Make an Open List of Spanish Idioms
The most common trait of an idiom is that, unless it is given away by context or it is similar to the corresponding idiom in your mother tongue, it makes no sense at all to you. You may get the general idea, but an incomplete meaning keeps nagging at you and lays a cloud of uncertainty at the back of your mind.
Do you know the Spanish idiom "dar la lata"? Sure you do. It's no big deal (no es para tanto/no pasa nada). Read on to find its English equivalent and many more.
- Skip what's similar and focus on what is different in a sentence. Idioms like "coger el toro por los cuernos" aren't often listed in a dictionary because they are usually translated, word for word, from one language into the other, whereas "la última gota que colma el vaso" has little in common with "the last straw that breaks the camel's back".
- Make sure you know the translations for the key words in each sentence, e.g.,:
- nouns: dinero, tortilla, tapas
- verbs: comer, alquilar, vivir
- adjectives: bueno, bonito, barato
- adverbs: muy, nunca, completamente
- So the idiom hablar/ decir (algo) con la boca pequeña comes under b for boca, the most meaningful word
- Only record current Spanish idioms-- the ones you come across in the media, movies, or those you keep hearing in colloquial, daily language. There are also some idioms that result from the translation of English expressions such as:
- come off it! = "¡venga ya!"
- chances are = "lo más probable..."
- I told you so = "ya te lo dije"
- Type idioms in the section below. Everybody is welcome to supply fully translated idioms and to help translate them adding to the meanings shown here, or providing new meanings that are common in the area where you may live. Up to now (2014) the expressions gathered in this article have been picked up in Spain itself.
- If you don't fully grasp the meaning of a phrase that you think might be idiomatic, type the phrase under the first letter of its most important word; add a couple of question marks and separate it from the previous entry with two forward slashes (//) so that you won't upset the layout. Hopefully, someone else will drop by and give a hand translating that particular set of words.
- Remember that this article is only for building up a list of current Spanish idioms and their hopefully equivalent English translations. If you just want to comment on a particular idiom or translation, please drop a line on the Discussion:Make an Open List of Spanish Idioms for this article.
- Marvel at the wonder of language.
- The similarities between English and Spanish idioms will surprise and delight you. And the striking differences will serve to highlight the capricious nature of phrase evolution.
- You will want to know more about how different cultures manage to convey similar thoughts. By getting involved in learning languages you will reach a new understanding of how folklore makes its way into language and becomes a defining element of people's way of thinking.
- Bear in mind, too, that idioms are an integral part of every language. How else would you spice up your spiel to prevent it from being plain, ordinary and mundane? How would you make jokes, use double entendres or make puns? To highlight this, two basic Spanish idioms, were quoted in a Spanish newspaper article and in a banner hung outside a local branch of the Red Cross. The last one belonged to a Sunday newspaper.
An Open List of Spanish Idioms
- A
- Agua que no has de beber (déjala correr) = don't meddle in other people's issues
- agua pasada (no mueve molino) = let bygones be bygones, stop worrying yourself sick with dead and buried issues. It's no use crying over spilt milk.
- Quedar en agua de borrajas = the end result was a total failure,
- A tu aire = Have it your own way
- Estar en el ajo = to be in on something secret and most likely suspicious, in the know, clued in
- Algo es algo = that's something to count on !
- Allá vamos! = (Here), there we go !
- Allí/ ahí lo tienes = There you go! (ending an argument)
- A estas alturas = just now, in the current difficult situation (implying thoughtlessness)
- Amor con amor se paga = One good turn deserves another
- ¡Anda! = Fancy that!
- ¡Anda ya! = Oh, come on! (meaning somebody/something is pathetic)
- ¡Apaga y vámonos! = I/we give up discussing this issue... we're stuck!
- Aprovechar la oportunidad = To take the chance...
- Echar/poner toda la carne en el asador= To make every possible effort to achieve sth.
- Hacer ascos a algo = to turn up your nose at something
- ¡Qué asco! = How disgusting!
- Así, así = so, so
- ¡Así se hace! = That's the way to go!
- Se (te) va a pasar el arroz = the time to solve the situation is almost over because you're wasting time or getting distracted by unimportant issues
- Estar en el aire= to be uncertain of the outcome, to be up in the air
- Por activa y por pasiva = to insist on something in a varied strenuous way
- B
- Meterse en un berenjenal / huerto / jardín/ lío = to get into an awful mess/hot/deep water
- Por las 'buenas o por las malas = by hook or by crook, somehow or other
- Estar en Babia or ( babia ) = to be lost in thought/ to be clueless
- En boca cerrada no entran moscas = you won't get in trouble or let secrets be known if you keep your mouth shut
- de buenas a primeras = quite suddenly and with no reason whatever
- ¡ Qué barbaridad! = What an awful/exaggerated thing to say/do!
