Make a Neopets Guild

Ever wanted to create a group where you can meet people with the same love for Neopets that you have? Well then, you should consider making a Neopets guild! With dedication and some computer skills, you'll have people begging to join your guild!


  1. Go to shops on the toolbar and click on guilds from the list of links displayed below the main header, but above the page information.
  2. Pick a theme. It can be your favorite book, a movie star, sports, or anything you want. The most popular themes at the moment would have to be Neo-related (NR), Scribble, and Themeless (which means it's a completely random guild).
  3. Choose a name for your guild. It can be anything you want, but be creative and make it match what you want your theme to be about. Be careful not to use too many symbols, instead don't be afraid of making up your own words. e.g. Funstorpia over ♥&&$$FunLand^^%%#$#!
  4. Choose what you want to say and your guild colors. If you just started, it is better to cover up that blank spot with a pretty guild layout.
  5. Come up with some ideas. Get a piece of paper and a pen or pencil and start coming up with ideas. You can also have pages for your ideas like a guild webbie and such.
  6. Start advertising. Go to the Neopets guild boards. It will take you about a month to get about 10 members. Keep advertising and asking other members to refer people via their shop pages to build up your guild beyond this number.
  7. Stay committed and dedicated to your guild. If you aren't trying to be active, do you think your members will try? Always maintain your guild, and remember to chat on the message boards daily for people to have more attention.


  • You will be more successful if you know some basic html web design code, and what people are looking for in a guild. Also, try to make your guild as unique as possible. Being unique is always a plus!
  • There are some sites out there that let you take their graphics and put them onto your guild. and are good ones.
  • Advertise for a co-owner. Two heads are better than one.
  • When you first create the guild are you're entering the information on it, HTML won't work. After it's created, then you can start making it fancy; just remember not to get a fancy layout, code it, add all of your info, press enter, then slap your forehead as you realise it didn't work.
  • Some things you could add for your guild are Activities, 1np Trades/Auctions, Webbie, Guild Graphics, Themed Days, etc.
  • It may be easier to start the guild with a whole bunch of other people.


  • Don't break Neopets rules. Things like contests with prizes and newbie packs can seem tempting, but they will only get you frozen.

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