Make a Jesse Tree
A Jesse tree is a tree set up during Celebrate Advent. The term comes from Isaiah 11:1, where the birth of Jesus is prophesied. Each day, you put a symbolic ornament onto the tree and read the related Scripture passage. All of the readings tell the story of Jesus and his heritage, starting from Adam and Eve and finishing at his birth. You can start on the fourth Sunday before Christmas, or you can start on December 1st.
Choosing a Tree
- Ensure that the tree is large and strong enough for the ornaments. Regardless of the type of tree you chose, it needs to be able to fit all of your ornaments. It also needs to be sturdy enough to hold them up, especially if you are planning on using dimensional ornaments as opposed to paper print-outs.
- Use a Christmas tree if you want to be traditional. It can be a full-sized tree or a miniature tree. It can be real or it can be fake. If it's a full-sized tree, you can add the rest of your ornaments, garlands, and decorations to it on Christmas Eve. This will keep it from looking too bare, and it will help make it look more Christmas tree-like.
- Consider adding some Christmas lights to your tree. Use white for something simple, or purple for Advent. You can also add multicolor lights on Christmas Eve instead.
- Use a tree branch if you want to be symbolic. Find a 2 to 3-foot (60.96 to 91.44-centimeter) tall bare branch with lots of twigs and no leaves. Fill a pot or bucket with sand, pebbles, or soil, then stick the base of the branch into it. If you want to, you can cover the top of the pot or bucket with green fabric to hide the filling.
- Consider painting the branch with white spray paint, then sprinkling silver or iridescent glitter onto it.
- Suspend a large branch from the ceiling for something more unique. Get a 2 to 3-foot (60.96 to 91.44-centimeter) tall branch. Tie fishing line to the top and bottom ends of the branch, then use it to hang the branch from hooks on your ceiling. The branch will hang horizontally 1 to 2 feet (30.48 to 60.96 centimeters) down from your ceiling, like a mobile.
- You can use a bare branch or a pine branch.
- Make a banner out of felt. Cut a tree shape with lots of branches and no leaves out of brown felt. Glue it onto a large sheet of green felt that is 24 inches (60.96 centimeters) wide and 36 inches (91.44 centimeters) tall. Let the glue dry, then pin the banner to your wall, or hang it from a cord with clothespins. Make matching ornaments out of felt, then secure them to the tree with Velcro.
- Make a paper tree out of poster paper or construction paper. Draw tree on poster paper or cut one out of green poster paper. Pin or tape the tree to your wall. Draw the symbols onto paper, then cut them out. Attach them to the tree with double-sided tape.
- If you are drawing a tree, be sure to paint it green!
- If you can't draw, find suitable symbols on the computer, then print them out.
- Can't find green poster paper? Paint regular poster paper (or even cardboard) green. Let it dry, then cut the tree out.
Making the Ornaments
- Choose your Scripture passages and symbols. You will need 24 Scripture passages, one for each day of Advent. The passages should tell the story leading up to Jesus' birth, starting from the beginning, with Adam and Eve.
- If you are having troubles finding Scripture passages, search online for recommended ones.
- If you are having troubles finding a symbol, you can find ideas online.
- Read through your list of Scripture passages, and pick out a meaningful or important object from it.
Once you have selected your passages, read through them and try to find symbols to represent them. For example, you can use the Earth or an apple to represent Adam and Eve. Most stories will have several symbols to choose from.
- Make simple paper ornaments. You can find suitable images online and print them out, or you can draw the images yourself. Be sure to use sturdy paper, such as cardstock or poster paper, however. Cut the images out, then punch a hole through the top. Thread some colorful string or fishing line through the hole, then tie it into a loop.
- Laminate the ornaments to make them last longer.
- If you are making this for a paper tree, place double-sided tape on the back of the ornament.
- Use construction paper to make more colorful ornaments. Trace the basic shape of your symbol onto colored construction paper, then cut it out. Cut smaller shapes out of other colors and glue them on top for the detail For example, if you could cut a circle out of blue paper for the Earth, then glue continents cut from green paper on top.
