Fake a Pregnancy Test

Looking for the perfect April Fools' day prank? Tricking a loved one into thinking you're pregnant is a classic joke that he or she will never forget. Read on to learn how!


Using a Prank Test

  1. Purchase a fake pregnancy test. Gag gift stores like Spencer's and Gadgets and Gear sell "false positive" prank pregnancy tests that always give a positive reading, regardless of whether the person taking the test is pregnant or not. These can also be purchased on eBay and other online stores.
  2. Tell your target that you think you might be pregnant.
    • Explain that your period is at least 2 weeks late.
    • Tell him or her exactly when you were supposed to get it and didn't (count back about 2 weeks).
    • He or she will probably then recommend that you take a pregnancy test.
    • Do this a day or two before taking the test so that there will be some buildup.
  3. Ask your target to be there for support when you take the test. The prank will be more believable if your mark actually sees the false positive pregnancy test.
  4. "Take" the test. You can take a pregnancy test in two ways:
    • Urinate directly on the test stick.
    • Urinate into a cup and dip the test stick into it. This method is usually less messy.
  5. Wait for the stick to develop. Real pregnancy tests usually take between 3-5 minutes to develop.
  6. Stay in character. When it is revealed that the test is "positive," it's important that you pretend to have an appropriate reaction to the situation--cry or scream if you must!
  7. Enjoy watching your mark's reaction to the news.
  8. Don't forget to reassure him or her that you were kidding!

Other Tactics

  1. Use a pregnant woman's urine. You can use this tactic if you're really committed to this prank and you happen to know somebody who is already pregnant.
    • Ask her if she'd be willing to "donate" her urine to help you trick your target.
    • Use a real pregnancy test. You will need to collect a small sample of her urine and have it with you when you pretend to take the test.
  2. Modify a real pregnancy test. Many pregnancy tests show the results with either a plus (positive) or minus (negative) symbol in red or blue. Draw a positive symbol onto the test using a colored pen or colored pencil.


  • Take the gag pregnancy test out of its package first and put it into the box of a real pregnancy test.
  • Many women take more than one pregnancy test to ensure that the results are correct. Consider buying two gag pregnancy tests and taking them one after another to make the prank more dramatic.
  • If you're doing this as an April Fools' prank, then tell your mark that you think you might be pregnant a day or two before taking the test (like March 30th or 31st), and then take the test on April 1st.


  • Don't forget to reassure whomever you're pranking that you're not actually pregnant. Keep in mind that he or she may not find the prank funny, and will probably have a very emotional reaction.
  • Use your best judgment to determine whether this prank is appropriate for whomever you plan on tricking.

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