Make the Line Move Faster at Starbucks

It's 3 p.m. on a hot, humid afternoon and you have been sweating more than you thought was possible without undergoing a workout. Your mouth is parched, your throat dry, and your dehydrated self is dying for the cool sip of an iced latte. The last thing you want to do is to wait for what feels like years in a never ending line at Starbucks. Luckily for you, Starbucks has a system of making drinks. Be sure to share it with everyone you know -- because the more people who order correctly, the faster the Starbucks line moves for everybody.


  1. Make up your mind as soon as possible about what drink and specifications you want. Baristas often work faster than cashiers, so they can make your order while you're still waiting in line to pay.
  2. Tell an available barista whether you want an iced or hot drink.
    • Baristas cannot begin to mark cups until you tell them what TYPE of drink (hot/cold) and SIZE it is because they use different cups for each specification.
    • If you request they add a little ice to your hot drink, you may need to make it clear you want hot coffee. If you aren't clear, they may confuse adding a little ice as being "iced" coffee.
    • You also have the option to tell your barista what temperature you would like your hot drink to be. There is a temperature gauge on the steamer. 120 degrees is just right to drink right away without a burnt tongue.
  3. Give the barista the size you want.
    • Sizes come in Tall (small), Grande (medium), and Venti (large).
    • There is also a Short size (extra small) for hot drinks only.
  4. Tell them what type of drink you want.
    • Examples include: Cappuccino, latte, mocha, frappuccino, espresso, etc
  5. Then mention things you want extra (modifiers) in the following order to make it simpler for cup marking:
    • Fair Trade?
    • Decaf? (You don't need to say non-decaf)
    • Any extra shots
    • Syrups
    • Milk
    • Any other custom requests
  6. If you are a manager or owner, hire more baristas, or procure enough equipment to keep up with demand. This will be much more effective in speeding the line than any amount of streamlining the way the customers order.


  • Make sure you're being clear and loud enough the barista can hear you. Sometimes the blenders are going, or milk is being steamed (and if they're at a drive-thru, orders are being placed outside), which can make it difficult to concentrate.
  • Don't overdo it. If you see there are a lot of other people behind you then, then tell the barista your order quickly and clearly.


  • If you're wanting to order a drip coffee or iced coffee and want to add cream, make sure you specify "room for cream." That way you don't spill hot coffee all over yourself, as the baristas fill the coffee up to the very top otherwise.
  • Please be kind and ask for room instead of dumping coffee in the condiment bar trash. This is not a pleasant mess for your barista to clean up

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