- ¡ Québarbaridad de /gente /! = What a large number of people/whatever
- Me gusta una barbaridad = I adore it; I like it no end.
- Buscar tres pies al gato = to split hairs; to try to find far fetched or extraordinary reasons for something.
- Se armó el belén = all hell broke loose.
- Montaron un belén = They made/had an awful row/ they prepared an exaggerated setup for a party or something similar
- Él se lo ha buscado = He asked for it, he brought it upon himself
- Se te está muy bien! = It serves you right!
- Para lo bueno y para lo malo = In thick and thin
- No estoy para bromas= I'm not in the mood for practical jokes; I'm in an ugly mood
- A la buena de Dios = In a happy-go-lucky way
- Echar balones fuera = To try to buy time by putting off giving a solution to the issues being discussed or by trying discreetly not to get involved
- Borrón y cuenta nueva = To turn a new page
- Barrer para casa = To pretend to be impartial and at the same time surreptitiously further your own designs
- Ser un bicho raro = to be an odd sort of person
- Subirse a las barbas de alguien = To take too much for granted, to profit from somebody's weak stand regarding some difficult issue, to lack respect towards somebody of authority
- No bajarse del burro = To get firmly stuck on your opinions despite sound reasons against them.
- No dar pie con bola= to be clueless or discoordinated
- Cortar el bacalao to be the one in command
- bicho raro = Off the kilter, oddball
- Ideas de bombero= Hare-brained projects
- No dar su brazo a torcer = to defend an opinion against all odds ; to be hard-headed.
- ... a bombo y platillos = making a big show of sth
- C
- Obrar en caliente = to act on the spur of the moment
- Parece que le dan cuerda = S/he looks so energetic as if somebody were winding her/him up/ keyed up.
- Tener cuerda para rato = to have plenty of energy left
- De/Para andar por casa = in a limited elemental way; a good rule of thumb just to get by
- Ser la madre del cordero = to be the deep true reason for sth
- ¡ Qué caramba ! = what the heck !
- ¡ caramba con tu amigo ! = Who would ever think that of your friend, blah, blah ! or He/ she's quite a character !
- Fulano me cae bien = I've taken a liking to So and So
- De la ceca a la Meca = Very thoroughly, down to the minutest detail
- Estar al caer = to be about to happen, about to show up
- Dar el callo = to work extremely hard in a difficult, stressful situation
- ¡ Que cara tiene ! = How cheeky he/she is !
- ¡Qué cara más dura ! = What awful cheek/ a nerve he/she's/they've got / it's not fair ! ( also about an unfair situation and/or the people involved in it)
- Por la cara= gratis, free, involving bad means or cheek
- Dejarse las cejas estudiando ( and the like ) = to study, etc very,very hard
- Hincar los codos = to study very, very hard
- Ahora caigo = I get the point now
- ...y a correr = and make no more fuss about it/ and that's all there's to it
- Romperse la cabeza = To worry away
- Lo consultaré con la almohada = I'll sleep on it
- De cabo a rabo = Thru and thru
- No hay color= it's said when sth compares very poorly with sth else...
- Caiga quien caiga = They'll pay for it whoever is to be blamed
- Si no quieres caldo, taza y media = If you're complaining about sth you can't change you're in for a shock by having it implemented and worsened
- Ni de coña / broma = Not even in jest,or, not even in your wildest dreams.
- Culo veo, culo quiero = I take a fancy to anybody/ anything new I see
- Comprar las ganas = To try to win over somebody unwilling, unmotivated towards the issue at hand
- La cosa no está como para tirar/lanzar cohetes = The whole current situation looks so glum there's no cause for celebrations/ having fireworks/ to pop up the champagne
- Dar en el clavo = To hit the nail on the head
- De capa caída =dispirited,crestfallen, depressed
- No es ni una cosa ni otra=( referred to a situation ): It's neither here nor there ; ( referred to a person ) = S/he hasn't taken a clear stand on some issue
- Mandar al cuerno = To send sb packing, to discard sth , to stop trying when patience is worn out
- Una de cal y otra de arena = A good move followed by a not-so-good one
- Dar la cara ( por alguien )= To solve somebody else's problems/ blunders
- Por la cara = To get sth free ( some cheek being implied in the process )
- Ser canela fina = To be very special either in a good or bad sense
- Poner cara larga= To wear a tense,frustrated expression
- Poner cara de circunstancias = To wear a serious expression ( some faking implied )
- Para colmo de todo/ de todos los males = to top it all off
- Buscar las cosquillas a alguien = To look for sb's weak points/spots
- Clamar al cielo = When sth is a blatant injustice
- Poner a alguien a caldo = To run sb down.
