Simply Change Your Life

The following is a list of changes that are simple, but incredibly powerful. Some are obvious, others are not. Hopefully this article serves as a reminder of some useful changes most of us can make to our lives.


  1. Walk Humans aren’t supposed to be sedentary beings. Most people are born to run, but even more so to walk. Anyone who can't walk conventionally should try to spend time propelling themselves - don't take the car, bike or use public transport everywhere you go. If you already walk to work or school, you can consider this your daily walk, or add an additional walk to your day.
  2. Remember walking every day is good for your physical health. But more importantly, it’s good for your mind. Walking painlessly is a joy. You are outside without distractions. You may even see people. And there’s few better ways to boast your mood.
  3. Wake early. Decide for yourself what defines early. Many people belive that it's good to get up in time to have 30 minutes spare time before you start to get ready for the day doing things you must do rather than things you want to do.
  4. Understand that to “wake early.” is believed to be most beneficial by some people. The early morning is peaceful – there are no interruptions and no noise, possibly, depending where you live. You can wake up and go for a walk. You can meditate. And you can create.
  5. Stop watching, start doing. Watching is easy. Anyone can watch someone. Spectating isn’t inherently bad, but some people believe we do too much of it. Instead of watching, do something. Or better yet, create something great.
  6. Go slowly. Some people today belive modern culture tells us to go fast, to sprint and win the race. Problem is, the race never ends. When you choose to go slowly, you are choosing peace and happiness. You will obviously have to apply some common sense here, only go slowly doing things that are safe to do slowly and give yourself enough time to get task completed at the pace you have chosen.
  7. Become stronger. There are many ways you can become stronger. You can refuse to back down because of fear. You can stand up for what’s right. And you can become physically stronger.
  8. Increase your confidence. Gradually become stronger, and the world will open up.
  9. Live in the moment. The past is yesterday and the future is later. The present is the only time we are truly living. Instead of analyzing the past or Stop Worrying About the Future, live in the moment.
  10. Forget goals. Goals look nice on paper. They provide order to your life. They aren’t necessarily counter-productive – people have done great things using goals.
  11. Focus on what’s important.
  12. Change things up. Routine can make you a zombie. Instead, change things. Often you will find that a change makes things more exciting. Don’t be afraid to change things up.
  13. Play. We are too serious. Laugh and goof off sometimes. Forget being judged, and let loose. We aren’t so different from children – only we try to hide our play. Forget maturity. Forget working for now. Play. Enjoy life.



  • Living your life doesn't mean doing stupid things. Don't go skydiving just for the adrenaline rush or to be able to say you've done it, and don't try to do risky things just for the sake of doing them. Live your life the way you want to, don't "live it to the fullest" if you don't want to.

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