Make a Coffee Scrub Mask for Glowing Skin

Have noticed that your skin has lost its glow and softness? If you'd like to bring back that missing sparkle to your face, this easy, non-expensive, and very powerful coffee scrub mask can help.


  • 3 tablespoon coffee grounds
  • 1 tablespoon virgin coconut oil
  • 1 tablespoon raw honey


  1. Pull your hair out of your face. This will prevent the mask from getting into your hair. With a hair tie, pull your hair into a bun or ponytail. Using a headband for extra protection is also a good idea.
  2. Wash your hands. Tons of germs and bacteria are on our hands from touching things throughout the day. Using a hand soap of your preference, lather it up between your hands and rinse it off.
  3. Clean your skin. Cleaning your skin before a facial is crucial since it makes the mask work its magic more effectively. Wash your skin by using a face wash made specifically for your skin type and massage it into your skin with circular motions. Once you have massaged your skin for about a minute or two, you can now rinse off and pat dry.
  4. Make the scrub. In a small bowl, add coffee grounds, coconut oil, and honey. Mix the ingredients together with a spoon until well combined.
  5. Use the scrub. With your hands, scoop some of the mixture and begin to work it into your skin in a circular motion. However, don't rub too hard as this may damage your skin in the long run. Exfoliate your forehead, nose, cheeks, chin, and neck for 20-30 seconds in each area, but don't overdo it.
  6. Rinse off the scrub. After exfoliating your face, rinse the scrub off your face with cold water to close your pores, making sure there is no leftover scrub on your face.
  7. Apply a moisturizer. Using a facial moisturizer that suits your skin type, warm the moisturizer in your hands by rubbing your hands together. Then, press the palms of your hands against your face. This method helps absorb products better rather than rubbing the cream into your skin.
  8. For best results, do this scrub every one to two weeks. Remember that you won't see drastic results immediately―it takes time, so don't get discouraged.


  • Store your scrub in a container to save for later or give it to a loved one as a gift.
  • Substitute coconut oil for another oil that's good for your skin, such as avocado oil, castor oil, olive oil, or almond oil.
  • Remove your makeup properly before doing this.
  • Add more coffee grounds if the consistency is too runny.


  • Rinse your eyes out with water if the scrub happens to get into your eyes as it may irritate your eyes.
  • Don't exfoliate your skin too often as this may do more harm than good to your skin.

Things You'll Need

  • measuring spoons
  • spoon
  • bowl
  • face wash
  • headband
  • hair tie
  • towel
  • facial moisturizer
  • hand soap

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