- Algo es de cajón = Sth is pretty obvious
- ...Tanto como a cualquiera = As much as the next person
- Café para todos = good things should be rightfully shared among the groups implied in a process
- Para el carro = Hold your horses !, Stop being so worked up with what you're ranting on and pay attention to some sensible advice
- Ir de culo= To go from bad to worse; to be clueless
- Cantar las cuarenta = to wield some unexpected power over a group of equals or to wait for the right moment to tell your mind to someone
- Oir campanas pero no saber dónde = When you have a hazy idea about sth/sb ( often used when cutting sb short )
- ...con el culo al aire= in an embarrassing or defenceless situation
- ...Bajo cuerda= Under the board, on the sly.
- Como Pedro por su casa = As if he owned the place
- Estar hasta las cejas/ orejas = To be up to the hilt
- No hacer caso/ ni caso: Not to pay pay attention to sb/sth
- to ignore them
- ... Y para colmo= To cap/ top everything off...meaning extraordinary bad luck, some injustice or a bad turn...
- Estar al pie del cañón = To hold the fort, to mind the shop
- cine= awesome, extraordinary
- Coser y cantar = smooth sailing / a piece of cake
- Cortar el bacalao =To be the big boss
- Al cabo de un rato= After a while
- Caerse la cara de vergüenza= To suffer a painful loss of face
- ¡ Cuídate ! = Take care !
- Seguirle la corriente a alguien = To humor sb
- Seguir la corriente = To act like everybody else does.
- Poner toda la carne en el asador= To make every possible effort,
- ...que conste que... = ...just for the record
- Sacar/dar la cara por alguien = To stand up for sb
- ( Tal y) como están las cosas= The way things are ( at the moment)...
- Seguir la corriente (2) = To humour sb : Tendrás que seguirle la corriente si quieres sacar algo de él // To follow the trend : Yo sigo la corriente y no me complico la vida
- Ten compasión= Have a heart// Ten compasión de mí = Spare my feelings/ Ten compasión de ella= Spare her feelings...
- En el mejor de los casos= The best case scenario
- CH
Tener una china en el zapato = to have an irksome little problem that keeps bothering you ( china = a tiny piece of rock ) - Tocarte la china = to have bad luck in life
- Ser el chocolate del loro = to be some ridiculously petty saving measure
- ¡ Chúpate ésa ! = Put that in your pipe and smoke it !
- Como si hablara en chino= As if he was speaking Double Dutch/it was all Greek to me.
- D
- A Dios rogando y con el mazo dando = God helps those who help themselves
- ... ni Dios/ ... no hay Dios... = when sb is quite unable to do sth, OR when sth is no use, no way
- Que Dios nos coja confesados = Let's brace ourselves for the worst
- Como Dios manda = properly, the way to go, the right way
- De un día para otro = pretty soon, following close
- ¡ No hay derecho = they've got no right, it's not fair
- dar algo por sentado = to take sth for granted
- Dejarse los ojos = to ruin your eyesight by studying very hard or by reading with very poor light
- Dejarse la piel = To work your fingers to the bone/ to work your arse off
- En el día a día= On a daily basis
- ... eso demuestra que...= it goes to show that...
- ¡ Que Dios no lo quiera ! = God forbid !
- Que Dios te bendiga = Bless your heart
- Donde las dan, las toman = Sooner or later people will get their own back on you
- No decir /ni pío/,/ ni mu/ = Not to say a word
- El día menos pensado = On/At the least expected day/moment
- Hacer las cosas por el qué dirán = To do things just to keep up appearances
- Pron. Pers. Comp. + Dar por + verb ( infinitivo)...A Pedro le ha dado por coleccionar corchos de vinos= Peter has taken up collecting wine stoppers = Start/ take up some unexpected activity
- No decir esta boca es mía = Not to say a word although you were expected to, out of shyness or cowardice. .
- Me has alegrado el día= You've made my day
- Cada dos por tres = Time and again, every now and then
- E
- Encantado/a de la vida= Very pleased with the deal or the result of the issue.
