Make a Charm Ring
This easy project allows for a lot of creativity and individual expression. The cost of the materials can be very inexpensive if you use silver plated rings and glass beads. But you can find versions in jewelry stores using gold and semiprecious stones which sell for hundreds of dollars!
- Make the jump rings. Jump rings are available for purchase but it is easy to make them yourself. Create Jewelry Through Wire Wrapping around a pencil as many times as the number of jump rings you need. Remove wire from the pencil. Use the wire cutter to cut across the top of the loops. Leave the ends of each jump ring open so you can slip on the charms.
- If you have jump rings already, see Open a Jump Ring.
- Whenever you're cutting wire, there's always the chance of a piece flying into your face. Use eye protection.
- Spread out the beads and charms so that you can see each piece clearly. If you're using seed beads, see Work with Seed Beads.
- Make the charms. Put two or three beads on one head pin. Twist the end of the pin around the narrow part of the needle nose pliers. Use flat nosed pliers to grasp the wire end, and wrap it around the base of the loop three times. Trim close to the loop.
- Place three Open Italian Charms on each jump ring and join the jump ring to the beading ring band. Use the wire tools to firmly close each jump ring.
- These make great gifts; personalize them for your friends using their favorite colors and charms.
Things You'll Need
- Sterling silver ring band with beading holes (also called a cluster ring shank - or make your own with wire)
- Wire tools (small wire cutter, small flat nosed pliers, small round nosed pliers - available at local hardware stores or craft stores.
- Sturdy jump rings or 14 gauge silver wire to make your own jump rings by using a small cylindrical object to wrap wire around (e.g. pencil)
- Glass beads, charms, and semi-precious beads
- Small silver beads, silver head pins (the pins should be narrow enough to go through the bead holes.)
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Sources and Citations
- This tutorial comes from Make Your Own Rings, where there are many other projects and technical information available for viewing. Shared here with permission.