Make a Knife out of a Filter Cigarette

This article will teach you how to make a very sharp knife out of a filter cigarette. Read carefully; you might be surprised.


  1. Remove the paper which is around the filter. It might be hard, but remember to keep the "cotton" (which is not cotton, but a non-degradable plastic called cellulose acetate). That's what we will use.

  2. Burn the end of the "cotton" with a lighter. At once you see it's getting burned and taking fire, blow out the flame as fast as you can and take the filter down onto a hard surface.

  3. Use the lighter's end to press on the "cotton".

  4. Drag the lighter against your melted "cotton" to flatten it into an edge, so the "cotton" becomes hard/sharp. This must be done quickly.


  • Do your homework! Practice on this lesson, and read the "Warnings" field.
  • The first time you do this, you might just want to burn it and blow out the flame and wait for a little while. Just feel on it. It's hard as a rock, eh?
  • It's not an inferno if you miss the first time; the "cotton" just becomes hard very fast. If you're not happy with the results, burn it again and do the same thing.


  • Don't pick up cigarette filters from the ground for this.
  • Don't burn yourself.

Things You'll Need

  • Filter from a cigarette (Cut it off. You need only the filter.)
  • A lighter
  • Something hard (a table, stone, etc.)

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