- Equivocarse de medio a medio = to be quite wrong
- Echar a perder = To make sth get rotten or to fail thru sometimes implying neglect
- Se te está muy bien ! = It serves you right
- No es de extrañar...= No wonder...
- erre que erre = expression used when sb stubbornly keeps their standpoind despite all evidence to the contrary
- F
- Feliz como unas castañuelas = As happy as a lark.
- Llegar a fin de mes = to make ends meet.
- Pasar factura = You have to pay the consequences of sth generally bad..Years take their toll...Los años te pasan factura
- En el fondo = deep down
- Ni fu ni fa = Nor here nor there, wishy-whasy, uncompromised
- Estar al frente= To be in command, to be in charge, to mind the shop, etc
- No tener dos dedos de frente= To be a thouhgtless scatter-brained sort of person OR to be a hare-brained far-fetched sort of scheme
- No hay fuerza humana...= It's quite an impossible task.
- G
- Ir al grano = to get to the point
- ... Aquí hay ( aquí huele a) gato encerrado = to smell a rat / there's sth fishy here
- llevarse el gato al agua = to get your own way
- Dar gato por liebre = To trick sb, to take sb for a ride
- Tener ganas = to feel like ...
- Quedarse con las ganas = To feel very frustrated when you were on the point of getting sth very worthy striving for
- ¡ NO te quedes con las ganas = Be a devil! Do it ! Get it over and done with !
- Irse a la cama con... o Acostarse con las gallinas = to go to bed very early
- No dar golpe en el trabajo ,ALSO, No dar ni golpe = Not to do a stroke of work...
- Ganarse algo a pulso= To work very hard and for a long time to achieve sth worthy & also to bring upon themselves sth unwanted ( bad luck and stubbornness implied )
- La última gota que colma el vaso = The last straw that breaks the camel's back.
- Estar hasta el gorro, hasta las narices = To be quite fed up
- Dar guerra= To be so active you cause a lot of trouble/ hassle to those around you ( positive,negative and affectionate)
- la gente normal y corriente= the average Joe
- cuatro gatos = very few people
- .. hasta el gato = everybody ; le conoce hasta el gato = everybody knows him
- Me pone carne de gallina = It/he/she gives me the creeps.
- Aquí hay gato encerrado = There's sth fishy here
- llevarse el gato al agua= to get his/her own way
- Antes que canta un gallo = Before you can say knife
- De golpe ( y porrazo ) = All of a sudden
- H
- Ya era hora = it was about/high time
- Estar en la higuera = to be lost in thought and /or to be ignorant of something that really matters to the person referred to / to be none the wiser
- se la llevó al huerto = he tricked her into doing something she was unwilling or unaware of
- Hablar del trabajo = to talk shop
- Hablar por los codos = to talk the hind leg off a donkey
- Hablar por hablar = To talk for talking sake, to talk away about unimportant subjects
- Hablar con la boca pequeña = To talk in a half-hearted way
- Salir echando humo = to leave in an awful hurry
- tener muchos humos = to be too big for his/ her boots
- El horno no está para bollos = the current difficult situation must be dealt with most seriously
- Poner ( algo) a huevo = To get things set to sb's advantage so that the important issue is a piece of cake for them
- Juntarse el hambre con las ganas de comer = It is said when the concurrence of circumstances or people involved in some issue enhances the whole situation
- ¡ Ni hablar !... = No way !
- Mirar a alguien por encima del hombro = To look at sb down your nose
- ¡ Eso está hecho ! = Consider it done !
- son habas contadas = It's but a small amount of money, or a short collection of somewhat valuable assets
- Hasta la orejas/cejas = Up to the hilt
- Estás hecho un artista, etc = You're quite an artist...etc
- ¡ Qué le vamos a hacer !=We can´t help it ! ( meaning bad luck, helplessness ).
- I
- Hacer el indio = to prank about, to play the fool
- Déjate de inventos ! = Quit those hare-brained schemes !
- Irse a pique = to sink
- Irse a la porra/ al garete, a la mierda.... = To go to the dogs, to fall through
- y para más INRI.....= And to add insult to injury...( see also COLMO).
- J
- Y un jamón = come off it !,( you won't trick me !)
- jurar en hebreo/arameo = to have a fit of anger ,to show how raving mad you feel at sth/sb by shouting cuss words and violent body language
- Se la tienen jurada = They bear a grudge against him an are set on having their revenge.
