Make a Granny Knot

This knot is much like a square knot (also known as the reef knot). However, the difference lies in the fact that a granny knot won't stay done up, so it's not one to use when you want to the knot not to come undone. You can tell that you have a granny knot by the ends leaving perpendicular to the working line.


  1. Hold the two ends of the line you wish to join, and hold one in each hand.
  2. Loop the left end over the right, like a simple overhand knot.
  3. Turn the ends toward each other, and loop the left end over the right as before.
  4. Adjust the knot. The ends should be perpendicular to the load-bearing part of the line.
  5. Know what to use a granny knot for. Be aware that this knot is prone to slipping open and should not be used in any situation requiring strength or holding weight. It's good for teaching small children how to tie knots and it's good for loose knots for playing games or temporarily holding craft or other items in place before glue, staples or nails are put into place, etc. It can also be used for tying together parcels, adding hair ribbons to hair, tying on bandages and for shoelaces.


  • If you want to tie a square or reef knot, use the same end of the line to go "over" the other end. These instructions use the opposite ends by using the left twice. A square knot uses the left, then the right or vice versa.


  • Do not let a sailor see you tie this knot. Lectures and knot lessons are bound to follow. However, it can be used to attach pennants to sails.
  • A granny knot will not hold under load, so do not trust this knot for such a purpose. The best use would be decorative.

Things You'll Need

  • Rope or string to practice on

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