- Punch a hole through the top of each ornament, then thread string through it so that you can hang it.
- If this is for a paper tree, stick double-sided tape on the back of each ornament.
- Make felt or fabric ornaments for banner trees. If you made your tree out of felt, you can make matching ornaments out of felt or fabric. Begin by cutting circles out of felt. Cut the basic shapes out of felt or fabric, then glue them onto the felt. Add details using smaller pieces of felt, embroidery, glitter glue, or puff paint. Stick some Velcro (the hook side) onto the back of the ornament. You don't need to put any Velcro on the tree because the Velcro that's already on the ornament will stick to it.
- If you are making these for a regular tree, use a yarn needle to thread some thin ribbon through the top of the ornament. Tie the ribbon into a loop, then hang the ornament.
- Make clay ornaments if you have lots of time. Try to use a lightweight, air-dry clay, such as foam clay or paper clay. Sculpt the ornaments, then let them dry. Once they are dry, you can paint them with acrylic paints. The ornaments can be flat or three-dimensional. Try to make them no bigger than your thumb, or they will be too heavy for your tree.
- Use a skewer to poke a hole in the top of each flat ornament. Once the clay and paint dry, thread some string through it.
- Push a small hook into the top of a 3D ornament while the clay is still wet. Use a loop of string to hand the ornament. You may need to glue the hook back in if it falls out.
- Use found objects for complex or organic ornaments. For some ornaments, it would make more sense to use a pre-made item. This includes symbols such as a pair of rings, a bunch of grapes, a piece of wheat, and so forth.
- You will need to add a hook or looped thread to the existing items so that you can hang them on your tree.
Plastic animals, such as doves, sheep, or lions can also be used. This is also a good option for those who don't have a lot of time on their hands to make 24 ornaments.
- Modify existing items into ornaments. Take a look at the items around your home. Do any of them look like one of the symbols that you want to use? For example, a Styrofoam ball can serve as a nice base for a globe to represent God the Father and Creation. Simply paint the ball blue, then add green continents on it.
- Remember to add hooks or looped pieces of thread to the items so that you can hang them.
Another option would be to take a blue ornament, then paint green continents onto it.
- Make the ornaments from scratch using craft items. This is a little more involved, but a great option for those who are creative or artistic. Use items around your house to make the ornaments, such as cotton balls, pipe cleaners, sticks, fabric, and so forth. For example:
- Use pipe cleaners and cotton balls to make a rainbow for Noah's ark.
- Cut a piece of colorful fabric into a coat shape for Joseph and his coat of many colors.
- Sheep can be made from cotton balls, black pompoms, and tiny googly eyes.
- Remember to leave holes in the items so that you can slip string or hooks through them.
Using the Jesse Tree
- Set up your tree. Place your tree someplace where it will be noticeable. If it is a small tree, you could put it on the mantle or table; if it's a larger one, you can put it in the corner of the room. If you made a paper or felt tree, you could hang it up on the wall behind the table or above the mantle. If it's a hanging branch, consider hanging it right above your table.
- Read one Scripture story each day. The stories generally start at the beginning, with the story of Creation, and end with the birth of Christ. Advent begins on the fourth Sunday before Christmas, but many people prefer to make things easier by starting on December 1st.
- Hang the ornament related to the story on the Jesse tree. If the ornament is too heavy for the tree, you can lay it at the base instead, right against the trunk. You can also hang the ornament up first, before reading the Scripture.
- Consider having a discussion afterwards. This is a great option for families with young children. Ask the children questions about the Scripture that was read. They can be as simple as asking them what happened or what someone's name was. They can be more complex and ask about symbolism and deeper meanings.
- For very young children, consider reading stories from a children's bible. They will be simpler and easier for the children to understand.
- Have an ornament crafting day. You can also have people make multiples of one ornament, then exchange them at the end of the day.
- Have crafting days on each Sunday during Advent where you make ornaments to use the following week.
Things You'll Need
- Christmas tree, branch, paper, or felt (Jesse tree)
- Paper, felt, or craft supplies (ornaments)
- Scripture passages
Sources and Citations
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