- K
- L
- No estar por la labor = to be unwilling to do something
- Ir para largo = to fear something will take a long time
- Dar la lata ( con algo ) = to pester/plague somebody (with something)
- desde luego= of course, certainly, as a matter of fact
- tener mala leche = to be bad tempered
- Ser la leche = to be quite amazing, to be something special
- La letra pequeña en un contrato = The small print in a contract document
- A lo loco = in a careless, happy-go-lucky way
- No levantar cabeza = to have a long spell of bad luck
- ganarse la vida lavando platos = to make a living flipping burgers
- Liarse la manta a la cabeza = To make a rash decision and follow it thru without caring for the consequences
- Cada loco con su tema = Each one just caring for their own worries or crazes
- ...con todas las de la ley = a fully-fledged sb/sth
- estar al loro= to be paying great attention to the latest news, gossip, information
- Hacerse el loco= To pretend some tricky issue has nothing to do with you
- mala leche= In a bad and somewhat violent mood.
- LL
- Llamar a las cosas por su nombre / llamar al pan pan ( ... y al vino, vino)= to call a spade spade
- llegar a fin de mes = to make ends meet
- Está lloviendo a cántaros = It's raining cats and dogs( this SI was the origin of this English one )
- Llover sobre mojado = When new events make worse similar previous ones
- Como quien oye llover= When sb couldn't care less about sth.
- M
- Antes se coge a un mentiroso que a un cojo = Lies have short legs
- Por si las moscas = just in case
- ¿ Qué mosca te ha picado ? = What's the matter with you ? (very informal)
- Tener o estar (con) la mosca detrás de la oreja = to suspect or have an intense hunch sth nasty is about to happen
- echar de menos = to miss sb, sth
- mirar con buenos ojos ( a alguien o algo) = to have a good opinion of a person ( because somehow you've taken a liking to him/her; to agree or to adhere to some idea or project
- hacer buenas migas con alguien = to be on good friendly terms with sb/ to get on with people
- A otra cosa, mariposa = Another tack,then; Let's skip the present unpleasant subject and get on with a nicer one
- Estar pensando en las musarañas/ la Luna = to be lost in thought
- Estar hasta el moño / gorro / los c****** = to be fed up...
- Sin más ni más = for no reason
- ... menos mal... = fortunately... luckily...
- ... del montón = ordinary, plain
- estoy muerto/a = I'm dead tired..
- la mar de = to a high positive degree, a piece of cake, ( la mar de fácil= dead easy )
- Marear la perdiz = to buy time to outwit your opponent trying to leave things as they previously were
- Tirar de la manta = To spill the beans, to rat on the rest of the gang
- Ni más ni menos = Just so, the very thing or person
- Aunque la mona se vista de seda, mona se queda = You can put LIPSTICK on a pig, but it's still a pig..
- Estar con el mono/ Tener el mono = To be in withdrawl
- Mano a mano = One on one
- Echar mano de algo o alguien = To resort to sth or sb.
- Meterse en un jardín/lío/problema/ berenjenal = To get into trouble, to get into hot water
- Irse/Salirse de madre = To overdo something with no restraint whatsoever
- Mirar hacia otro lado = To turn a blind eye ; to look the other way
- Tener mano izquierda = To have suave, understanding,diplomatic manners
- Estar/llegar con una mano delante y otra detrás= To be broke, down and out
- Ponerse manos a la obra= To start working earnestly, to get down to business
- Llegar a las manos = To come to blows
- Ser un mirlo blanco = ( ironically ) To be sth unbelievable; ( literally: to be a white blackbird )
- Dar marcha atrás = To step back; to withdraw ; to change your stand diametrically
- Menos mal = Fortunately; It's a good thing...; We are/were lucky that....
- No es lo mío= It's not my thing ( slot exchange the Spanish possessive pronoun to obtain the rest of the variations of this set phrase: It's not her thing = No es lo SUYO.)
- Pillar/coger a alguien con las manos en la masa= To catch someone red-handed
- A lo mejor= Perhaps
- Esto va a misa= Please mind this because it is definite, full of strength and common sense.
- No tener dónde caerse muerto= To be utterly poor he is not even entitled to the spot where he might drop dead.
- N
- Tocar las narices = to annoy sb by being fussy, nosey and/or persistent
- Nada de nada = Nothing at all
- Para nada = no way, not at all
- Todo para nada = All to no avail
- Nadar y guardar la ropa = To sit on the fence
- Poco menos que nada = Next to nothing
- No pasa nada= It's OK, it's no problem at all
- Nada del otro jueves = No big deal, nothing extraordinary
- Ni por ésas = It's no use/ no way
- De la noche a la mañana = Overnight, and also, in a very short time implying changeable thoughtless behavior
- Eso se nota = it shows
- Los niños hablan cuando mean las gallinas = children should be seen, not heard
- De noche todos los gatos son gatos son pardos= You can be easily misled by unclear circumstances as everybody/ everything look the same in the dark
- Tener todos números ( para te ocurra algo malo)= Chances are sth nasty is going to happen to you
- La prueba del nueve = The last simple but determinant test to check the issue at hand
- ¡ Que no hombre, que no = No way, José !.
