Not Get Scared when Watching a Scary Movie
It's very easy to get scared while watching a scary movie. You might scream at freaky scenes, jump at scary noises and panic after you've watched it. This article will help you calm down while watching the movie and hopefully you'll get some sleep tonight.
- Remember, it's just a set and it's just a costume. When making scary movies a lot of make-up and costumes are used, which means the outcome of the movie might be scary but it's fake.
- Visualize the filming scenes. Imagine the filming on the set, the actors laughing, the producers and director taking a quick snack and when you think of it that way the movie will be less frightening. Imagine one of the actors reading a script or getting their makeup done.
- Imagine something random, but enjoyable. It'll help you get your mind off of the movie when you're thinking of something really funny or silly.
- Look for filming mistakes. Is an actor in a period film wearing a modern watch? Look for things like that to take your mind off the scariness.
- Snack on something if you're alone. If you're watching it in a movie theater, grip your seat tightly.
- Don't forget to enjoy the movie. We watch scary movies for the thrill, but afterwards, it's a nightmare. If you know that you are easily scared, just don't watch it.
- Watch the movie in the morning so you will have the whole day to forget about it and you can sleep easier at night.
- Don't freak yourself out before it starts. Do not read reviews, especially if they claim how scary it is.
- Remember that, in real life, the actors are all friends.
- Don't believe all trailers. A trailer is meant to make a movie seem 25 times scarier then it is, so just remember that no human being could come up with 2 hours worth of trailer worthy screams.
- Don't fast forward important but scary bits. Just block your ears and close your eyes. Some will get through but not all.
- If you know something bad is on the verge of happening, pay attention to a mundane detail on the screen, a painting in the background for instance, never get too engrossed to a point where your head is locked.
- Avoid looking at stuff that are scary like an old painting or an old door that's written on and broken.
- Imagine that the person in danger or who is about to be killed is someone you dislike.
- Have An Exit Near You!
- Think of something totally random, like fuzzy turtle legs, then think about that for the jump scares.
- If you're at home and you get scared easily search a full summary and read along as you watch. You don't get the same suspense but you won't be nearly as scared.
- Don't watch very scary movies that are based on true stories if you are easily scared! Your mind won't get off the fact that it's not true.
Things You'll Need
- Comfortable blanket.
- Other people.
- Lots of snacks
- Stuffed animal