Pack Your Bag Before Going Into Labour

Whatever kind of birth you may be planning, from hospital to home, you need to be prepared! However, it can be very easy to over-pack, or worse, under-pack. There are some basics to keep in mind when preparing for your upcoming labour and delivery, no matter where it might take place.



  1. Don't procrastinate! This is one time when you want to be ahead of the curve. Pregnancy is full of unexpected events, and one of those may mean needing to head to the hospital before you thought. So don't wait until your thirty sixth week––pack for any unexpected occasion, early on.
    • Have your bag ready a month before you are scheduled to go into labour.
  2. Consider your birthing location. There are things you may need to take to the hospital that might not be necessary to worry about at home.
  3. Find out what your birthing location (if away from home) will and will not provide and allow. Sometimes your birthing location has rules in place regarding what they will allow in the labour room.
  4. Protect certain surfaces in case your waters break. For example, to protect your car in case your waters break while driving, sit on a towel with a bin liner beneath it. Also use a waterproof mattress pad to protect your bed--it's very likely to happen when you're in bed. Incontinence pads (available at drug stores and retail stores) are also useful, and great for use for babies.
    • Have plenty of towels: You may really need them after your water breaks on the way to the hospital. Pack another towel so you can have a quick wash if you want to.

Knowing what to pack

  1. Consider many factors when packing a going-home outfit for mom and baby. Make sure it's weather appropriate and realistic. Those skinny jeans may be screaming for you, but don't think that you'll be runway-ready out of the delivery room. Give your body time to recover and plan your outfit accordingly. Likewise for baby- that little sundress may be too cute to pass up, but unrealistic if it's raining out. Your best bet for baby is a 'onesie,' a set of pajamas, a hat, mittens (to prevent the baby from scratching him/herself), and a blanket. Dressing the baby in layers will provide for various weather eventualities.
  2. Bring your own gown to feel more comfortable. Hospital gowns are just the worst, so having your own will bring you comfort. Nothing too fancy though-it's childbirth, not a fashion show and you will probably get fluids and blood on it. Comfort over style.
    • Buy a gown from a thrift store or a cheap store, one you won't mind parting with if it gets too messed up.
  3. Ensure that you have plenty of socks. The labour, and especially the delivery processes, steal a lot of heat from the mother's body, and socks are essential. Don't just pack one pair, pack several. You may want to layer them.
  4. Consider bringing some kind of music. Calming music, audio books or a good book for someone to read to you can help pass the time. Labour is a long process and, aside from the occasional jabs of pain, largely uneventful (if you are lucky). A distraction may help you to pass the time.
  5. Bring hard candy. Lollipops are a laboring woman's best friend. Food is not allowed during the labor and delivery process, so if your birthing location, doctor, or midwife allow it, lollipops can help you through.
    • Barley sugar might be another source of energy and determined sucking during the labor.
  6. Bring your camera. This day will never happen again. Make sure to capture it.
  7. Have some cash. Money is necessary, but not too much. Only bring with you what you may actually need, such as a cab fare, treat money and cash for sundry items.

A list of things to pack

  1. Pack what you think you'll need for an extended stay from the fulsome list provided here:

Paperwork and details

  1. Pack the following:
    • Any paperwork: Pre-admission forms, health insurance materials, waivers, requests, etc.
    • Phone number list and email list

In-hospital clothing

  1. Pack the following:
    • Nightgown/pyjamas (If breastfeeding, try getting nursing pajamas or you can try nursing gowns from morph maternity for ease nursing); three nighties: Large sizes in all three so at least one will fit over your bump when you’re in labour but more importantly so it is easy to pull down if you decide to breastfeed.
    • Slippers, socks, bed socks (Hospital floors are notoriously chilly)
    • Fresh underwear
    • One or two pairs Make a Nursing Bra or you can have leak-proof nursing bras if you will be breastfeeding.