- O
- Costar o valer un ojo de la cara = to cost or to pay an arm and a leg for sth
- ¡ ojo !,¡ ojito !, ¡mucho ojo! = be careful !, mind what you're doing,
- / ¡ Andate con ojo ! = You'd better be careful !
- Ojo al dato = Listen carefully/ pay great attention to this
- No sabe hacer la O con un canuto = To have absolutely no idea what you're doing
- Estar a la orden del día = To be sth expected, that goes with the times
- Hacer oreja = To accustom your ears to a foreign language AND to try to listen to what people are saying ( just being a gossip )
- Dar oxígeno a algien o a algo = To give a last minute support to sb/sth
- Pitarle los oídos a alguien = There's a common belief in Spain ( ? ) that when your ears go beeping somebody is taking about you
- Costar un ojo de la cara= To cost an arm and a leg
- En un abrir y cerrar de ojos = In the blinking of an eye.
- ¡ojo al dato != Pay close attention to this !
- ¡Está ocupado! = Somebody´s in here !! , meaning the toilet; word for word translation into Spanish would result in: Alguien está aquí dentro, meaning, Somebody is in here (besides the speaker)
- ¡Ójala estuviera aquí!= I wish he were here ; ¡Ójala lleguen a tiempo! = I wish they arrived on time !
- P
- poner a alguien a parir = to run sb down
- poner patas arriba= to make a mess of a place, to turn everything upside-down
- Predicar en ( el ) desierto = to give useless preachings to people who couldn't care less
- De tal palo, tal astilla = A chip of the old block
- valer la pena... = to be worth doing....
- porque sí = because it is inescapably so
- porque no = because I don´t want to or because it obviously isn´t so
- porque si no... = because otherwise...
- Porque lo digo yo = Because I say so
- Porque me da la gana (rather rude )= Because I want to
- Hacer el primo = to be so naïve and so kind-hearted everyboby takes you for a ride
- Pagar el pato = to be the one to get blame, to carry the can (British English), take the rap (American English)
- Pasarse con alguien = to run somebody down / to hurt their feelings
- Pasarse de cabeza= To become mentally deranged
- un pozo sin fondo = a bad bargain you're always putting money into, a white elephant
- De pe a pa = Thoroughly, well committed to the memory, known by heart implying some internal order, from A to Z, thru and thru
- ¡ Vaya poema ' ! = What an extraordinary or difficult situation !
- / pensárselo = to hesitate, to take a lot of time making up your mind (¡ No te lo pienses tanto, decídete de una vez !
- Un plan cogido por los pelos = A far fetched scheme
- Estar al pie del cañón = To be a corageous leader in a difficult situation, to be the one minding the shop
- No lo quiero ver ni en pintura' = I can't stand the very sight of him
- eres la pera you're awesome or you're very particular;
- Poner pie en pared = To take a firm stand
- ¿ Para qué ? = Why bother ? & What for ?
- Hacer pasar a alguien por el aro = To make sb toe the line
- Hacer la pelota a alguien = To flatter or softsoap sb
- ¿ Cómo está el patio ?. How is the general mood ?, implying things aren't quite OK
- Subirse por las paredes= to get mad, to get your knickers in a twist
- Poner de patitas en la calle ( informal ) = To fire sb from their job / Also when people are forced to leave their houses for falling behind with their mortgage payments ; ( the same two meanings are conveyed more formally with : Poner en la calle / Echar a la calle..
- Que si patatín que si patatán = This and that and the other
- Algo no pide pan = sth that entails no further expenses to keep it
- No dar pie con bola= To be clueless, to have no idea
- Cada palo que aguante su vela = Everyone to their own responsibility
- ¡ Por poco ! = That was a narrow shave/escape !
