Melt White Chocolate

White chocolate is a little trickier to melt than milk chocolate or dark chocolate because it has a lower burning point. As a result, it overheats quickly, and white chocolate that overheats can be difficult if not impossible to save. It is recommended that you melt white chocolate using a double-boiler, but in a pinch, a microwave can also be used.


Double-Boiler Method

  1. Chop the white chocolate into fine pieces. Use a sharp kitchen knife to cut the white chocolate into even pieces, roughly 1/4-inch (6.35-mm) to 1/2-inch (1.27-cm) big.
    • You could also use your hands to break the chocolate into pieces or a box grater to grate the white chocolate into shreds.
    • This is only necessary if using bars of white chocolate or white chocolate wafers. If you are using white chocolate chips, you can melt the chips as they are without breaking them into smaller pieces.
  2. Boil water in a double-boiler. Fill the bottom half of a double-boiler with around 1 inch (2.5 cm) of water. Heat the water over medium-high heat until it begins to boil.
    • Note that the double-boiler method is the preferred method of melting white chocolate. White chocolate has a very low burning point of about 110 degrees Fahrenheit (44 degrees Celsius). This method grants you the greatest level of temperature control, so it is usually the most successful.
    • There should be plenty of room between the surface of the water and the bottom of the double-boiler's top half. The water should not come in contact with the top portion of the double-boiler even after it starts to boil.
    • Test the water level by placing the top half of the double-boiler in place after the water starts to boil. Remove the top half after about 30 seconds to check for moisture. If water splashed onto it, reduce the water level in the bottom half and try again.
    • If you do not have a double-boiler, you can create something like it with a simple saucepan and metal bowl. Choose a small to medium saucepan and a shallow bowl that fits over the saucepan snugly. If possible, use a bowl with a lip that can fit over the side of the saucepan so that the bowl itself fits into the saucepan instead of simply sitting on top. Make sure that the bowl does not touch the bottom of the saucepan or the surface of the water inside the saucepan.[1]
  3. Heat the white chocolate over the water. Reduce the heat to low. Add the chopped white chocolate to the top portion of the double-boiler and replace the top portion so that it sits above the water. Stir the white chocolate continuously until it melts.
    • Remove the white chocolate from the heat after most of it has melted but while a few lumps are still present. The chocolate will continue to melt after being removed from the heat as long as you continue to stir it, and pulling it off early prevents it from overheating.
    • When white chocolate overheats, it becomes lumpy and grainy. You may not be able to return it to a usable state if that happens.
    • If you cannot melt the remaining lumps of white chocolate after removing it from the heat, simply replace the top portion of the double-boiler and heat the chocolate for 30 to 60 seconds longer.
    • Do not allow any liquid to get into the white chocolate as it melts. Liquid will cause the chocolate to seize up and become lumpy. If possible, you should even avoid letting steam from the bottom half of the double-boiler from getting into the white chocolate. You should also make sure that the spoon used to stir the chocolate remains dry throughout the process. Metal spoons are better than wooden or plastic spoons since they are less likely to retain moisture.[2]
    • Do not cover the double-boiler as the chocolate melts since condensation will build on the lid. If this condensed water drips down into the white chocolate beneath it, the chocolate could be ruined.
    • If you do need to add a liquid ingredient to the white chocolate, like an extract or food coloring, it is best to add the liquid to the white chocolate before you begin melting it. This will allow the temperature of the liquid and chocolate to remain the same, minimizing the risk of seizing the white chocolate up.
  4. Re-emulsify the white chocolate, if necessary. If the white chocolate does become seized and lumpy, you might be able to save it by stirring in a small amount of butter or shortening.
    • Remove the white chocolate from the heat before attempting to rescue it.
    • Add the butter or shortening into the lumpy white chocolate 1 tsp (5 ml) at a time to avoid overdoing it. You will probably end up needing about 1 Tbsp (15 ml) per 6 oz (170 g) white chocolate.
    • You could also use flavorless vegetable oil, warm milk, or warm cream. Make sure that all liquid ingredients are added only if warmed to the temperature of the white chocolate first. Adding cold liquids will likely worsen the problem.
    • Use re-emulsified white chocolate with other ingredients to make sauces, frostings, and batters. It is difficult to use it on its own for coating candy or creating decorations since the texture and shine will be different. You might be able to use it on its own for drizzling over cookies, however.

Microwave Method

  1. Chop the white chocolate into fine, even pieces. Cut up wafers or bars of white chocolate using a sharp kitchen knife. The pieces should be even in size, measuring about 1/4-inch (6.35-mm) to 1/2-inch (1.27-cm).
    • You could skip this step if you start out with white chocolate chips instead of larger pieces. Chips are already small enough to melt as they are without additional chopping.
    • For large bars, chunks, and wafers, you could also break them into pieces using your hands or shred them down to size using a box or hand grater.
  2. Adjust the power on the microwave.[3] Instead of microwaving the white chocolate at full power, you should reduce the power to medium or 50 percent.
    • Reducing the power on the microwave ensures that the chocolate will not become too hot, too fast. Leaving the microwave set at full power can cause delicate white chocolate to overheat quickly, resulting in a lumpy, grainy mess.
    • Note that microwaving white chocolate is not the recommended melting option. It is more difficult to monitor the temperature of the chocolate in the microwave than it is with a double-boiler. White chocolate burns at about 110 degrees Fahrenheit (44 degrees Celsius), and it is easy to burn it in the microwave if you do not watch it carefully.
  3. Warm the white chocolate in the microwave for 30 seconds.[4] Microwave the white chocolate in a microwave-safe bowl for 30 seconds and stir.
    • The white chocolate will continue to melt from its own heat upon being stirred.
    • Do not cover the bowl since this can cause condensation. Condensed water can ruin the chocolate if it drips down into it.
    • Even if it does not look melted, you should check the temperature of the white chocolate before continuing to microwave it. The chocolate will retain its shape without being stirred, so merely looking at it is not a good indication of how warm it is.
    • Generally speaking, the white chocolate should be no warmer than the inside of your bottom lip. If you want to gauge how warm the chocolate is, you can test it by touching the chocolate with clean hands and comparing the temperature to the warmth of your bottom lip.
  4. Continue in 30-second intervals as needed. If the white chocolate still will not melt after stirring it for about a minute or so, you can continue microwaving it in 30-second intervals at 50 percent power.
    • Stir the white chocolate in between intervals to give it a chance to melt outside of the microwave.
    • This tends to be necessary for large batches of white chocolate but not for small amounts.
    • To be on the safe side, you can even microwave the white chocolate in 15-second intervals instead of 30-second intervals.
  5. Restore the chocolate, if necessary. White chocolate that seizes and becomes lumpy or grainy might be able to be salvaged with the addition of butter or shortening.
    • Add about 1 Tbsp (15 ml) of butter or shortening for every 6 oz (170 g) of white chocolate. To be on the safe side, add it in 1 tsp (5 ml) at a time and stir in between each addition.
    • Warm milk, warm cream, or flavorless vegetable oil can also be used to re-emulsify white chocolate instead of butter or shortening. Make sure that these liquid ingredients are warmed to the approximate temperature of the white chocolate before you stir them in.
    • Even if you manage to salvage seized white chocolate, your uses for it may be limited. Salvaged white chocolate can often be used as a drizzle or as an ingredient in batters, frostings, and sauces, but it is generally not suitable for uses like candy coatings or elaborate chocolate decorations.

Things You'll Need

  • Double-boiler or saucepan
  • Metal bowl
  • Metal spoon
  • Microwave-safe bowl

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