Make a Mini Bow and Arrows

So you want a bow and arrow, but don't have the space, the wood, or the time? Or do you just want to make a fun thing to entertain you? If so, this mini bow and arrows set is for you!


  1. Find a heavy-duty or strong paper clip.
  2. Bend the paper clip into a bow shape with pliers or your hands.
  3. Enforce the paper clip frame with electrical or duct tape.
  4. Make hooks at the end of the frame. Bend a small V shape on both ends.
  5. Insert a rubber band, unbroken, into the two hooks. Make sure the rubber band is stretched tautly across the gap between the 2 ends. This is your string.
  6. Tape the part where your arrows will be.
  7. Form at least 2 arrows. Take some straws and cut off the bendy part if it has one. Cut a small slit through both sides of one end using scissors. This slit will hold the straw on the rubber band. Wrap some tape around the end without the slit. This will make it go farther and faster, because of the weight in the front.
  8. FIRE! Lock the arrows, pull back the frame, and let go for some big fun in a small package!.
  9. Finished.


  • Customize it. Try using different colors of tape to make it "yours." You can also use paper and make tips to stick into the tops to make it more realistic, but just remember, you can always get creative and make the best Mini Bow and Arrows on your street!


  • Be careful where you shoot the arrows!
  • Never shoot at people's eyes or animals

Things You'll Need

  • Paper clip
  • Pliers (optional)
  • Rubber band
  • Duct tape or electrical tape
  • Straws
  • Paper (optional)

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