Make a Metal Sword Without a Forge

This article will show you how to make a sword without using a forge.


  1. Find a metal strip. Using a permanent marker, outline the shape of your sword (blade and handle). Make a creative and unique design.
  2. Use a bench grinder or a metal file to grind the metal to the desired shape. If you have a plasma cutter or cutting torch, cut out the shape first - or use a drill press to cut the part out and make it easier to grind down to the shape you want it to be, then roughly sharpen it.
  3. Use fine grit sandpaper or a knife sharpener. Use the fine grit knife sharpener to develop the sharpest edge possible.
  4. Optional: Tape the handle or grind a piece of wood down to whatever shape you want the handle to be. Next, cut it in half. Drill holes through the wood and metal handle. Put a nail through it and cut it where it sticks out about half of a centimeter then hit it with something like a punch on the end of the nail to flatten out the part that is sticking out, this secures the wooden handle.
  5. Enjoy your custom made sword!


  • Do not sharpen it completely until handle is on. You never know when you have to grab the blade to do work on the handle so sharpening should be last!
  • Use a palm sander to make the blade shine, if it doesn't already.


  • Don't hurt anybody!

Things You'll Need

  • Fine sandpaper
  • Bench grinder
  • Palm sander
  • Metal strip
  • Tape (optional)
  • Permanent marker

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