Make a Yarn Octopus

Ever see a yarn octopus and wonder how you'd ever make such a thing? Well, it's actually quite simple. This makes a great toy for kids, as well as adults. It's also a great craft for a rainy day!


  1. Wrap the yarn around your arm about 50 times. Start by holding the beginning of the yarn with your palm, and then wrap it around your elbow. After that's completed, wrap it back to your palm. Your arm should be in a right angled head by wrapping the yarn around your thumb. Hold it in place with your other four fingers.
  2. Tie a piece of string around the head.
  3. Separate the string ends on the other end into eight sections.
  4. Braid or finger weave each section. Once the braid reaches the end, tie a piece of yarn in a bow or Tie-a-Square-Knot around it.
  5. Stick wobbly eyes on the octopus's head or make some yarn eyes to attach.
  6. Finished.


  • Putting a piece of string through the head and tying it on top of the head helps the octopus last longer.
  • Trimming the ends of the braids to be the same length looks nice
  • To make an alien octopus, put three (or more) wobbly eyes on the ball. Then continue with dividing into leg sections, etc. This will give a rounder, more stable head.

Things You'll Need

  • One yarn ball
  • String (or a rubber band)
  • Styrofoam ball or similar (optional)See tips

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