Make a Lavender Insect Repellent

If you like spending time outdoors or leaving your windows open, you may find that you have bug bites or attract insects into your home. Bugs can be pesky and cause uncomfortable bites, but using a repellent can keep them at bay. You might want to use a natural insect repellent made with lavender instead of a commercial product containing chemicals. By making a spray or using other products such as sachets or candles and considering other natural repellents, you can repel bugs and enjoy the outdoors.


Making Lavender Repellants

  1. Prepare a lavender soap. Make soap out of lavender essential oil. Washing your body with the soap can deter bugs from attacking you.[1]
    • Purchase a plain liquid Castile soap and lavender essential oil, both of which you can purchase at many health stores and large retailers.[1]
    • Add 10-15 drops of essential oil to the Castile soap and mix well.[1]
    • Wash with the soap either every day or before you go outside.
  2. Dab a lavender oil moisturizer on your skin. Apply a small amount of lavender essential oil to your skin, or even that of your pet. This may be all you need to keep insects away from yourself.[1]
    • Use a carrier oil to dilute the essential oil so that it doesn’t irritate your skin. Examples of carrier oils include sweet almond oil, apricot kernel oil, avocado oil, olive oil, and sesame oil.[2]
    • Put 1-2 drops of lavender essential oil into each ounce of carrier oil you use.[2] You can increase this amount as you tolerate it.[2]
    • Use 10-25 drops of lavender essential oil with {{safesubst:#invoke:convert|convert}} vegetable oil and {{safesubst:#invoke:convert|convert}} aloe vera gel as an alternative.[2]
    • Consider using these as body moisturizers and an alternative to soap.
    • Place a dab on your pet’s collar to repel ticks.[2]
  3. Try lavender and apple cider vinegar. Combine lavender essential oil and apple cider vinegar in a container. Apply a small amount to your skin or clothing to keep bugs at bay.[2]
    • Mix 25 drops lavender essential oil with ¼ cup organic apple cider vinegar. You can also use water if the smell of the vinegar is too strong.[2]
  4. Purchase or make lavender sachets or pillows. If you prefer to not put anything on your skin, consider using lavender sachets or pillows. These can help repel bugs around areas in which you may be.[3]
    • Make lavender sachets or pillows by putting dried lavender into little cloth bags or small pillowcases. You can either buy dried lavender or dry some from a plant you may have.
    • Many health food and home goods stores sell already made lavender sachets and pillowcases.
    • Place the sachets or pillowcases in cupboards, chests, or even around your bedroom. In addition to repelling insects, it will give the spaces a fresh smell.[3]
  5. Mix a lavender spray. Spraying lavender on areas that may attract bugs, such as your bedroom or on patio furniture may detract bugs and give the area a pleasant scent. Mixing lavender essential oil with distilled water in a spray bottle can make application of this repellent easy and quick.[3]
    • Add 30-40 drops of your lavender essential oil to 1.5 ounces of distilled water in a clean spray bottle.[4] The amount of essential oil you use will depend on how strong you want the scent.[4]
    • You can also make a spray using dried lavender. Boil 3-4 cups of distilled water and {{safesubst:#invoke:convert|convert}} of dried lavender. Allow the mixture to cool and strain out the plant. Put it in a spray bottle and use as you like.[5]
    • Mist the spray wherever you’d like to repel bugs. Make sure to not douse bed linens or clothing with the spray.[3]
  6. Rub lavender flowers on your skin. Rub lavender flowers that you have at home or purchase on your skin before after you shower. This may keep insects from attacking you.[5]
    • Rub the flowers to hot parts of your body that can help circulate scent such as your neck, underarms, and behind your ears.[5]
  7. Plant lavender in your garden. If you have a garden at your home or even have a balcony at an apartment, plant some lavender. Not only can it beautiful your garden, but it may also keep insects from coming near your home.
  8. Leave saucers of lavender oil in strategic places. Placing saucers of lavender oil in strategic areas can repel insects from indoor and outdoor spaces.[3] Consider using this method if you want to avoid applying anything to your skin.
    • Use 30-40 drops of lavender essential oil per 1.5 ounces of distilled water that you want to use in trays.
    • Fill the trays with the mixture and put in spaces that attract a lot of insects.[3]

Trying Other Natural Repellents

  1. Consider commercially-produced natural repellents. Many companies are increasingly offering insect repellents that don’t contain chemicals. Considering trying one of these natural products, which are as effective as natural products you can make using lavender.[5]
    • Companies such as California Baby, Buzz Away, and Bite Blocker offer natural, non-chemical, non-toxic and hypoallergenic insect repellents.[5]
    • Ask your doctor or pharmacist for recommendations for natural bug repellents that you can buy.
  2. Wear a repellent band or clip on device. Recent studies have shown that using a plastic bracelet or clip-on device that diffuse natural insect repellents are effective at keeping bugs from attacking you.[6]
    • Wristbands allow you to wear a repellent at all times and provide protection within a radius of a foot or two. Clip-on devices will either attach to a belt, or even a chair if you prefer to not have it on you.[6]
    • Buy wristband and devices and pharmacies, large retailers, and health food stores.
  3. Burn a citronella candle. Studies have shown that citronella candles may reduce insect bites.[7] Burn citronella candles in areas that you will be to keep bugs at bay.
    • Buy a candle with a concentration of citronella that is 5-10%.[7]
    • Make sure to burn the candle for as long as you are outside or in an area where there are a lot of bugs because the oils can evaporate quickly and lose efficacy, leaving you unprotected.[7]
  4. Wear long sleeves and pants. If you’re going to be in an area infested with bugs or outside for longer periods of time, wear loose, long-sleeved shirts and pants. This may keep insects from attacking you.[8]
    • Wear moderately thick fabric so that bugs cannot bite through material.[8]
  5. Control the environment around you. Certain environmental factors can deter insects or keep them at bay. From using fans to filling puddles, you can make the environment around you unappetizing for insects.[8]
    • Place window, overhead, or standing fans around your home. Many insects have a difficult time navigating in the wind.[8]
    • Get rid of any standing water in your yard that can attract insects and promote breeding. This includes emptying birth baths and filling puddles.[8]
  6. Forget zappers and ultrasonic devices. Studies have shown that most bug zappers and ultrasonic devices don’t work. In fact, they may kill bugs beneficial to birds and your garden.[8]
    • Scientists have not done enough research on insect traps, which mimic a breathing animal or person. In addition, these devices can be loud as they run on a gas powered engine.[8]


  • You’ll need to consistently reapply natural repellents, especially if you go swimming.


  • Be aware of any contra-indications associated with lavender essential oil.
  • Avoid using essential oil preparations on babies, toddlers or children without getting professional medical advice first.

Things You'll Need

  • Spray bottle or container
  • Lavender essential oil
  • Distilled water
  • Castile soap
  • Carrier oil

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Sources and Citations

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