Manage Chronic Illness

Dealing with long-lasting, non-terminal, "chronic illness" can cause considerable disability in individual and family lives so that in order to cope and live a successful and less painful existence, it needs to be managed well. Some examples are asthma, diabetes, depression and anxiety, some forms of cancer, autoimmune diseases like rheumatoid arthritis and lupus, cerebral palsy, emphysema, endometriosis, interstitial cystitis, Celiac Disease, Parkinson's, some forms of heart-trouble, severe hypertension, and different forms of arthritis.

Chronic diseases cause continuing of financial stress. Such illness may lead to loss of ability to maintain one's employment. Changing employment leads to the loss of health insurance coverage due to getting a new medical insurance carrier, as preexisting condition clauses stop your new insurance from having to pay for continuing illness. Medicaid can only help, if one is disabled.

In a lot of ways, it may seem considerably easier to deal with a life-threatening or acute disease, rather than a chronic illness. Some patients even have additional illness due to their disease being managed improperly. It is imperative that patient's care givers and physicians, be highly trained about the illness they are treating so that they can give the best care possible. Moreover, they need to help their patient to be positive in their illness(es). Teach them coping strategies so that depression does not overwhelm them and cause more harm.

It is important that individuals who are chronically ill are encouraged and motivated to help themselves. In doing so, they can get the most out of life and remain as independent as possible, this gives them self-confidence and helps not to undermine the patient/caregiver relationship by setting healthy boundaries.

The following article contains information, tips for patients, and strategies that can help a person who has a chronic illness live a more independent life and maintain some sort of active lifestyle while maintaining themselves in chronic illness.


  1. Understand chronic illness. Many individuals are ill with symptoms and do not know what is wrong with them. Many go without treatment for years. A critical public health problem and of growing concern worldwide is illness associated with the environment. Some people who experience intense, ongoing or cumulative, low level exposure to one or more chemicals or irritants become sensitive to them. People with environmental illness(es) often become ill and develop a range of disorders marked by debilitating symptoms affecting multiple organ systems. Frequency or severity of these symptoms are made worse by subsequent exposures, even at very low doses to a wider range of chemicals and irritants. It is a very serious condition.
  2. Consult with a doctor After identifying your main symptoms that are unusual or causing you concern, consult your doctor. Be aware that the following symptoms may also be caused by many different illnesses, therefore, a correct diagnosis is extremely important. Don't procrastinate seeing a doctor because you want to avoid dealing with it. It is always best to catch any illness or condition as far in advance as possible.
    • Central nervous system - fatigue, tension, headaches, confusion, memory loss, depression, hyperactivity, sleep disturbances, dizziness
    • Gastrointestinal - bloating, nausea, constipation, cramps, diarrhea
    • Genitourinary - frequency, incontinence
    • Skin - eczema, flushing, rashes, hives
    • Musculoskeletal - muscles spasms, joint pain, backaches, swollen limbs
    • Respiratory - frequent colds, bronchitis, asthma, shortness of breath
    • Cardiovascular - rapid heartbeat, irregular heartbeat, hypertension, migraines
    • Ear, eye, nose, throat - nasal stuffiness, earaches, watery eyes, sinus infection, congestion
  3. Manage your team of service providers. Multidisciplinary intervention is communication and collaboration among doctors, nurses, caregivers, counselors, and other professionals. This is to improve satisfaction among participants and improve patients’ satisfaction with quality of care.The patient as well as their medical team need to learn how to manage the particular illness as many illnesses are very complex. The more the individual learns about their illness the better chance they will have to improve their health and keep their independence. A good self-management program for chronic illness is to put in place a team conference proposed plan of management
    • Individualized Care Plan
    • Follow up with physician discussion of further therapy
    • Regular review of care plan in team meeting
    • Linking with care providers in the community for collaborative management
    • Re-evaluation using objective tests to determine progress in patient's health and care plan
    • Self management and community linkage
    • Coaching, building capacity and offering guidance in self management strategies
    • Assisting in developing community linkage. Work with every available resource to treat both the patient and the illness. There is a great need for community-based programs. These programs can cut financial cost, be more easily accessible, help the individual to manage their illness, and improve their overall health.
  4. Walk, if possible. Walking benefits the patient's lungs, heart, and mind. One should walk or exercise at least three times a week and go at one's own pace. The individual may have to start off very slowly and build up endurance, but in the end it is one of the best exercises that can be done and most people can do that. Some may have to use canes or rollators to do this, but that is okay. They may also use an electric scooter to be able to go greater distances, especially in the summer time, when on vacation. This enables the individual to keep their independence.
  5. Employ every discipline, considering alternative treatments
    • Consider a massage: Massage can help relax the body and make one feel much better. For some people with chronic illness, however, a massage can create more pain for a few days. Be aware of what works for you and those with your illness. It will vary.
    • Consider pool therapy: This is very beneficial if one is able to join a program that caters to those that have chronic illness. Some even have heated pools and classes just for the chronically ill, done under the direction of trained personnel. Exercises can be done in a heated pool and at the level that is best suited for the client. Some pools have jets in them and this can be beneficial for one's circulation.
    • Pharmaceutical prescription: Sometimes medications are needed to treat those who are very ill and it is important that they are followed up by their family physician. Do you research and consider the side effects, as well as the risk you take if your condition is left untreated. Know that just because you start a medication does not mean you will have to take it forever. Consider it part of your overall plan to be able to keep living, rather than in a constant battle of fighting to enjoy life.
    • Physiotherapy: Physiotherapy involves treatment at a clinic or at home. The therapist uses such treatment methods as a tens unit, ultrasound, moist heat, exercises, riding a stationary bicycle, and other treatment methods. The purpose is to relieve pain, improve mobility, motivate the individual to make life style changes, and to build up endurance. Some of their methods may then be continued at home with good follow up
    • Intravenous therapy: Intravenous nutrient therapy or IV is considered for patients based upon reported symptoms of fatigue and muscle pain. The patient is given a test at first to see if their body is low in magnesium. If it is, then they are tested with a small trial dose of magnesium combined with Magnesium, Sodium Bicarbonate, Vitamin C, and Beminal with C Fortis. This is a very safe method of treatment and done with nurses in attendance. Many patients get great relief after this type of treatment
    • Counseling: Programs for rehabilitation are community based models that offers assistance in the following: Employment assessment, re-entry into the work force with follow up, help to produce a pleasing resume, job search and interview skills etc. Other programs are more spiritually oriented and recognize that individuals have spiritual as well as emotional and physical needs
    • Follow good nutrition habits: Good nutrition means better health. One way to do this is to eat organically. Getting better requires clean air, clean food, clean water
    • Consider your spiritual path: Studies have shown that faith in God, a prayer life, and being involved in a congregation can lessen stress as well as physical symptoms. Friendships that are developed as well as feeling that there is a purpose in the pain or one's experience can help one feel better and sometimes even help them heal. Research has shown that those who pray sometimes heal faster than those who do not. Don't ignore your spiritual self in this journey of coping with a chronic illness.
  6. Create an oasis in your home: Make sure these areas in your home are made safe
    • floors
    • walls
    • windows
    • furniture
    • closets
    • the bed
    • bed linens
    • pillows
    • laundry methods
    • personal habits
    • filtration system
    • ventilation system
    • general maintenance
  7. Understand that treatment of chronic illness requires the involvement of society as a whole-chronic disease is more than a health problem—it’s an epidemic. As more of the population ages it is becoming a major problem. Every community needs to make sure that every thing possible is done to help our seniors and disabled to remain in their own homes as long as possible.

