Open Manual Car Door Locks
For those drivers who have accidentally locked themselves out of the car and are unable to get in, this article is of great help. Stuck outside, with a car locked from the inside is an extremely annoying situation for car owners. It also happens in cases where keys break inside the lock. If you find yourself in this situation, try following methods to open your car without any professional help. What needs to be understood here is all of these methods only work best with manual locks. If you own an automatic car, you'll definitely need mechanic's help.
Using the Bobby Pin
- The most common and known method of opening locked car is the use of Bobby pins or paper clips. When using a paper-clip, you have to open up both its ends so there are 2 prongs just like Bobby pin. Now insert it inside the lock and keep moving upwards and downwards. The movement of barrels should be continuous as you are making an effort to simulate the turning of key inside car door lock. With the right combination, the lock will be turned and the door will be opened.
This is an easy trick, but requires time to find that one magic combination which will lead to the opening of a door. You must be patient if you are using this method.
Using a Slim Jim
- If Bobby pins fail to open car door lock and you are still stuck outside, there is one other efficient way to fix this problem. You need to have a slim Jim or a small piece of metal that comes with a hook on its side. What you have to do here is press it hard against the rear door panel of the car and on the exact point of the front door where is clearly meets the window. Push it inwards, squeeze hard and make its way inside. Now hook the slim Jim on car door lock's side and try to pull it back to an unlocked position. This requires effort, time and luck. With continuously tries, you will definitely pick the lock. When it will be opened, get inside and collect your keys.
Use a Screwdriver
- You can also open manual door locks with the help of a screwdriver. The condition here is that the car must be very old and screwdriver should be flat headed, small in size and extremely sharp. Insert the screwdriver in the gap between lock and door. Keep pushing the lock forcefully until it comes out of the hole. This way the lock will be removed and the door will be opened. You can also fix a door handle by yourself.
- The use of locking pin mechanism is strictly prohibited in some states as it considered a criminal intent to commit fraud and theft. If you own one, it is your responsibility to check the rules and regulation of the state you live in. You should be completely aware of what rules are there about the ownership of such devices.