Make an Assassin's Creed Costume

According to the history of the Assassin Order, assassins have played a silent, yet highly influential role in determining the outcome of humankind's most violent conflicts. From the Crusades to the Caribbean--and later to the American fight for independence--the Assassins have demonstrated nothing but a total devotion to liberating humankind from the grip of their rivals, the Templars. This war between the Assassin Order and the Templars stems back to the birth of humanity (which according to the game, came at the hands of an ancient yet highly sophisticated alien race), and has produced a wide-variety of assassin heroes that seem to have little in common except for their fondness for hoods and "hidden blades."[1]


Dressing Up Like an Assassin

  1. Cut the sleeves off of a hooded sweatshirt. If you want to dress like a traditional assassin, you should cut the sleeves off of a white hooded sweatshirt. The "hoodie" will be worn over a button-down shirt to create the Assassin's Creed hood and tunic.
    • You can also decorate the hoodie using brass studs, patches, or any bits of "assassin" flare that you may have around the house.
  2. Wear a button-down shirt. Put the shirt on as you normally would, but do not button it all the way to the top. Instead, leave the top two or three buttons undone.
  3. Tie a bandana or handkerchief around your neck. Fold the bandana or handkerchief in half diagonally and wrap it loosely around your neck. When the bandana or handkerchief is tied, you want it to drape over your throat.
    • Red and white are the colors that are typically associated with the "Assassin's Order," but that is not a rule.[1] Feel free to use any color scheme that you like.
  4. Tuck the tip of the bandana or handkerchief into the shirt. The bandana or handkerchief should be tucked in so that it covers the area of the chest that has been left exposed by the shirt.
  5. Put the hoodie on over the button-down shirt. Do not zip it all the way up, however. Instead, leave it partially open to expose the bandana and the collar of the button-down shirt that you are wearing underneath.
  6. Wrap a sash around your waist. Although this is not absolutely necessary, it will add to the overall aesthetic of your assassin costume. Wrap the sash around your body so that the loose ends come to drape freely to one side your body.
    • If you do not have a sash, you can use a bright colored t-shirt. Since you will not be able to wrap it around your waist, simply fold the t-shirt in half and tuck the the sleeve-end into one of your belts so that it drapes freely to one side of your body.[2]
  7. Wear several belts. Don't thread the belts through any belt loops. Instead, wrap the belts around the base of the hoodie and over the sash so that they are fully exposed. The more belts the better.
    • Assassin's are known for carrying an array of weapons and tools on them at all times.[1] This, of course, required them to craft their own holsters, pouches, and pockets.
    • A small-sized hip or "fanny" pack would make the perfect accessory pouch for an assassin.

Constructing an Assassin's Hood

  1. Download the pattern for an "Assassin's Creed" hood. Many different versions can be found online and downloaded free of charge. This tutorial will use a pattern for Connor's hood, which can be easily modified to suit any assassin.
  2. Print two copies of the pattern. One will be used for the right side of the hood, and the other for the left.[3]
  3. Cut your patterns out. Using sharp scissors, cut the patterns out as neatly as you possibly can. The neater you can trim the patterns, the easier it will be to lineup the edges of the hood pieces.
  4. Lay out your fabric and be sure to work out as many wrinkles as possible. The more wrinkles that you can work out, the easier it will be to pin and trim your patterns.
  5. Lay the patterns on top of your fabric. Carefully arrange the patterns on the fabric one at a time. Be sure that the patterns are laying perfectly flat on top of the fabric.
  6. Pin each pattern piece to the fabric. Sewing pins (not needles) have a round ball at the end opposite the tip. This helps hold the pin in place and prevents it from sliding out of the fabric or pattern.
  7. Trace the patterns onto the fabric. Use tailor's chalk to make sure that you do not stain the fabric. Do your best to make clean lines.
  8. Cut the patterns out leaving a 15mm or 5/8 of an inch margin all the way around. This margin will be your seem allowance, which has not been included in the pattern.[3]
  9. Begin sewing the hood together. The first section that should be sewn together is the back-right section of the hood. Start with the two straight and narrow pieces.
    • Be sure to lineup the outline marks that you made with the tailor's chalk to ensure that the pieces are properly aligned before they are sewn together.
  10. Sew on the last piece of the section. Sew on the third and final piece to finish constructing the back-right section of your hood.
    • Do not trim off any of the excess. These margins will continue to provide you with a seam allowance as you sew all the pieces of your hood together.
  11. Sew together the next section of the hood. Just as you did with the back-right side, sew together the three panels that will form the back-left portion of your hood.
    • Start with the two straight and narrow pieces.
    • You will be constructing five sections that will need to be sewn together to form the final hood.
  12. Begin sewing together the sides of the hood. Each side section (left and right) of the hood will be composed of three pattern parts that will need to be sewn together.
    • Start with the bottom two pieces of the section.
  13. Complete the side section. Sew on the final piece of the section to complete the section.
  14. Repeat the previous two steps for the other side. Once you have completed constructing the other side of the hood, you will be ready to begin sewing together all of the sections.
    • You should now have four separate sections: left, back-left, right, and back-right.
  15. Begin the final assembly. Start by sewing the right sections of the hood together. Be sure to align the adjoining edges up as best as you can to make sure that all of the pieces of the hood are aligned properly.
  16. Sew the left sections of the hood together. Just as you did with the right, sew the left two sections of the hood together.
  17. Sew the left and right sides together. You should now have a left and right side that is ready to be sewn together. As straight as you can, sew the left and right sides together beginning in the back of the hood. Stop just as the seam begins to deviate, forming a diamond cutaway.
  18. Complete your hood by sewing in the final piece. This diamond piece will form the pointed beak that has become the trademark of an assassin's hood.
    • If your sewing skills are up to it, try making a liner for the hood in a contrasting color.[3] Traditionally, assassins wore pure white with crimson red highlights, but this was never a rule and was often deviated from.