For those seeking encouragement and hope while chronically ill, there are a variety of spiritual resources, including Rest Ministries which is featured above, who offers daily devotionals for the ill as well as support groups called HopeKeepers (R) around the USA.


For Care Givers

  • Educate yourself. Learn about their illness, what is happening and to lend support in finding a treatment plan for them. There are many resources available today. Resources to help in the education process can be found here
  • Validate. A major thing that will make a loved one feel supported through their illness is to genuinely validate how they are feeling. Let them know there is something wrong, and that what they are going through is not how they are supposed to feel all the time.
  • Listen. Ask how they are feeling and be prepared to listen for a while. Find out about their private struggles and fears if they feel comfortable. Allow them to vent, and hear their complaints with true concern and consideration.
  • Sympathize. This one is a pretty easy idea, but may be hard to put into action. It is not pity. It is expressing compassion for how they feel. This may be better done through actions than through words.
  • Encourage. Provide meaningful emotional support, encourage them in all their efforts to find wellness, and cheer for them when they seem to lose hope. However, be gentle in encouragement. Don’t make it sound like they can do whatever they put their mind to, as this will perhaps discourage them and distance you from them.
  • Have patience. One of the toughest things about having a chronically ill loved one can be having patience. This may be one of the most important things to do.
  • Help out. This is simple, and very do-able. Someone with a chronic illness can easily feel overwhelmed by their daily tasks. If possible, find something small that they can do. Find ways to lighten their load.
  • Be positive. It may be hard for them to be positive when they are fighting a daily battle and feel like they’re on the losing side. As above though, remember to be considerate in your positivity.
  • Be proactive. There are always new things to learn. Seek out answers. Try to help them to take charge of their treatment. Assist them in actively looking for treatments

For Patients

  • Get connected. There are literally thousands of online support groups who are looking for (and sharing) insight from others going through the same experiences. Connecting with these groups and people can be tremendously useful for finding tips and tricks for coping or keeping updated on medical innovations.
  • Remember to be proactive. Lots of times support groups have local chapters that meet and get to know each other on a more personal level.
  • Eat a healthier diet. Research suggests that a diet rich in whole grains, legumes, and vegetables (especially the dark-green leafy variety) is not only a good source of essential nutrients and fiber but also has a beneficial effect on blood lipids and blood pressure
  • Start a daily exercise regimen. Exercise will help build muscle and increase the body’s metabolic rate, enabling calories to burn off more effectively. Even low- to moderate-intensity activities such as walking the dog, stair climbing, and gardening can provide significant benefits
  • Take quality supplements. Supplementing a healthier diet with certain nutrients—at doses that are difficult to obtain from diet alone—may be beneficial in supporting overall health. Be sure to check with your Dr. before taking any over the counter medications to prevent any interaction with prescriptions.
  • Learn to manage stress. Change of any kind, even if beneficial, is stressful. Eating in response to stress (i.e., "emotional" eating) can undo all of a patient’s good dietary and fitness efforts. For these and other reasons, stress management techniques such as breathing exercises, meditation, massage, and yoga are invaluable for good health


  • Before using any of the above treatment suggestions in this article please check with your family physician or specialist to make sure that the method you wish to try is suitable for your illness.
  • Do not stop any of your present treatment methods without the consent of your medical team.

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