Impress Your Teachers
Teachers. We all think of them as the people that can make or break your grade -- and your life. But in reality, we know that they are regular people, just like us. They go to sleep at night, dream about what they watched on TV, wake up even though they're still exhausted, and then get ready to go to school all day. Whether you love your teacher or hate your teacher, you still hope to impress them. It's always good to stay on their good side, which you can learn to do after the jump.
- Make sure you are neatly dressed. Wash and iron all the clothes you will be wearing to school the next day. Dress uniquely, and most importantly, appropriately. A low cut tank or pants that are falling down to your knees may look cool to other peers, but not to your teachers. Think about what will get you further in life - impressing students or impressing teachers. Brush your hair, wash your face, and shower.
- Arrive at school on time. Don't be late, because in some schools if you're tardy too many times you get a detention, or you even get cut from the class. Being tardy to school shows irresponsibility, so aim for being early. If you happen to be late one time, don't make up excuses. Teachers can see through the acts - they've had to deal with tardy kids giving excuses for years.
- Make small talk with your teacher because they are people, too. Just say a friendly "Hello, how was your weekend?" and talk a little bit about yourself, too. Teachers will be a bit friendlier to you if they know you're not just trying to get a good grade from them. Hold the door open for your teacher, and say hello in the hallways when you pass them. Never badmouth your teacher in public, no matter how much you dislike them. You never know who could have also been listening, and if the wrong person hears, word will get back to your teacher.
- Arrive to class prepared. Be prepared for anything. Bring at least two pencils, two pens, an eraser, highlighter, post-it notes, loose-leaf paper, textbooks, and binders.Sharp your Pencils, Clean your erasers and prepare other things as well. Remember to bring any other specific things your teacher asks you to bring every day, such as a calculator for math or a ruler for science. You should remember this important fact as well because you must take notes on whatever the teacher is saying or referring to so once you take notes, you can understand things better and it also encourages you to study. When you study, you can ace tests and get an A all the time and your teacher will be very pleased.
- Sit at the front of the classroom whenever possible. This will prevent you from fooling around during class, and it helps you focus better than if you were in the back. Studies show that generally teachers tend to prefer the kids that sit up front, because those kids have the self-control not to fool around. Sit up straight and don't slouch. This gives your teacher the impression that you care and are there to learn. If you can't see the board, consider glasses or contact lenses.
- Improve School Attendance Only miss class when you really need to (i.e. chronically ill, high fever, surgery, family issues...etc.). Go out of your way to tell your teacher in advance and explain why you couldn't make it. Get the class notes, assignments, and homework from friends in the class and make up all the work. Remember to show everything you did to your teachers when you get back.
- Pay attention in class. While the teacher is talking, make eye contact, look at the board, and take notes - even if your teacher doesn't ask you to. Highlight, underline, or circle anything your teacher stresses or repeats in your notes. Clear away all distractions. Turn your mobile phone off, don't pass notes, don't listen to your iPod, or talk to people near you when the teacher is talking. If this is hard for you, it may help if you sit away from your friends.
- Participate. Ask related questions and make comments on what your teacher is talking about. Aim to participate at least three times per class a day. Don't dominate a class discussion - teachers aren't looking for attention hogs. They want everyone to participate. Don't be afraid to ask the teacher to stop and go over a topic again. Most teachers will respect you for admitting that you didn't understand everything.
- Stay after class to get help. This is especially useful to do in the days before a big test or exam. If you felt very confused during class then devote at least half an hour after school to pop into your classroom and ask for a recap and explanation on what was discussed in class earlier. Remember to ask in advance if you can stay after, because your teacher may need to go somewhere immediately after school/class.
- Do your homework. Homework can be a big chunk of your grade, and one big assignment can raise or lower your final grade for the class. Manage your time, and do your homework as early as possible. If you ever happen to forget to do your homework, then do it, and turn it in as soon as possible. Even if you don't get any points for turning it in early, you will have gained a degree of respect from your teacher, and you will know the material a little better.