Constructing a Basic Vambrace for Your "Hidden Blade"

  1. Measure the size of your arm to determine the dimensions of your vambrace. Begin by using a measuring tape to measure the diameter of your wrist.[4]
  2. Measure the diameter of your forearm at its widest point.[4] Just as you did with the wrist, use a tape measure to measure the diameter of your forearm at its widest point.
    • This should be just a few inches before the bend of your elbow.
  3. Measure the distance between your wrist and the widest point on your forearm.[4] Measure the distance between your wrist and the exact same point where you took your first measurement. This measurement will determine the length of your vambrace.
  4. Begin drawing the vambrace pattern on the inside of the leather. Using tailor's chalk, draw a straight line on the inside of your leather, synthetic leather, or suede.[4] The length of the line should match the measurement that you took in step one. This line will be the wrist edge of your vambrace.
    • Real leather can be expensive if purchased in large quantities. It can, however, be purchased as sample sheets and scraps for significantly reduced prices.
    • Ostrich and alligator leather can also be purchased in samples and have very unique texture surfaces. Perfect for making your vambrace stand out.
  5. Mark the centerline. Starting in the exact center point of the line that you just made, draw a perpendicular line that matches the measurement that you took in step three. This is the centerline.
    • If the measurement you took in step three was nine-inches, then you want to make your perpendicular line nine-inches long as well.
    • You should have a "T" that appears to be on its side.
  6. Draw another line that is perpendicular to the center line. This line should be drawn so that it matches the measurement that you took in step two; and so that it forms another sideways "T" intersection.
    • The distance between the two parallel lines should match the measurement that you took in step three. These will be the wrist and elbow edges of your vambrace.
  7. Make indicator dots for the connecting edges of the vambrace. Do this by making small ticks or hashmarks that are a half-inch from the endpoints of the parallel lines. Each line has two endpoints, so you should make four ticks or hashmark.
  8. Use a straight edge to connect the dots. Draw a straight line to connect the dots that you made on each of the parallel lines. Once you are done, you should have a trapezoid shape that has been sized to the dimensions of your arm.
  9. Cut the pattern out.[4] Using a rotary cutter and a straight edge, or a razor, cut the trapezoid pattern out. Leather shears will work, but are not necessary for working with synthetics.
  10. Create a guiding line for the eyelets. Using a straight edge, draw a line that parallels the edge of your vambrace. Leave at least a quarter-inch gap between the edge of the vambrace and the guiding line. Do this on both edges, on both vambraces.
  11. Use a leather punch tool to create eyelets along the guiding line. Begin a half-inch from the wrist-edge of your vambrace and continue working your way up to the forearm, leaving approximately an inch between each eyelet.
    • The exact amount of eyelets in your vambrace and their spacing is entirely up to you.
    • Leather punch tools can be purchased relatively inexpensive online. Or, you can use a drill.
    • Avoid "cutting" the eyelets. Straight cuts will eventually tear, so be sure to use a leather punch to create circular openings in the leather.[5]
  12. Lace up the vambrace. Just as you would a shoe, begin lacing up your vambrace with a leather shoestring. Begin at the wrist and work your way toward the forearm.
    • If the tip of the shoestring has been frayed, wrap it with some masking tape. This will make it easier to insert into the eyelets.
  13. Decorate your vambrace with brass studs. Since vambraces and "hidden blades" are unique to each assassin, the exact number of studs and their placement is entirely up to you.
    • Brass studs come in a variety of shapes and sizes and can be purchased at your local craft store.
    • Some studs will need to be pushed into the leather, while others will need to be glued. Follow the instructions that come with your studs to be sure that they are properly installed.
  14. Continue customizing your vambrace. Depending on the type of leather you choose, you may want to decorate your vambrace to make it stand out. This means you can decorate your vambrace to represent any time period or civilization that you choose.[1] Remember, each assassin is unique.
    • Try embossing or stamping patterns and designs into the leather.
    • Try adding a leather strap and buckle to your vambrace.


  • Draw from the "Assassin's Creed" mythology:
  • Altair Ibn-La'Ahad is a Syrian who fought during the Crusades (Altair wore only one "hidden blade").[1]
  • Ezio Auditore was born an Italian nobleman during the renaissance, living a prodigal life until learning upon his family history and ties to the assassin order.[6]
  • Connor, who was born of an English father and Mohawk mother, fought in the American Revolutionary war and adopted the fighting techniques, dress, and customs of both cultures.[7]
  • Edward Kenway, the pirate turned assassin, sailed the West Indies and the Caribbean with Blackbeard and Black Bart, as well as Mary Read and Anne Bonny (the only women to be convicted of piracy).[8]
  • Assassins and Templars also exist in the contemporary "Assassin's Creed" world.

Things You'll Need

  • Fabric
  • A pattern for the hood
  • Needle and thread
  • Scissors
  • Tailor's chalk
  • Pins
  • Measuring tape
  • Real or synthetic leather
  • Leather shoelace
  • Decorative brass studs
  • Leather hole puncher

Sources and Citations

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