Make Bracelets out of Plastic Six Pack Rings

These little things aren't very hard to make and aren't a big deal, but they are unique and will make you look like a trendsetter who can take what everyone else throws into the trash into something cute and pretty!


  1. Pull the bottles or cans out of the plastic six pack rings, but make sure to not break the rings.
  2. Cut the rings apart. You may want to trim the outside of each ring to make them smooth.
  3. Decorate each ring with fabric, sequins, buttons or whatever takes your fancy, and stretch one (or more) over your hand and onto your wrist.
  4. You can pick your favorite color or any design you want.
  5. Enjoy your rocking bracelet/s.


  • Try coloring them with Sharpie Markers for a more colorful and fun appearance! (Just be sure that they are dry before you put them on!)
  • Try using sharpies or plastic paints to decorate your new bracelets.
  • These are meant to be the type of bracelets you don't take off, day or night, until you cut them off. So wear them for a while.
  • You can write anything that you want around the edge.
  • The bracelets can be for a friend or someone special.
  • Tell your friends how to make them if they ask. Let your trend go around the school.
  • If the inside of the ring is a little sharp and hurts your wrist, take off the bracelet by cutting it, and make a new one. But this time, before you put it on, pull a pen-knife along the inside of the ring until it becomes smooth.


  • Please use scissors to cut up the extra rings before you throw them away. Many garbage trucks spill trash during travel and if those rings fall into a water-body (pond, lake etc) they will choke, cut, or trap the animals there. It kills many, so please cut up the rings before you discard them in the trash.

Things You'll Need

  • Plastic six-pack rings
  • Scissors
  • Sharpies (optional, for decoration)

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