- Help your teacher with community services like fixing the desks or putting the books in order. Ask if she needs help on anything.
- Be friendly to others, never give them the opportunity to tell on you to a teacher. Don't pick on people. Don't be mean. Help new kids find their way to class. Being a nice person helps your reputation with everyone, not just teachers.
- Make sure you are participating in extra activities, such as sports, music, and drama.
- Show your teachers how much you appreciate them. You can try giving them a small gift or writing them a thank you note.
Sample Thank You Notes
Doc:Thank You Note to Elementary School Teacher,Thank You Note to Middle School Teacher,Thank You Note to High School Teacher
- Try to approach them with a good attitude and make sure you are not making bad impressions.
- Ask to help with class work like passing out papers, collecting papers, etc. This makes the teachers think your a helpful student and may even get you extra credit.
- If your teacher is doing something, offer to help. It might just get you student of the month!
- Learn more about your teacher from other students who have already had the teacher. This way, you can know the teacher's specific likes and dislikes.
- Don't just sit in the back and look clueless. If you are doing your work and turning in assignments on time you are halfway there.
- When teachers are grading you for attendance and participation, they'll have a clearer image of your presence in class, because you'll have been at the same seat all semester or year.
- Address them in the halls. Ask them how they are or just say hello. Always be polite.
- Make them laugh! Even if they seem to be stuck up, find out what makes them laugh. always say a new joke every time. *Remember that if you try to understand and respect your teacher, they will respect and try to understand you. '"Don't misbehave in their period and don't say bad things about any teacher to that teacher.
- If an aspect of your class or a specific figure you are learning about seems to interest you, research them. If a figure or topic is especially interesting and exciting to your teacher you should really do some extra research on them. You can have mutual interests with your teachers. Just because they are in an authoritative position doesn't mean you can't share common interests. Discuss these topics with your teacher. They will appreciate your interests and enjoy discussing subjects they are passionate about to a receptive audience.
- Be careful when you hang out with those who have bad grades. Their influence may cause your grades to drop as well.
- Speak to your teacher using mature vocabulary.
- Don't ask teachers how old they are. It is considered rude.
- Try talking about science or social studies outside the classroom. It might impress them.
- If you are having trouble or need to increase your grade you should stop by during their free period or after school when there is time to talk. Schedule an appointment if you need to or ask for a pass to come back during lunch or a study period. Ask if there is extra credit you could do or discuss the areas that you are unclear on. They will appreciate your interest in doing well (teaching you well is their art and craft).
- If you have a choice in the matter, sit in the same general area every single day.
- Say how good their lesson was. They love it.
- Do not interrupt when another student is talking.
- Be friendly with teacher. Avoid loose talking.
- Stay back in class and have a little conversation with he/her so that way they know you better!
- Give them a gift on special occasion. Not EVERY day... But just like for Christmas,on eid ,,teacher's day or for a maternity leave.
- Be a polite student and smile a lot.
- Do not ignore your teacher. It is one of the worst things that would definitely makes your grades go down!
- Always smile at school. your smile can brighten other's day up. try to do your best. teachers would be very impressed, as long as they know that you have raised really hard.
- Don't talk with other students during a lecture. Always listen to the lecture carefully, as it makes a good impression on teachers.
- If other kids think you're a 'teacher's pet' or etc, who cares? Who cares about them? Don't put your guard down; you're the one that the teacher will like and you'll succeed in life. Not those people who are rude and stuck up.
- When helping the teacher on your own time, get one of your best friends to help you. This prevents awkward silences. But make sure not to tell everybody because then a bunch of other people will want to help too and will get in the way of the teacher-student bonding.
- Be prepared to be called a "teacher's pet," "suck up," "goody-two-shoes," or "know it all." If you are called a name, just try to ignore it.
Things You'll Need
- Class Supplies (Pens, Pencils, Notebooks, etc.)
- Textbooks.
- A book to read if you finish early.
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