Make a Crib Sheet

By making your own crib sheets, you can easily and inexpensively provide a safe and comfortable sleeping environment for your baby. You can also customize the crib sheet to complement any color scheme or design theme in the baby's room. This article explains how to make a crib sheet.


  1. Pre-wash the fabric. This allows for any shrinkage before you start cutting the fabric to sew the crib sheet.
  2. Cut a piece of fabric to measure 70 inches by 45 inches (1.78 m by 1.14 m).
  3. Cut a 9-inch (22.86 cm) square from each corner of the fabric.
  4. Fold the fabric over diagonally, with right sides facing each other, and pin the 9-inch (22.86 cm) sides together to form the first corner of the crib sheet.
    • Sew a narrow seam. Reinforce the seam by sewing a second seam over the first one. Repeat the process until all 4 corners have been sewn.
  5. Fold and press under the edges all the way around the entire crib sheet. Sew the hem in place with a zig-zag stitch.
  6. You will need 4 feet (1.22 m) of elastic, cut into 4 1-foot (.3 m) lengths. Fold one piece of elastic in half. Sew it to the center of the first corner seam.
    • Use a zig-zag stitch to sew the elastic from the center of the corner, stretching the elastic while sewing the zig-zag seam. Sew the other half of the elastic in the same way.
  7. Sew the elastic to the remaining 3 corners of the crib sheet.


  • Use a sturdy, but soft, woven fabric that washes well since crib sheets need to be washed frequently. 100% cotton is a good choice.
  • Babies generally sleep in their cribs about 16-17 hours each day. Your baby's crib should be the most comfortable, safest, and cleanest place in your home.
  • Always have more than one crib sheet available so you can change sheets as needed.
  • Babies often have accidents at the most inconvenient times, and often in the middle of the night. Keep extra crib sheets near the crib where you can get to them easily and quickly when you need to change your baby's bedding.
  • Always wash your baby's bedding in a hot water cycle to eliminate germs, dust mites, other allergens, and stains. Use laundry detergent that has been formulated specifically for babies in order to avoid harsh chemicals, dyes, and perfumes.


  • Check the fit of the crib sheet as you put it back on your baby's mattress after each washing because washing can cause the crib sheet to shrink and it can also weaken the elastic. Improperly fitted crib sheets can pose safety risks.
  • Do not use adult-sized sheets or loosely fitting crib sheets in a crib as they have been implicated in reports of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) caused by suffocation.

Things You'll Need

  • Cotton or flannel fabric
  • Matching thread
  • Sewing machine
  • Scissors
  • Iron
  • Straight pins
  • 4 feet (1.22 m) of elastic, cut into 4 1-foot (.3 m) lengths

Sources and Citations

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