- Poner a alguien a los pies de los caballos = To leave sb in the lurch, in a difficult situation
- Ser perejil de todas las salsas = To be the main star in every show
- Lo primero es lo primero = First things first
- Llevar a alguien como puta por rastrojo= When sb has got the high hand and makes sb else, who is in pretty weak position, suffer a very harrowing treatment
- Estirar la pata= To kick the bucket
- Salir del paso = to get by
- Poner una pica en Flandes = To seize a bridgehead, to make a move that'll allow further leverage towards your goal
- Pedir peras al olmo = To demand sth impossible
- Ser partidario de.. = to be in favour of sth, ( also said in the negative)
- Poner a parir a alguien/ Poner a alguien de vuelta y media/ Poner a caldo = To say very nasty things, about sb
- Hacer una piña= Of a group of people to make a tight knot in a defensive response against some attack
- Poner paños calientes= To resort to mild makeshift solutions
- Venir al pelo = To came in very handy
- Algo es pan comido = Sth is a piece of cake..
- Una perogrullada/ una verdad de Perogrullo= Sth pretty obvious
- Pensándolo mejor = On second thought, thinking it over
- Parece que no ha roto un plato en su vida/... Nunca ha roto un plato = He/she looks as though they've never done anything wrong in their lives
- Ser plato de segunda mesa = to play second fiddle, to be treated as second best
- ... hasta qué punto = to what extent
- Dejar a pelo un hábito prejudicial = To go cold turkey quitting an unhealthy habit
- La prueba del algodón/ La prueba del nueve = Any simple proof or reasoning to prove a point
- Como Pedro por su casa = As if he/she owned the place
- Ser de piñón fijo= To have a fixed,stubborn way of thinking
- ...para parar un tren= an amazing abundance of something ( ...such an abundance could even stop a train)
- Me dejé la piel = I worked my butt off
- Pase lo que pase = No matter what
- Entre pitos y flautas = what with one thing and another
- Pasar de las palabras a los hechos = to carry out what you say implying either energy, difficulties or bad blood
- ¡ Qué pena != What a pity,shame! and also: too bad !
- Ver de qué pie cojea= To watch close to get to know somebody's weak spots
- ...que si patatín, que si patatán= This and that and the other
- Estar hecho polvo ( of a person) to be exhausted or to be in very poor healt; ( of a machine) to be ready por the scrapyard
- En dos patadas= quickly and with little effort / in a jiffy
- Lo que pasa'= the thing is
- Q
- En el quinto pino = very far ( informal and showing dislike )
- Lo que quieras = anything you want / whatever you want
- Quedar mal = To lose face / Not to fit nicely ( of clothes)/ to make a social blunder or not to be up to the expected level on some social occasion
- Quedar bien = Just the opposite of the previous idiom.
- Que más da? = What does it matter?
- ¡ Quien te ha visto y quien te ve ! = You've changed beyond recognition ( all meanings implied ).
- ...por los pelos= Achieving sth at the very last moment and/or by by very close margin; a narrow escape.
- ...hasta tal punto que...= ... so much so that...
- R
- Andarse por las ramas or Andarse con rodeos = to beat around the bush, not to get to the point
- Eso me resbala = I couldn't care less about that, like water off a duck's back
- No tienes remedio = You're hopeless
- No hay remedio = there's no way out
- Estar muerto de risa = When sb/sth is lying idle with no further use / sitting there....
- Irse de rositas= To manage to get away scot-free
- Según Radio Macuto ...= I´ve heard through the grapevine that...
- En toda regla = fully fledged
- A mí que me registren= Search me !
- Pasarse de la raya= to overdo sth, to go overboard when reacting to sth
- S
- ¡Sal del ( de en ) medio ! = Get out of the way !
- Ser la salsa de todos los platos = To have a finger in every pie
- Valer más la salsa que los caracoles = With some issues the secondary thing becomes more important than the main one
- Salirse con la suya = To get his/her own way eventually
- Hacerse el sueco = To pretend not to know about sth
- echar/caer en saco roto = To make an useless effort
- Lo que sea = Whatever
- Como sea/ Sea como sea= do it or get it done making no bones about the means
- Eres un sol = You're a love
- Hacerse el/la simpático/a = To turn on the charm
- ...que yo sepa=to my knowledge ../As far as I know
- Meter en el mismo saco= To have the opinion ( generally bad ) that two different people are quite alike in their bad traits
- Pasar unos años a la ' sombra= To serve some years in prison
- Hacer algo a salto de mata = To do sth in a haphazard way
- En serio = I mean it
- Salir con alguien en serio= To go out with sb in earnest
- Llegar y besar/tocar el santo = To be very lucky with one´s timing/ to succeed in the first happy go
- No que yo sepa= Not to my knowledge
- Estar hasta en la sopa= To be so present everywhere that the topic or the person/s becomes quite a bore
- Ir en serio= To be earnest, to mean business
- Irse el santo al cielo= Se me ha ido el santo al cielo = I can´t remember what I was going to say next
- Lo de siempre= The usual stuff
- T
- Por allí van los tiros= That's what they're hinting /aiming at/ that's how the land lies
- Toma ya ! = excl. when beating sb in a game or flooring them in an argument or similar, there !!
