Mount Photographs

You can mount photographs using either a dry mount or wet mount method. Dry mounting, when done right, is a great way to preserve a photo for years. Using dry mount paper and a hot iron can lead to potential photodamage if done incorrectly. Wet mounting a photo is a good option for beginners looking for a quick mounting option. Wet mounting is usually very permanent and can cause a photo to yellow or decay over time, so it is not recommended as a preservation method.


Dry Mount Photographs

  1. Warm an iron up to a medium heat level. Too hot of an iron will damage your photo.
  2. Choose the mounting board color and size. You can choose a size that leaves a border around the photo, or you can mount the photo on a board that is exactly the same size as the photo with no edge showing.
  3. Cut dry mount tissue. Dry mount tissue is a special adhesive paper designed to attach photos to mounting boards. Cut the tissue slightly smaller than the photo, so the edges aren't visible beneath it. Tissue should be about {{safesubst:#invoke:convert|convert}} (3 mm) smaller than the print on all sides.
  4. Tack the tissue to the back of the photo with a small piece of clear tape at each corner. This will hold it in place while you start adhering the tissue at the center.
  5. Set the photo with mounting tissue attached where you want it to be on the mounting board.
  6. Place a sheet of blotter paper on top the photo.
  7. Adhere the photo to the board.
    • Press the iron down firmly in the center of the photo. Hold it there for about 5 minutes, so the heat warms up the photo, dry mount tissue, and mounting board.
    • Pull the corners of the photo up carefully after the middle is firmly attached to the mounting board and remove the tape before adhering the edges to the board.
    • Slide the iron from the center to each edge making sure your iron stays in contact with the blotter paper to avoid getting bubbles in the mounted photo. Press the iron firmly down on the edges of the photo for 5 minutes at each location.

Wet Mount Photographs

  1. Choose your mounting board and adhesive. Adhesive options include roll-on, brush-on or even spray-on glues that are specifically designed for mounting photos.
  2. Line up the photograph. Position the photo on the mounting board where you want it to be, and make small pencil marks just inside each corner on the front of the mounting board. The marks will be used as guides when you turn your photo over after applying the mounting adhesive.
  3. Add the adhesive. Lay your photo upside down on a flat surface. Spray, rub or brush the glue on the photo in an even coat making sure to cover the corners and edges.
  4. Attach the photo to the mounting board.
    • Flip the photo over onto the mounting board using the guide marks to line it up.
    • Gently smooth any bubbles or wrinkles out by working your way from the center of the photo to the edges.
    • Wipe away any glue that seeps from the edges of the photo and cover it with a heavy flat object (like a book) to keep it in place while it dries.


  • Protect your work surface with cardboard before using any of the above photo mounting methods.

Things You'll Need

  • Iron
  • Mounting board
  • Dry mount tissue
  • Scissors
  • Ruler
  • Clear tape
  • Blotter paper
  • Mounting adhesive
  • Cardboard or something to cover the work surface

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