Manage Change in Life
Implementing a life's plan requires change. Changes, adjustments, alterations, modifications or whatever it may be, are all terms we use to describe the things necessary to advance our lives in a new direction.
- It is critical to remain focused on the goal.
- Do not be engulfed in the euphoria of sticking to traditional ways of doing things.
- Constant review and evaluation of the process is essential in determining the level of change that needs to be attempted.
- Adjust your strategies and approach as necessary to accomplish your ultimate goal. The right adjustment at the right time may make a great difference.
- Fear of change is the elder cousin of procrastination, the thief of profit and greatness.
- Just remember that change is something that is meant to happen but can feel strange and bad because of the memories that we hold of the old and familiar. So to truly change, you don't need to forget but you just need to accept the change that was inevitable.
- The power to be is in you.
- Sometimes what seems like a retreat is in fact an advance in a new direction.
- You need the energy it takes to affect the adjustments.
- Never be afraid of a change.
- Adjust if necessary.
- Timing of changes and adjustments are critical.