Pass a Police Promotion Exam

How to pass a police promotion exam. Regardless of your department certain universal standards apply to all promotion exams. Exams may be oral or written or a combination of the two. We will discuss the "How To" for successfully preparing and passing a police promotion exam.


  1. First it is important to understand that proper preparation for a promotion exam is a process. Step one is to analyze the department provided guide/instructions to the exam. It should be noted that departments will leave ample time to prepare for the exam. There is no need in starting a course of study to far in advance without the specific information and base of knowledge that the exam will be based on. This is a waste of time and energy and can lead to a higher level of anxiety and frustration with the process. Most departments have a third party vendor bid for and conduct the exam process. This is done so that the exam can be free from future challenges and litigation on the basis of bias.
  2. Next after you have received and analyzed the department provided exam guide and instructions. You must gather all available base knowledge material. This may be supplied by the department or by a third party who will make the base knowledge available to you usually for a fee.
  3. Whether you study alone or with a study group it is imperative that you plan your study time. This is the achilles heel of most examinees. They know what to study but not how to study. They procrastinate and end up cramming for the exam. Cramming does not work. With the exam guide/instructions the date of the exam will be given at that time or soon after. Set up a study time frame based on the amount of information that needs to be covered. Break down the base knowledge which you be tested on into manageable amounts.
  4. Exam preparation takes commitment. It is important that you involve your family and friends in the process. They have an important part to play in your success. Ask them to encourage you, and help you stay on track in your study plan. Post your study plan in the areas where you spend most of your off time. Usually the kitchen and the family/entertainment room of your residence. Stick to your study plan do not fall behind.
  5. Being properly prepared gives you confidence and reduces anxiety on the day of the exam. Giving you the proper mind frame in which to succeed in passing the exam.


  • The base of knowledge is available from resources within your department. It may take time and copy/printing costs. Please research before going to a third party provider for this base knowledge material. It may be cost effective to use the third party provider. Each case is individual.
  • For profit "Test Preparation" companies are abundant. After interviewing former students of these companies, most students report that they benefited from the routine of going to class or following the study outline provided. If you are disciplined in your study habits you can avoid third party test preparation providers. Again it is an individual preference.


  • Make sure you have carefully reviewed the base knowledge criteria. Many times there are specific dates which are outlined in the exam guide/instructions. Be aware of time sensitive materials. Only study relevant current source documents for your review.

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