look online,[13] in books,[14] and magazines.[15][16]
    • Ask friends if they have instructions for designs.
      • Make sure your friends are at roughly the same skill level as you are.
    • Double-check on whether your friends are using their design- you don't want to look like a copy cat.
    • Make a shortlist of about five different designs that you like.
  2. Pick a design that you like. When picking the card that you'd like to make for your teacher, think about different aspects, not just the final product:
    • Think about what your card should express: does the design capture it? Do you want a funny, a sentimental or a happy card?
    • Look at the difficulty level- is it something you can do by yourself?
    • Be honest with yourself and ask for help if it looks too hard.
  3. Make a list of things you need. After you've picked your card, it's time to get to the next step in the planning phase.
    • Read the instructions carefully, and if possible, compare with pictures or videos. [17]
    • See if there are tips and helpful hints in the instructions that you can use.
    • Write the list noting how much of what material you need.
  4. Assemble the things you need. Once you have a list together, assemble your materials- see what you have and get the materials you still need.
    • Take stock of what you already have- sometimes you can use old items you don't need anymore. For example, you could use old crayola stumps to form your teacher's initials on the card.[18]
    • Go to an arts and crafts store to buy what you need - often the sales people have great ideas and can help, too!
  5. Follow the instructions. This can be a bit of a tedious step, but in order to get the design and the card right, be extra diligent when it comes to following the instructions.
    • Read every step carefully to make sure you know what to do.
    • Take notes after you've completed your step- this can help you in the future.
    • Ask someone for help if you are unsure of how you should do something.
  6. Write your card for Teacher's Day! This is one of the most important parts of the card- it verbalizes your appreciation, and underlines the visual message of the card.
    • Write from the heart and be specific: What makes your teacher so special?
    • Think about different ways of expressing your gratitude- a haiku for example, [19] or if it's for your French teacher, try it en français!
  7. Deliver the card. This is the last step, so make sure your delivery is perfect!
    • Deliver the card after school- before school starts, teachers often have a lot of prep-work- you don't want to interrupt!
    • Approach your teacher after class.
    • Smile and say: "This is for you, I made it!"
    • Send your card to school in the mail in a big, brightly colored envelope if you are shy or don't have time to deliver it in person. This will make your teacher feel extra special.

Making a Card from Scratch

  1. Think about what your card should look like. This can be a daunting task- either you have a lot of ideas or none at all. However, you can find inspiration in many places.
    • Be creative- how can you show what you are grateful for? Examples include a cut-out of your hand on colorful paper, apple/potato stamps[20], a pop-up-card- but there are no limits to your ideas!
    • Look online on crafting forums for inspiration- even if you only find what you don't want to do![21] [22]
    • Bounce off ideas with friends or parents- good feedback is always helpful!
  2. Decide on a design. Here you need to be practical and think about what's doable and what is not.
    • Evaluate your artistic abilities and time. What can realistically be accomplished?
    • Think of your teacher first- what would they like? Maybe something that you don't like would appeal to them.
  3. Write a list of what you will need. Now that you've decided on what you'd like to do, think of what you have and what you need and write it down.
    • Look around the house and see what you already have- old paper scraps could be re-purposed for shapes you want to glue to your card, for example.
    • Ask friends and family for old materials they might discard otherwise, such as textile cloths or old crayons.
    • Consider using different materials to layer the card, for example: markers, crayons, glitter, glue, stickers, pens, and paint.
  4. Assemble your materials for the card. Your list is complete, and all you have to do is buy your materials.
    • Go to an arts and craft store instead of ordering materials online. The sales clerks at arts and craft stores create things everyday- they'll be happy to help and give you great tips!
    • Line them up in the order you will need to use them. When you are in the process, preparation will save you time and energy.
  5. Make a draft before starting the final product. This step takes extra time, but it will be worth it in the end. Also, if your draft looks good, you can give it to another teacher!
    • Put effort into the draft- it will give you ideas for the final product and tell you what works and what doesn't.
    • Take notes during your draft- so that you know what worked and what did not.
  6. Write your own instructions. This may seem silly, but it's helpful to you and later to others, should you decide to share your instructions.
  7. Make a step-by-step list of things you need to do. This will help you to not forget anything important.
    • Think about typing up your instructions and sharing them with others!
  8. Make your card. After all the preparations, it's time to make your card. Here is what to keep in mind:
    • Follow your own instructions- to a t! Neatness and precision are essential when it comes to crafting a card for a teacher- it's another way of showing them that their lessons were appreciated.
    • Draw, glue, paint your card.
    • Pay attention to what you are doing- it's easy to make a mistake working with different materials.
  9. Evaluate the final product. You're done! Now it's time to look at your card and see if you like it, and more importantly, if your teacher would like it!
    • Compare it with your draft- what is better, what is worse?
    • Consider making a second card, to have a backup.
  10. Write the card. This is often perceived as the hardest part, as you don't want to be clichéd or trite in your words.
    • Be honest and creative: tell them why they are great, but tell them in your own special way: For example, write your message in a secret code and leave them a clue. [23]
    • Be personal: If there is a special instance when they helped you or were nice mention that. The fact that you remember shows that you pay attention and your teacher will love it.
  11. Deliver the card. On to the home stretch! A beautifully delivered card underlines the content and makes your teacher happy.
    • Hand deliver the card.
    • Deliver the card when your teacher has a free moment and time to appreciate the card- that's after school most of the time.
    • Smile when presenting it to your teacher- this will signal your true intentions to them.
    • Watch your posture and enunciate your words properly- this shows confidence!

Teacher's Day Card Template

Doc:Teacher's Day Card


  • Mean what you say. When you write the card, be specific for what you are grateful.
  • Show them your appreciation by behaving well in class- this will underline your card's content.
  • Avoid using blurry pictures in your card (if you are making the photo card).
  • Remember that the card is a gesture more than anything- so should be the gift (if you decide to add one).
  • Take your time making the card- hastily put together projects do not look good.
  • Take short breaks: if things don't go as planned, this will give you new ideas and avoid frustration.
  • Make the card together with friends- more people have more ideas!
  • Don't forget to have fun- your teacher wouldn't want you to freak out over this.
  • Try to get more inspiration from other places, a book, a magazines or even people, to make a very special card. Also, don't forget to not be shy and to be real with your attention to him/her.


  • Be honest with your intentions. This card is to show your appreciation, not for bumping up your grades.
  • Don't make the card quickly and without putting effort into it- it will show and you will look insincere.
  • Don't spend a lot of money on this. You show your appreciation best by creating something personal.
  • Have supervision when using scissors or other dangerous materials (5 and under).
  • Avoid using clichéd and corny language. Don't talk about how much they care, their passion for teaching or similar sentences they have heard a thousand times.

Things You'll Need

  • Paper
  • Scissors(optional)
  • Glue(optional)
  • A teacher to present it to
  • Classmates(optional)
  • Stickers and decorations
  • A computer (optional)
  • Different types of printing paper (optional)

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Sources and Citations

  1. Jump up
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  6. Jump up to: 6.0 6.1
  7. Jump up to: 7.0 7.1
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  11. Jump up
  12. Jump up
  13. Jump up
  14. Jump up
  15. Jump up
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  17. Jump up
  18. Jump up
  19. Jump up
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