Make a Powerful Air Pressure Rocket

Are you wondering how to make a beautiful rocket that can easily surpass a baking soda-vinegar rocket? It's really fun to make. Why don't you try to make it yourself? Follow the steps and you'll make a great rocket!


  1. Invert the bottle and cut three flippers of cardboard. This is necessary to hold the rocket at launch time. Make your best design.
  2. Tape them all to the bottle at an angle of about 120 degrees between them . Remember, the bottle must be upside down and the flippers must not be taped at the bottle's base.
  3. Make a hole through the cork so that the bicycle pump can easily fit into it. Fix the pump tube to it with plasticine.
  4. Fill the bottle with water to about 1/4 of the total bottle.
  5. Jam in the cork and make the rocket stand. (flippers do come in handy!)
  6. Start pumping as much as possible, but do it quickly.
  7. The pressure builds up so much that the cork and the pump shoot out and the water gushes out. Since action has an equal and opposite reaction, the bottle shoots up.
  8. Alternatively, instead of making fins make wings and hold the bottle at an angle for launch.


  • Make sure you keep the flippers straight.
  • An angle of 45 degrees will get you the maximum distance travelled.
  • Make sure the flippers are sturdy and they should not turn soggy if in contact with water.
  • Make sure the water levels are consistent on every try.


  • Do it in an open area.
  • Angle the rocket as far as possible from your face or use safety eye wear.
  • This can take several tries to get right! Don't be discouraged.

Things You'll Need

  • Two Liter bottle
  • Cardboard
  • Hand pump (bicycle)
  • Cork (vintage wine)
  • Tape
  • Water

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