Overcome Feelings of Hopelessness

Hopelessness is a debilitating feeling. It’s difficult to improve your mood or situation when you feel like there’s no point in trying. However, taking action is the only way to start feeling better, and even small changes can have a big impact on your mood. You can start fighting your feelings of hopelessness by breaking the cycle of negative thoughts. After that, take small steps towards building a healthy, mood-boosting lifestyle. In addition, seek treatment if you think you may be dealing with clinical depression.


Breaking the Cycle

  1. Identify where your feelings are coming from. Hopelessness is a vague feeling, but if you can discover where its roots are, you’ll have an easier time overcoming it. Take stock of your life, and think about whether a particular situation is causing you to feel hopeless.[1]
    • Loneliness, chronic illness, and low self-esteem are a few common causes of hopelessness.
  2. Question your feelings. Stop assuming your hopeless thoughts are true. Instead, open your mind to the possibility that you might be wrong. Remind yourself of times your thoughts have been incorrect in the past, and know that you might start feeling better as time goes by.[2]
    • Often, negative feelings will pass by themselves if you give them enough time.
  3. Adjust your view of happiness. Examine your current assumptions about happiness. Ask yourself whether you’re waiting for a new job, a significant other, or some other external influence to make you happy. If so, try shifting your focus to yourself instead. Realize that you don’t need anything outside yourself to feel content with your life.[3]
    • Inner happiness can’t come from outer sources. If you aren’t happy now, you won’t be happy when your circumstances change for the better, either.
  4. Find something to appreciate. Even if you feel miserable today, look for something that you can enjoy. It doesn’t have to be big. Insignificant things that you might take for granted are often the easiest to enjoy when you’re feeling hopeless.[4]
    • For example, you could take a moment to appreciate the free coffee at work or the wildflowers growing along the side of the road.
  5. Find one thing you can change. Making changes in your life can improve your outlook, but when you’re stuck in the depths of hopelessness, it’s not easy to take action. Start small by identifying just one thing you can do to improve your life. It doesn’t have to be a big change, just something you can do on a regular basis.[5]
    • For instance, maybe you could wash your dishes right away after you cook, apply to one job every day, or start going to bed before midnight.
    • Hopelessness thrives on the idea that nothing will ever change. Challenging this belief will help you start to feel better.

Building Good Habits

  1. Be present in the moment. Practice being mindful by focusing on the here and now. Notice the sensations you feel in your body and the thoughts that pass through your mind. Don’t judge yourself or worry about the future – just observe. [6]
    • Mindfulness can help you separate yourself from your feelings, which makes it easier to respond to them constructively.
  2. Set achievable goals. Making regular progress at something can lift your mood. Set small, manageable goals and work towards them on a regular basis. Don’t give yourself big, overwhelming goals, or you may feel like you’ll never reach them and get discouraged.[7]
    • Some good goals to set might include applying for two new jobs or completing one task for work or school every day.
    • If you want to set a big goal for yourself, break it down into smaller sub-goals so you can see your progress more easily.
  3. Get social support. Spend time around other people, especially those who care about you. Reach out to your family and friends or meet new people by volunteering in your community. Talk about how you’re feeling instead of bottling it up.[8]
    • Don’t isolate yourself, even if you want to be alone. Isolation makes feelings of sadness and hopelessness stronger.
  4. Get moving. Exercise is a powerful mood booster. Aim to get thirty minutes of moderate activity every day. Cardiovascular exercise is best – try going for a walk, run, or bike ride in the fresh air.[9]
    • Consistent workouts are better than intense but infrequent workouts, so don’t push yourself too hard.
  5. Eat for Emotional Health. Stay away from highly processed foods, which can contribute to a low mood. Instead, focus on keeping your blood sugar stable and getting plenty of nutrients. Make vegetables and fruits, lean protein, and whole grains the foundation of your diet.[10]
    • Deficiencies in B vitamins and omega-3 fatty acids may be linked to mood problems. If you’re not getting enough of these nutrients in your diet, consider taking a supplement.
  6. Avoid using alcohol and drugs. Mood-altering substances may help you escape your feelings temporarily, but they will only make you feel worse in the long run. When you’re dealing with feelings of hopelessness, it’s best to avoid alcohol and drugs completely.[11]
    • If you’re struggling with addiction, help is available. Your national health website is a good place to start looking for recovery resources. In the U.S., you can visit drugabuse.gov to find treatment options.[12]

Dealing with Depression

  1. Consider whether you may be clinically depressed. Persistent feelings of hopelessness are one of the symptoms of depression. Other common symptoms include fatigue, difficulty concentrating, irritability, and insomnia. Depression can also cause physical problems like aches and pains, weight changes, or digestive trouble.[13]
    • If you think you may be depressed, it’s important to seek help as soon as possible. Depression responds well to treatment, but it rarely gets better by itself.
  2. See a counselor or a therapist. Talk therapy is one of the most effective treatments for depression. A mental health professional can help you figure out why you’re feeling hopeless, learn strategies for identifying and coping with negative thoughts, and set goals for the future.[14]
  3. Consider medication. Antidepressants aren’t right for everyone, but they’ve helped many people recover from depression. Talk to your doctor or a psychiatrist about whether medication is a good choice for you.[15]
  4. Join a mental health support group. If you are suffering from depression, it may be beneficial to take part in a support group for people with this condition. Such groups offer encouragement, accountability to stick with treatment, and useful coping strategies.[16]
    • Ask your therapist for recommendations for support groups in your area.
  5. Seek immediate help for suicidal thoughts. When some people feel hopeless and depressed, they have thoughts of hurting themselves. If you feel suicidal, you need to seek help right away. Taking immediate action can save your life, and ensure that you get appropriate treatment.
    • Call your therapist, your local emergency services department, or a suicide hotline, such as the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-8255.[17]

Sources and Citations

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