Make a Positive Pregnancy Test
A pregnancy can be a magical thing, even if it's not exactly real. If you want to make a pregnancy test positive for whatever reason, then read on for a way to game the test. If you're a hopeful mother or father looking for tips on how to increase your chances of conception, see the section below for some information on how to get pregnant.
Q-Tip Prank
- Buy a pregnancy test. Go with a simple one the doesn't have too much detail in the answers (one that has lines or a plus and minus). Stay away from the ones that say "positive" and "not positive".
- Take the pregnancy test so it can't be used again.
- Once the test is done and dry, open it. If it's a basic one, it should come open very easily. Just pull along the line on the side where it connects.
- Take a small sticky label, draw a positive sign on it, and cut it out so it'll fit in the little window and stick it in place. If you have a test that has the writing, try using white out to cover up the "not" on not pregnant. However, this can be tricky. the white out might not cover it up all the way and if you put too much on it will look very clearly covered up.
- Take a q-tip and MOISTEN the end. Then gently rub it over the positive line or plus. This will make it faded, which is how positive tests look. If the label is wet after that DO NOT wipe it clean! This will smudge it. Use the other end of the q-tip to roll over it.
- Once the test looks good, close it back up and glue it together so it can't be opened again.
- Finished.
Marker Prank
- Pee on the stick so the test looks authentic.
- Once the pee has dried a bit use a nail file to gently pry open the test. With the test open add the line or plus symbol (from the example directions)that will make the test look positive using the marker you purchased.
- You can gently rub the marker line with a wet finger to make it look blurry like a real test.
- Glue the test back together and allow the glue to dry before handing it to someone announcing your joyous news.
Tips for Actually Getting Pregnant
- Know your cycle. Chances of conception increase drastically right before the female is ovulating. Ovulation is when a mature egg is released from the ovary and travels down the Fallopian tube, ready to be fertilized. When a female is ovulating, the cervical mucus changes to a slippery, egg-white consistency to help ferry the sperm along to the egg.
- Your menstrual cycle lasts anywhere from 28 to 32 days. The first day of your period should be counted as day 1. Some women have irregular cycles.
- Although it's not always exactly the same, ovulation usually occurs between day 11 and 21 of your cycle. After the the egg is released, it usually only lives for 12 to 24 hours.
- Doctors recommend trying intercourse on day 9 (9 days after the first day of your menstrual period) and continuing every other day until after the 21st day has passed.
- The highest chances of pregnancy occur 2 days prior to ovulation because sperm are able to live for 3 to 5 days, much longer than the lifespan of a mature egg. So if you have intercourse before ovulation, there's a good sperm will still be alive when the egg is released.
- If you have a regular 28 day period, plan on having sex every other day around day 14. This means having sex around day 12, day 14, and day 16, although frequent intercourse will lower a man's sperm count.
- Track your ovulation with a thermometer. When an egg is released, your body produces a hormone called progesterone in anticipation of pregnancy. Progesterone causes the body temperature to rise slightly. Tracking this temperature shift is an easy, if inexact, way to tell when you are ovulating.
- Use a basal thermometer right when you wake up, before you get out of bed in the morning. Most basal counters that you buy in pharmacies will come with a chart that will help you track your temperature.
- Look for a spike of at least {{safesubst:#invoke:convert|convert}} to indicate ovulation. Your body is producing progesterone as is shifts from the follicular to the luteal phase.
- If you have a drop in temperature, have intercourse. Some women record a drop in temperature when they ovulate. If you happen to come across a significant drop in temperature (.4° Fahrenheit), have sex just in case you are ovulating.
- Don't fret about the effectiveness of certain sexual positions. There is a bunch of myths out there about the effectiveness of certain sexual positions, but there's no scientific evidence to back them up. Unless you're having intercourse sitting or standing up, there's no ideal sexual position to increase the likelihood of conception.
- Stay supine after intercourse. You don't need to lift your legs into the air (because that doesn't change the direction of the pelvis), but try to stay put, lying down, for 15 to 20 minutes after sex. This will help the sperm travel up the cervix.
- Don't go to the bathroom during this time either. Waiting 10 to 20 minutes will be enough time to give the sperm to travel up the cervix.
- Quit smoking if you're serious about pregnancy. Smoking affects estrogen levels and ovulation, and is damaging to the fetus once conception starts. Get a head start and kick the habit!
- Eat the right foods. Opt for foods high in folic acid, greens and vegetables, and organic foods. Avoid alcohol and caffeine, as well as plastics, including plastic wraps.
- Make sure the man is doing his part, too. Men can boost their sperm count with a few simple tips. Try the following if you think the potential father is experiencing low sperm count:
- Avoid stimulants like alcohol, tobacco, and caffeine.
- Eat a diet high in zinc, selenium, and vitamin E. Foods that contain some of these vitamins include whole grains, seafood, lean meat, eggs, mushrooms, and Brazil nuts.
- Keep the testicles cool, not warm. Give the testicles some regular breathing room (there's a reason they're outside the body) and don't visit any saunas, hot baths, or hot tubs while trying to conceive.
- Research some early symptoms to complain about to the person you're trying to convince before you take the test.
- If you live with the person you're trying to convince with, hide any of your period supplies.
- Don't try to pretend to be pregnant the 9 months. That's clearly how to get caught.
- Make sure you buy the same kind of test you made a fake of if you're going to be switching it with a real one!
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