Moisturize African Hair

African-American hair is delicate and tends to be very dry. As a result, special care needs to be taken to ensure its health and vitality. Daily moisturizing is a must, as well as additional deep conditioning and other special oil treatments each month. Once you get the moisturizing routine down, your hair will be feeling soft and looking great all the time.


Moisturizing and Sealing

  1. Choose the right shampoo. Use a deeply moisturizing shampoo made specifically for African hair. There are many brands on the market, so try out a couple of different shampoos to find which one works best for you personally. Choose a product that is sulfate-free (it will promote this on the front of the bottle). Sulfate can be very drying and strip African hair of moisture.[1]
    • It is recommended that you wash your hair every 7 to 10 days for best results.[2] You will want to follow the moisturizing and sealing steps daily, however.[2]
    • Check the label to make sure the shampoo you choose is alcohol-free. Alcohol can be very harsh and strip your hair of its natural oils.[1]
    • Look for shampoos that are pH-balanced.[1] These types of products will maintain the outer cuticle of your hair, sealing in moisture and promoting shiny locks.
    • Choose a shampoo that has natural moisturizing oil.[3] Check the label for jojoba oil and emu oil as one of the primary ingredients.
  2. Divide your hair into 4 sections. To begin the daily moisturizing and sealing process, use hair clips to assist you. Divide your hair into 4 sections and secure with the clip. The sections don't have to be exact or perfect - doing this just makes it easier to work with your hair during the daily routine process and also ensures even product coverage.
  3. Apply a water-based leave-in conditioner to each section of your hair. Use a moisturizing conditioner that lists coconut oil, olive oil, argan oil and keratin as active ingredients on the label. Take down each section, one at a time, and apply the conditioner from root to tip, concentrating on the ends. After you finish one section, clip it back up into place before moving on to the next section of your hair.
    • While you should only wash your hair every 7 to 10 days, moisturizing and sealing (applying leave-in moisturizer and sealing with oil) should be done every day.[4]
  4. Coat the sections of your hair with oil.[4] Doing this as part of your hair care routine helps strengthen hair structure and seals in the moisture of the conditioner you just used. The best oils to use are jojoba oil, coconut oil, olive oil, and pomegranate seed oil, all of which are widely available at grocery and drug stores. Take down each section, one at a time, and apply a small amount of the oil (a pea-sized dollop should work) from root to tip, again concentrating on the ends.
    • Experiment with each of the different oils listed above to see which works best for you.
    • Don't over-do the oil. Using too much will weigh your hair down and may contribute to a greasy look. Use the minimum amount required with a special focus on the ends.
    • When applying the oil, use a downward sweeping motion with your hair in between your palms. This will contribute to smoothness after completion.
    • Don't mix your conditioner and oil together to save time. The process will not work properly and the moisture won't be sealed if you do that. Make sure you always moisturize with conditioner before sealing with the oil.
  5. Style your hair as usual. Repeat this full method every 10 days for best results.[5] For the days in between shampoos, you'll still want apply the moisturizer and seal it daily with oil.[4]

Deep Conditioning

  1. Begin with clean hair. Go through your normal shampoo routine using your moisturizing shampoo. Rinse the product from your hair and towel dry it so that it is damp before you begin the deep conditioning.
  2. Apply the deep conditioner to your hair. Use a hot oil treatment or other deep conditioners that have natural oils or fats such as shea butter, argan oil and coconut oil. Apply the deep conditioner from root to tip, concentrating on the ends.[6]
  3. Wrap your hair in a towel. After you've evenly applied the deep conditioner to all of your hair, take a soft towel and carefully wrap your hair securely in a turban-style.
  4. Keep your hair wrapped for 30 full minutes.[7] This is a good time to start on your daily makeup routine to pass the time. Getting back in the bath and relaxing is always an option, of course! Just make sure you don't get hair wet and that it remains securely wrapped up in the towel for the full half hour.
  5. Style your hair as usual. Repeat this deep conditioning method twice per month for best results.[5] Regular use of this treatment will make your hair stronger and softer.

Deep Conditioning With Olive Oil and Honey

  1. Make your mixture. Measure out 1 tbsp. (15 ml) of olive oil and put into a microwave-safe bowl. Measure out 1 tbsp. (15 ml) of honey and add to the olive oil in the bowl. Stir gently.
    • Olive oil will give your hair natural shine as the honey conditions it.
  2. Melt the mixture in the microwave. It needs to be heated so that when you stir the mixture, the oil and the honey mix into each other evenly rather than remain separated in the bowl. Once mixed, test the mixture with your finger to make sure its not too warm to use. If it is a little too warm, give it a moment to cool down before proceeding.
  3. Apply the mixture to your hair. Work with small sections at a time for even coverage. Take care to cover evenly from root to tip, concentrating on the ends. You want each strand coated, but not drenched in the mixture.
  4. Wrap your hair with a warm towel. After you've evenly applied the mixture, use a warm towel to carefully wrap your hair securely in a turban-style. Make sure no strands are escaping the towel. If any drops of the mixture drip from beneath the towel, carefully wipe them away, avoiding the eyes and eye area. Keep your hair wrapped for 30 minutes.
    • To warm the towel before use, try tossing it in your dryer for a few minutes. You want the towel to be warm and cozy, but not hot or uncomfortable.
  5. Shampoo your hair. Shower and shampoo your hair as you normally would during your hair care routine using your moisture boosting shampoo. Make sure to clean your scalp and hair well but don't over-lather, as this will strip your hair of moisture. Take care to get all of the oil and honey completely rinsed from your hair. Rinse clean and towel dry until damp.
  6. Style your hair as usual. Repeat this process twice per month for best results. Regular use of this treatment will make your hair stronger and softer.


  • Select the hair product that fits your needs. Always start out with water-based moisturizer.
  • Seal in moisture with a sealant oil
  • Comb your hair with a boar-bristle brush or finger comb
  • Invest in a humidifier for your home for additional moisturizing.[8]


  • Don't use alcohol-based products, as they will rob natural moisture from your hair.
  • Never use grease in your hair. Petroleum-based products clog your pores, which can stop your hair from growing.

Things You'll Need

  • Water-based moisturizer
  • Conditioner with natural oils
  • Hot oil treatment or deep conditioner
  • Olive oil
  • Honey
  • Towel
  • Bowls

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