Open a Starburst With Your Mouth

Want to impress your friends with amazing mouth skills? Want a new and exciting contest to play with your friends? Try opening a Starburst with your mouth! You will amaze your friends when they first see this trick.


  1. Buy Starburst, and pick one out.
  2. Place the wrapped Starburst in your mouth and flip it with your tongue so that the folded parts are on the bottom.
  3. Use your tongue to position the wrapped candy over one of your bottom canines. -- Your canines are the four very pointy teeth in your mouth. There is one on each side of the four front teeth on the top and the four front teeth on the bottom.
  4. Use that canine to pry open one of the triangular flaps of the wrapper.
  5. Use your tongue to spin the candy around. Then use the same tooth to pry open the other triangular flap.
  6. With your tongue, push these two open flaps to the sides and out of your way for easier access to the straight folded flap.
  7. Usually when the triangle flaps are pushed to the side, the straight flap starts to lift up from the candy on the sides allowing room to stick your tongue in and pry it apart. If it does not start to lift up you may need to use your canines once again to pry up this flap.
  8. Stick your tongue in the hole and continue pushing your tongue through to separate the candy from the wrapper. Use your teeth to assist in spinning the candy during this process.
  9. Spit out the wrapper or use your fingers to smoothly pull the flattened wrapper out of your mouth. ==


  • Do not get discouraged if you can not get one open. Some are just folded incorrectly or are just too sticky to open with your mouth. Grab a different one and try again.
  • It's best to do this as quickly as possible- if you take too long, the wrapper will stick to the candy, and it's nearly impossible to unwrap the Starburst intact.
  • This is an art and is not mastered with one try. Practice and you will get better and faster at it.
  • This is much easier to do with a dry mouth; if your mouth is moist, the wrapper will get wet and rip instead of unfold.
  • Certain flavors or colors of candy are more sticky and harder to open than others so experiment a little.
  • When you have mastered Starbursts, try your luck at a different kind of wrapped candy.


  • Never allow small children at risk of choking to try this.
  • To avoid choking, do not allow the candy to go too far back into your mouth.

Things You'll Need

  • Starburst
  • Your mouth
  • Friends to impress or compete with
  • A stopwatch

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