Make an Account in Wattpad and Start Posting
You are an author and want to spread some of your works. What a better place to do that than the World's Most Popular eBook Community: WATTPAD!
- Open your browser and type inĀ :
- Click JOIN NOW. This button is located on the top right corner, in an orange header in white letters.
- Decide on your options.
- Fill in all of the required fills. Username, e-mail, password, your birthdate, click on the "I agree to the terms of use for Wattpad".
- or! Sign up with your Facebook/Twitter accounts.
- Go to your e-mail. Find Wattpad's mail and click on the activation link.
- Click on the "click here"
- Log In with your username and password
- You'll be taken immediately to the "WHAT'S HOT" page.
- On the secondary menu click the "UPLOAD" tab.
- Fill in the blank spaces with the title of your story, the text (you can write it there or upload a .txt file), the categories, tags, specify your copyright, the rating, and distribution. Make sure that the text doesn't violate any of Wattpad's rules.
- When you're done with the first chapter/prologue/short story etc. check the box that says "I have read and agree to the terms of use and copyright policy. [...]"
- Click on "Preview" if you want to see how your story will look, "Save" if you want to continue it later, or "Save & Publish" if your story is ready.
- When your chapter/story is published you can go to "My Works" Click arrow next to the Hi(your username) located in the header. Then click "My Works".
- To add a description to any of your stories click "manage".
- To add a new chapter click "new chapter".
- You can add a cover for you book, to do this click "cover"
- To erase any story click "Delete" or "Edit" to make any changes.
- You can add pictures, videos, you can promote and edit your stories/chapters. To do this you just click on the chapter that you need and on the left side there is a small menu with these options. Use them to navigate and add tools to your story.
- If you are looking for a book, but don't know what type of books you like, think about what type of movie genres you like to help narrow your search.
- You can add a cast so people reading your story can know who do you have in mind while mentioning a special character. Below the "Writer's Tool" menu there's a small section with the title "Cast" click on the "add a character" and fill in the blanks.
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