Say Hello in Spanish
Saying hello in Spanish is easy and fun. Follow these tips and you'll be able to greet people in Spanish in no time.
Saying Hello in Spanish
- Say hello in Spanish. Here's how to say it:
- "Hola."
- Pronounce it "oh-la," remembering to keep the "h" silent.
- Say hello in Spanish in a more casual way. While Spanish doesn't have equivalent words for "hi" or "hey," there are some ways to say hello more casually. Here are some ways to say it:
- "¿Que pasa?" means "What's happening?"
- "¿Qúe tal?" means "How's it going?" or "What's up?"
- "¿Que hay?" means "What's new?"
Greeting People in Spanish by Time of Day
- Say "Good morning."
- Say "Buenos días."
- Say "Good afternoon."
- Say "Buenas tardes."
- Say "Good evening."
- Say "Buenas noches."
Saying "How Are You?" as a Greeting
- Say "¿Cómo estás?" This is pronounced COH-moh ehS-TAHS and means "how are you?" Use this when you are speaking informally to someone your age (or younger) or who is your social peer.
- Say "¿Cómo está?" This is pronounced COH-moh ehS-TAH and means "how are you?" Use this when speaking formally to someone who who is much older than you or has a higher social status.
- Say "¿Cómo están?" This is pronounced COH-moh ehs-TAHN and means "how are you (all)?" Use this when addressing a group.
Saying "Hi" in Different Countries
- Say "hi" in Venezuela. Just say "¡Epa chamo!" -- this is the masculine form. Say "¡Epa chama!" to use the feminine form. It's pronounced "EH PA CHA-moh/mah."
- Say "hi" in Puerto Rico. Just say, "¡Que hubo!" to say "hi" in Puerto Rico. It's pronounced "KEY ooh-boh."
- Say "hi" in Spain. Say "¿Qué hay?" to say "hi" in Spain. It's pronounced "KAY AY."
- Say "hi" in Mexico. Say "¡Q'bole!" to say "hi" in Mexican slang. It's pronounced "KYOO boh-leh."
- If you want to say hello when you pick up the phone in Spanish, say "¡Dígame!" in Spain or "¡Aló! in Latin America.
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