Hygiene and beauty needs

  1. Pack the following:
    • Toothbrush, toothpaste, travel container. Toothbrushes: One for you and one for your birth partner. Be sure to have a cover of some sort.
    • Soap
    • Deodorant
    • Body lotion (Make sure it's not heavily scented--baby's little nose is sensitive!)
    • Shampoo and conditioner - trial size
    • Hairbrush
    • Hairdryer. Check with the hospital you will deliver, they may have them in each patient room.
    • Scrunchies, hair clips, ponytail holders – to keep hair out of your eyes while in labour!
    • Lip balm (your lips will get surprisingly dry)
    • Make-up (you will be in many photographs, so might as well look the best you can)

Helpful aids

  1. Pack the following:
    • A shower cap (just in case your hair gets in the way during labour)
    • Flip flops – to wear in the shower
    • Wet-wipes
    • Your own pillow from home, or alternatively, a pillowcase
    • An overnight bag for your birth partner
    • Water: A bottle of water during labour is essential. Take in a big bottle to fill a smaller bottle.

Digital aids

  1. Pack the following:
    • Camera (be sure batteries are fully charged)
    • Mobile phones and chargers

Post-birth needs

  1. Pack the following:
      • Box of sanitary pads, overnight or extra-strength (not tampons) as well as period panties to avoid leaks.
    • Breast pads: Breast pads help to control leakage whether you choose to breastfeed or not. The best by far are the Lansinoh ones. They are larger which make them less visible through your clothes, thinner and are made from the same stuff as nappies so just get thicker rather than harder like some do.
    • Nipple cream
    • Coming home clothes and shoes. Bear in mind that you will probably still have a nice round baby bump, so pack maternity clothes. You won't fit non-maternity for a while yet.

Baby's things

  1. Pack the following:
    • Car seat (Required at some hospitals and birth centers)
    • Diaper (nappie) bag
    • Baby blanket
    • Baby clothing
    • Hats
    • Socks
    • Nail clippers or emery board for baby's nails
    • Warm/cool clothes for going home (if the climate is below or above average).

Other considerations

  1. Don't forget dad or partner! Birth is a social experience. And include snacks and a change of clothing for the person helping you through the experience, or at least remind them to bring some.
  2. Bring the car seat. The baby needs safe transport home. A hospital or birthing center will not allow the baby to go home in a car without a car seat. Make sure you either bring this with you or ask someone to bring it to the hospital on discharge day.
    • Fit the car seat before you go into labour as they can be really tricky to fit correctly, and they are not protective unless fitted properly. If you aren’t sure, go back to the shop and ask them to show you how to do it. Some municipal agencies (like state police) may offer car seat fittings, as well as some agencies connected with baby care and needs.
  3. Avoid unnecessary items. What you don't need is just as important to remember. Do not bring jewelry (aside from that with symbolic meaning, such as a wedding ring or other such item that might help ease anxiety), large amounts of money, or other valuables that might be lost or even stolen.


  • If you love your pet, bring a picture of them with you! During contractions, try thinking about what your pet is doing. It takes you mind off of labor!
  • Don't worry too much if you have to go to the hospital or birth center without your bag. It happens all the time, and these facilities will be able to accommodate you. Moreover, you can survive without a lot of the things listed above, consider how women have fared for centuries without taking a shopping cart of things with them.
  • Bear in mind that you might be wearing your bras all the time, night and day; therefore it would be useful to have different types of bra to stop your skin from rubbing in the same place. Also you can bring a nursing bra if you are planning to breastfeed.
  • Your temperature might go funny while you are in labour, so always have something cooler and warmer to grab as needed.
  • Bring a nappy/(Diaper bag Not only will you use it for the nappies/diapers in hospital but you might also use it for when you change your knickers and pad after birth.
  • Don’t bother with baby wipes as they are usually too harsh on a newborn’s skin. Use cotton wool or pads instead.
  • Bring high calorie food, as you will need energy afterwards (chocolate biscuits/bananas), although the midwives might bring you tea and toast, and possibly a cooked meal afterwards. Bear in mind that if you have an epidural, you can’t eat during it so eat beforehand.
  • Don’t bother to pack any white/light coloured knickers as you’ll ruin them.
  • Take at least two packets of sanitary pads and have more for when you get home. Bear in mind that you might use these during your labour as well as afterwards so you need plenty.
  • Gel pads can be useful. Even though you might not use them in hospital as they would be warm by the time you’ve had your baby, but you might well want one afterwards at home when you might feel a bit bruised.
  • The packed bag can be useful once you get home too––everything is still in one place, making it easy to find all the things you need.

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