Make a Personal Space

Everyone needs a private space to just sit and think, read a book, or write in a journal. A special place, just to be alone, with their own thoughts, a little place of privacy.


  1. Think about what kinds of things you want to do with your personal space. Do you want it for reading? Thinking and meditation? Or do you want space in which to do something, such as a craft?
  2. Think about personal spaces you may already have. Do you have your own room, or a side of one? What about the bathroom? Is there a closet or nook somewhere that you could adopt? It will help if you can close a door, but even a favorite chair or desk can become a personal space if others around you know not to bother you when you're there.
  3. Add some enclosure. If your space doesn't come with a door, could you hang a curtain or stand a folding screen in front of it? Could you divide off part of the room with furnishings you already have, such as a bookcase or dresser? Could you use a nook or corner that is already built in?
  4. Add someplace to sit. You could use your bed, a small table and comfortable chair, a bean bag, or even pillows stacked in a corner or window.
  5. Add lighting, if you need it. You may want to brighten up the space if you are reading or doing crafts. On the other hand, for thinking and meditation, you may prefer softer light.
  6. Put a few personal items in the space. Photographs, special mementos, or simply a couple of decorations you like can all help make your space your own. Put some of your favorite things in the space so you can enjoy your time within your nook.
    • If you use your personal space to write a journal, read, or do a craft, add some way to contain that activity. You might place your journal out of sight in a drawer or box (lockable, if need be), have a small shelf for books, include a small table, or simply have your knitting basket handy.
    • Use color. Do you have a favorite color? Bring it in. It could be a simple as a blanket or tablecloth. Make sure that your color would reflect you and help you feel calm.
  7. Remind others not to bother you when you are in your personal space. Use a sign if you need to, or simply tell them that you prefer to be left alone when you are in that place.
  8. Enjoy your time alone!


  • Keep your personal space comfortable and inviting, however you define that to be.
  • A personal space need not be costly. Chances are, you can create one simply by rearranging furnishings you already have.
  • Don't spend all of your time alone, though a few hours by yourself when needed is helpful.


  • Make sure if you're moving heavy furniture, get another person to help. This way you don't strain or pull a muscle.

Things You'll Need

  • Your own private things you want to keep separate from the other things in your room.
  • A table
  • A shelf(optional)

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