Nourish Dry Hair

Healthy, shiny, well-moisturized hair can be difficult to achieve if you don't take proper care of your hair. Many common factors and daily activities can contribute to dull, dry hair. Poor diet, sun exposure, chlorine from swimming, chemical processing and use of blow dryers, hot rollers and curling irons all can take a toll on hair's moisture balance. When hair becomes dry, it will lose its luster and shine and be prone to split ends and breakage. Because dry hair is a common occurrence that can detract from your overall appearance, it is important to know how to nourish dry hair to bring back its vitality and beauty so you can look your best.


  1. Nourish dry hair by eating a healthful, balanced diet.
  2. Drink plenty of water to keep your hair well-hydrated.
    • When you drink a lot of water, it not only keeps your entire body hydrated but shows in your hair by increasing its moisture balance. It will also make hair less brittle.
  3. Wear a hat when you will be in direct sunlight for a long period of time to decrease sun damage.
  4. Use a shampoo or conditioner with a sunscreen if you prefer not to wear a hat.
  5. Wash and rinse your hair thoroughly after swimming to decrease the damage that chlorine can cause.
  6. Take a break from chemical treatments such as colors or perms and use a moisturizing conditioner following chemical processing to help prevent dry hair.
  7. Put a deep conditioner or hair mask on your hair once a week if you use a blow dryer, hot rollers or curling iron.
  8. Wash your hair regularly with a moisturizing shampoo.
  9. Apply a moisturizing conditioner each time you shampoo to keep dry hair well-nourished.
  10. Use a deep conditioner, hair mask or hot oil treatment once every 1 to 2 weeks for extra nourishment to dry hair. Leave it on for at least 5 minutes before you rinse it out of your hair.
  11. Have your hair trimmed at least once every 6 weeks to cut away dry, damaged ends.


  • When learning how to nourish dry hair, experiment with natural items. Coconut oil, bananas, eggs and milk all condition hair when applied and left on for at least 15 minutes.
  • Try massaging your scalp with your fingers several times a week. This will increase circulation which helps the overall appearance and health of your hair and decreases dryness.
  • Nourish your dry hair from the inside out by eating a diet rich in vitamins and nutrients, protein, calcium and omega 3 fatty acids. A proper diet will help to create a healthy moisture balance in your hair.
  • Always use a moisturizing conditioner on your hair after shampooing it. This will add moisture that was washed away. For added nourishment, Cover your hair with a towel while conditioning it, and leave it on for 15 minutes.


  • Do not over wash your hair. This will strip it of essential, natural oils. If your hair is not extremely oily, wash it every other day instead of every day.
  • Do not overuse styling products that contain alcohol. They can cause hair to become dry and brittle. Try leaving your hair natural between every few shampoos, and always use a conditioner when you wash it.
  • Never use your blow dryer on the highest setting. This can make your hair dry and brittle.

Things You'll Need

  • Moisturizing shampoo
  • Moisturizing conditioner
  • Moisturizing hair mask or hot oil treatment
  • Deep conditioner

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