- ver los toros desde la barrera = to know about a problem but avoid getting involved/ to sit on the fence
- a toro pasado = in hindsight
- Hacer de tripas corazón = to show strong determination in very difficult/ sorrowful situation
- ¿ Qué tripa se te ha roto ? = What's wrong with you ? ( informal)
- estar al tanto = to keep abreast regarding some subject or to keep a watchful eye on sb or sth
- Coger el truco = To get the trick or to get the knack
- Coger el tranquillo = To get the knack
- Entrar al trapo = To get entangled by answering or reacting to a pique or taunt .
- Estar en todo = to be quite alert so as to be in control of everything, to have all your wits about you
- Tal cual = As it is
- Fulano de Tal= Mr So and So
- Ir tirando = To get by ( mainly in connexion with health and money )
- Fulano no es trigo limpio = So and So is a shady character
- Tirarse a la piscina = To take an important decission without studying its pros and cons
- A todo tren =at full throttle,also, surrounded by luxury
- Tocar los huevos/cojones= To make people mad by insisting on taboo or covered up issues
- ( Todo) de un tirón = In a single lap or in just one go
- No tenerlas todas consigo = When sb is pretty suspicious/full of misgivings about sb/sth..
- Otra vuelta de tuerca = Another turn of the screw ( Please notice Sp use of nut and Eng use of screw )
- Apretarle las""tuercas a alguien = To step up pressure on sb
- Sin ton ni son= in a chaotic way
- Echar los tejos a alguien= to make advances to sb ( real or figurative sense)
- Seguir en sus trece= To defend stubbornly some wrong idea
- Sudar tinta = To work extraordinarily hard at sth that turns out to be a tricky issue
- Saber de buena tinta= To know sth from a very reliable source
- Hacer de tripas corazón= To be extraordinarily courageous to solve a very serious situation; to bite the bullet; to stomach sth
- U
- Te van a dar las uvas = you're going to be awfully late ( very good play on words for Christmas Eve )
- ¡Usted primero! = After you!.
- V
- ¡ Ya vale! = enough is enough !
- Ya te vale ! = How lucky / cheeky you are !
- Va a costar un verano = it´s going to take ages
- Darle vueltas a algo = to chew the cud ; to keep turning sth over in your mind without taking a decision
- ¡ Qué va = not at all/ you're quite wrong..
- Vaya beso ! = That was some kiss !...
- Hacer la vista gorda = To turn a blind eye
- ¡ Venga ya ! = Get real !
- Vivir del cuento = To "earn" a living by seducing people with your sweet talking and your wild or shady schemes the way con-men and many politicos do
- Sin venir a cuento= With no relation to the issue at hand
- Para este viaje( no hacen falta tantas alforjas )= It is said when the results of sth much talked about turn out to be very disappointing
- Venirte Dios a ver= To get lucky inexpectedly in a difficult issue thanks to some help you didn't count on
- / Tú no tienes vela en este entierro = You've got nothing to do here , you're out of your league here
- ¡ Más te vale = You'd better !
- Es ley de vida= To be the logical/natural outcome of something
- Algo no tiene vuelta de hoja = Something is so obvious or logical it needs no further discussion
- Darle 10,100,1000, un montón de vueltas a alguien = to be superior or to perform 10,100,10000, times or far better than somebody
- Por ser vos quien sois = Because it's you (showing irony and some distaste)
- Cada vez= Every time... AND ...more and more (Se está poniendo cada vez más gordo = He's getting fatter and fatter) .
- ...para variar.... = .....for a change...
- W
- X
- Y
- ¿ Y qué ? = So what ?
- Y si...? = What if...?
- Yo que tú... = If I were you...
- Ya no = not any more = I can't stand this any more
- Z
- Most idioms are for recognition not for production so don't panic, you needn't drop them into every few words of Spanish you exchange, but you might have a go at ¡vaya! = Oops! or ¡vaya, vaya! = is that so? or just think of it! ,... people will love hearing you say it.
- Many idioms are very localized. If you say ¡vaya! in a country other than Spain some people instead of loving hearing you say it may look puzzled or laugh at you... a godsent icebreaker?
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