Make a Positive Contribution to the World

It's common to feel enraged and depressed at injustice within the world. It is also easy to feel overwhelmed and think 'I'm just one person what can I do?' Apathy is deadly. If you strive to 'be the change you wish you see in the world' but don't know where to start, hopefully this might help...


  1. Find your focus. While there are many serious issues equally worthy of your attention and support, you'll have the greatest impact if you focus on the challenges that you are passionate about.
  2. Consider where you may have the greatest impact. Some causes can be supported simply by choosing a certain product over another while shopping (e.g. Fair Trade). For other causes, without having qualifications or expertise, they can only really be supported by donating money (e.g. charities for diseases). Consider your natural abilities, skills and strengths and how you can use these to make a positive contribution in your own unique way. Don't despair of the skills you don't possess, but work with what you have. Remember, not even people like Gandhi or Mandela were perfect in every way. They just had strong belief and determination in their own personal power to change things.
  3. Educate and inform yourself. This might sound like hard work, but if you're serious about implementing positive change, it's important to be as knowledgeable as possible on it, otherwise people won't take you seriously. Plus if it's something you're truly passionate about, then you will most likely find the motivation to do this. Ignorance is not your friend!
  4. Inform others about your knowledge and causes. Yet, understand that not everyone shares the same priorities as you, though they might still support your cause of choice. If everyone's main priority was the environment, and they all devoted their energy to it, there would be serious imbalance in other areas, which could lead to disaster! Don't berate people if they don't agree, just try to spread awareness. A lot of positive change has occurred when enough people have become aware and educated about world issues.
  5. Explore your options for leaving a legacy of sustainable happiness.


  • It's important to remember that, no matter how much you strive, you will never solve the world's problems alone- since when did being an agony aunt for 7 billion (and rising!) people sound like a recipe for success?! You are not superman/woman. However, apathy is not the answer either. A huge amount of the world's problems are caused by ignorance and apathy of individuals, who become passive witnesses of injustice and fail to realize the empowering truth: that small changes in their habits can result in great positive change. As one quote goes "no snowflake in a snowstorm ever feels responsible".


  • While it's good to focus a significant amount of your energy on fighting injustice (which many people should do more of), do not focus your entire energy on it. This may sound contradictory but it's essentially a recipe for great depression. If you use too much energy, you will inevitably burn out and most likely become disillusioned and apathetic towards the cause you supported, as no matter how much of yourself you devote to it, there will always be some failure. Spend a greater proportion of your time on loved ones (after all, charity starts at home!) and also, set some time aside for enjoyment/escapism. Remember, balance is good. You are only human, and from any job, people need time out once in a while. Smell the roses, and try to appreciate and live life as it is, while striving for improvement in certain areas. Take time to consciously enjoy life, and find some inner peace despite the chaos and injustice - it will always exist to a certain extent. Do not give into apathy. It is much more dangerous to humanity than it appears, and an all-too-regular occurrence.
  • If your 'cause' involves perpetrating violence, ostracising others, or lying to people then it is not one you should be supporting. The world needs more love and understanding, not more hatred and ignorance.
  • Never participate in, or advocate violence in support of your cause, in the belief that the end justifies the means. You are looking to reduce human suffering, not perpetuate in a different form. gain people's support by appealing to our common humanity, otherwise any mass agreement with your cause won't be sincere, but simply a result of fear. Plus, since when did having acts of violence associated with it make a cause more appealing than before?most people will run a mile, and you'll seem hypocritical. Also, lying by giving misinforming statistics will also cause people to be cynical towards you. honesty really is the best policy.

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