Open Internet Explorer If the Icon is Not on Your Desktop

Occasionally, the icon to start Internet Explorer will become lost. This is common with public computers. This article will tell you how to start IE if you cannot find the shortcut or the .exe file.


Windows XP and Vista

  1. Create a new Notepad file on the desktop. To do this, right click on the desktop and select Create New. Click on the Notepad icon.
  2. Enter the command code. Open the Notepad file and type the following (or copy and paste it):
    • @echo off
      START /max iexplore.exe
  3. Click Save As... under File.
  4. Save the file as "Internet Explorer.bat".
    • Be sure to scroll to the bottom of the save screen and select All Files or it will save it as a Notepad file.
    • Ensure that you end the file with .bat or this will not work.
  5. Exit the file.
  6. Verify your file. There should be an icon on your desktop named "Internet Explorer.bat" and it will look like a box with a gear inside of it. Double click on this icon to run Internet Explorer.

Windows 7

  1. Create a new Notepad file on the desktop. To do this right click on the desk top, go to Create new' and click on the Notepad icon.
  2. Enter the command code. Open the Notepad file and type the following (or copy and paste it):
    • @echo off
      START /max iexplore.exe
  3. Click on Save
  4. Name it IEXPLORE.bat and save.


  • Do not do this if you are prohibited by policy from doing so.


  • Some people may think that you are "hacking" but just assure them that you are only trying to run Internet Explorer.

Things You'll Need

  • A computer (without an Internet Explorer icon).

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