Make a Disposable Razor Last Longer

If you choose to use a disposable razor, they seem to get dull after a few uses (especially if shaving facial stubble). Here are some steps to get more uses out of them!


  1. Always dry your razor after being used
    • Dry it with a hair dryer
    • Shake it or blot it against a towel
  2. Store your razor blades in rubbing alcohol
  3. Sharpen your razor using blue jeans
    1. Run the razor (away from you), the length of a pair of old jeans, about 10-20 times
      • Not much pressure is needed
    2. Turn the razor and push the razor toward you another 10-20 times


  • The #1 reason blades dull so quickly is due to oxidization of the metal. Keeping it dry prevents this and your blade will last months instead of days.
  • You may get 3-5 times more use out of your razor by using one of these methods!
  • Use an old pair of blue jeans, as it will distress them eventually
  • If storing your razor in rubbing alcohol, make sure that it is NOT the 70% rubbing alcohol you normally have. The water content will actually make your blade rust faster!


  • Using a dull blade can cause cuts and ingrown hairs, be sure to keep it sharp or dispose of it when needed

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