Make a Horse Hair Bracelet
Making jewelry from Horsehair can be a fun way to honor your horse. Instead of buying one, you can make one yourself, which makes it even more personal.
- Collect tail hair from the horse(s) you want to use. If you have hair from different horses in different colours, you can make a pattern. Take the long ones, about an inch in diameter. Hold them together with a rubber band.
- Wash the hairs with shampoo. It's VERY important that the hairs are clean when you use them. However, don't use conditioner! Let the hairs dry on themselves afterwards.
- Go to a crafts store. examples are AC Moore, Michael's or JoAnn's Fabrics. here they sell findings to attach the ends.
- Take carpet thread that matches the colour of the hairs. Wrap it tightly and use glue around it to make it hold.
- Decide what kind of braid you want. If you practice before, use the same techniques. If you ever braided a lanyard, the same technique works. Also round braids work.
- Attach the finding to the end of the bound hair. Put glue in the findings, press the hair in and squeeze shut with small pliers. Tie the finding to something sturdy to keep the braid tight.
- Braid.
- When reaching the end, tie it up. Do the same to apply the other finding.
- If you spray the braid with hairspray, it will stick together better and shine as well.
- Trim the hairs that stick out of the braid with scissors.
- Try not to rush for the best effect
- Make sure you do it tight so wisps don't come out.
- If it doesn't work the first time, don't lose hope.
- Be careful to not scratch the metal of your finding with the pliers.