Make the Conversation Flow

Who says that making small talk with new people has to be awkward? Here's some advice for getting a conversation started and keeping awkward silence at bay.


  1. Introduce yourself with a smile. Then ask a person for his or her name. Reply with: "It is nice to meet you, [fill in his/her name]."
  2. Ask questions that will help you find common ground. For example, what's his or her favorite sport? Share what you like about that sport, too. This strategy works well with both kids and grown-ups.
  3. Be positive. If your new acquaintance, says "bowling" and you loathe bowling, keep it to yourself. Ask what she likes about bowling. You may be intrigued by the answer!
  4. Ask open-ended questions. Asking how she first became interested in bowling, for example, will carry your conversation longer than, "How long have you been playing?"
  5. Stay focused on the other person. She will appreciate what a good listener you are!


  • Conversations are about taking turns talking. Give the other person his turn, and when it's your turn, speak up.
  • Nod your head now and then to show that you are listening and interested, and to give encouragement to the talker to continue.
  • Make good eye contact. Look at the person who is talking--not as his buttons or the way his ears stick out.
  • "You can only eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be?"
  • "What would you do with the money if you won the lottery?"
  • Still at a loss for what to say? Try one of these guaranteed conversation starters:
  • "If you could invite any five famous people to dinner, living or dead, who would you choose and why?"
  • "What do you think the most interesting fortune cookie might say?"
  • "What kind of animal do you identify with most? Why?"

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