Make an Origami Cat Face

Some origami projects are more approachable than others. If you don't have the patience to fiddle with an eight point star or a flying bird, that doesn't mean you can't enjoy origami. These kid-friendly "cat face" instructions are easy to follow, and the end product can be personalized to make it unique.


  1. Start with a square piece of paper.
  2. Fold the piece of paper in half diagonally (corner to corner).
  3. Fold one corner of the triangle down as shown.
  4. Repeat with the other corner.
  5. Fold down the remaining point at the center.
  6. Turn the paper over to the other side and draw the cat's face! This includes the eyes, the nose, ears and don't forget the whiskers. Feel free to add colour.
  7. Finished.


  • Try using construction paper or newsprint advertisements for a more colorful cat.
  • If you don't want to draw eyes, you can glue googly eyes to it -- most craft stores sell googly eyes. Pipe cleaners make for bold whiskers, and felt ears really stand out.
  • You can use these instructions to make a creative cat-lover's birthday card. Try taping some candy to it!
  • Consider using recycled paper; it's better for the environment.
  • Draw carefully on the dots for the whiskers.
  • Use coloured paper.


  • Don't get a paper cut.

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