Make an Account in Wattpad and Start Posting

You are an author and want to spread some of your works. What a better place to do that than the World's Most Popular eBook Community: WATTPAD!


  1. Open your browser and type inĀ :
  2. Click JOIN NOW. This button is located on the top right corner, in an orange header in white letters.
  3. Decide on your options.
    1. Fill in all of the required fills. Username, e-mail, password, your birthdate, click on the "I agree to the terms of use for Wattpad".
    2. or! Sign up with your Facebook/Twitter accounts.
  5. Go to your e-mail. Find Wattpad's mail and click on the activation link.
  6. Click on the "click here"
  7. Log In with your username and password
  8. You'll be taken immediately to the "WHAT'S HOT" page.
  10. On the secondary menu click the "UPLOAD" tab.
  11. Fill in the blank spaces with the title of your story, the text (you can write it there or upload a .txt file), the categories, tags, specify your copyright, the rating, and distribution. Make sure that the text doesn't violate any of Wattpad's rules.
  12. When you're done with the first chapter/prologue/short story etc. check the box that says "I have read and agree to the terms of use and copyright policy. [...]"
  13. Click on "Preview" if you want to see how your story will look, "Save" if you want to continue it later, or "Save & Publish" if your story is ready.
  14. When your chapter/story is published you can go to "My Works" Click arrow next to the Hi(your username) located in the header. Then click "My Works".
  15. To add a description to any of your stories click "manage".
  16. To add a new chapter click "new chapter".
  17. You can add a cover for you book, to do this click "cover"
  18. To erase any story click "Delete" or "Edit" to make any changes.


  • You can add pictures, videos, you can promote and edit your stories/chapters. To do this you just click on the chapter that you need and on the left side there is a small menu with these options. Use them to navigate and add tools to your story.
  • If you are looking for a book, but don't know what type of books you like, think about what type of movie genres you like to help narrow your search.
  • You can add a cast so people reading your story can know who do you have in mind while mentioning a special character. Below the "Writer's Tool" menu there's a small section with the title "Cast" click on the "add a character" and fill in the blanks.

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