Pee Standing up Without a Device

Whether faced with unsanitary bathroom conditions or a camping trip away from any form of toilet at all, there are times when it is helpful for women to perfect the techniques of standing urination. It initially requires practice, and a willingness to learn the nuances of your own anatomy for the purpose of aim and precision. Yet, some women report that, once they learned how, they prefer standing urination in their day-to-day life and would never go back to sitting down. See for yourself if standing urination is right for you.


Developing Technique for Standing Urination

  1. Practice standing urination. If you wait until it is necessary before trying for the first time, it could yield complications. Your success with standing urination is determined by how familiar you become with the process.
    • One way to practice is to stand in the bathtub or shower and practice positioning, testing how effectively you can control your urine stream.
  2. Wash your hands. Clean hands before practicing, to ensure your hands are germ free and sanitary. Be sure to wash hands again after you finish urinating.
  3. Remove clothing from the waist down. Practice helps you perfect your technique, but there will always be trial and error. To avoid getting urine on your clothing, remove all clothing on your lower body, including socks.
  4. Become familiar with your anatomy. Being able to urinate standing require that you know how to position your own body properly. Review female anatomy by looking at a diagram or using a hand mirror to look at yourself.
    • Find the labia. The labia majora is a collective term for the two outer mounds of tissue on either side of the urethral and vaginal openings. The labia minora refers to inner folds of tissue enclosed within the labia majora. The latter compresses when we are standing with legs together to cover and protect the vaginal and urethral openings.[1]
    • Locate the urethra. The urethra is a tube that drains the bladder through an external opening. It is a tiny small hole, positioned at front of your vagina, behind the clitoris. It is very small, so don’t be alarmed if it takes a few moments to notice.[2]
  5. Learn body position. Depending on aim and preference, position yourself slightly in front of or over the toilet or in a shower stall or bathtub. Spread feet apart roughly 2 ft. Crouch slightly or arch back if needed.
    • Spread the labia. After positioning over or slightly in front of your target, use the fingers of one hand to spread apart the labia minora. This offers an unobstructed opening for the urethra to drain and creates a controlled stream of urine.
    • Position the urethra. Place the fingers of your other hand fingers slightly in front of the urethra. Pull your fingers up and forward while exerting equal pressure on both sides of the clitoris with two fingers.
  6. Start the stream. Rotate hips to control the direction of the stream. Apply pressure at the beginning and end of the urine flow. This increases the speed of the flow and reduces dribbling.
    • You want to keep your stream consistent as opposed to intermittent in order to prevent dripping.
    • Clean up. Rinse the shower or bathtub. If practicing with a toilet, wipe up any stray urine. Be sure to wash your hands again.

Advancing Technique for Standing Urination

  1. Avoiding spray. Finger placement is key to help you avoid spray, as is stretching of the labia.[3]
    • Don’t pull too far. Pulling too far up upward on the urethra can cause spray, as it tends to compress the urethral opening, causing it to flatten slightly. Over time, your fingers will learn what is the right amount of upward tension to keep while urinating.
    • Stretch your labia. Sufficient tension on the labia insures that it does not interfere with your stream, and is the most important part of mastering standing urination. Over time, you may notice that your labia stretches out a bit to better accommodate standing urination.
  2. Preventing drips. A few random drips are common, even for the most veteran standing urinator (men included). Yet you can refine technique to prevent frequent drips by refining finger position.
    • Place two fingers on either side of the clitoris, slight ahead of the urethra. When you place pressure directly on either side of the urethra, it stretches the opening slightly and causes side drips.
  3. Do Kegel exercises. Think about your lower body and isolate the muscles that tighten to stop urine flow. Tense them briefly. Note how they seem to tug on your entire undercarriage. These are the muscles of your pelvic floor, and strengthening them can help you control urine flow and prevent drips.[4]
    • Exercise the muscles of your pelvic floor by contracting them for a count of 5 seconds, then releasing them for a count of 5 second. You may gradually work up to intervals of ten seconds. Be careful not to exhaust your muscles as this can negatively impact urination immediately after.
    • Focus on the right muscle group. When first starting, these muscles may be weak or difficult to control, and it may be tempting to tense the buttocks or abdomen while exercising them. It is important, however, that you focus on only the pelvic floor muscles and teaching them to respond to voluntary control.
    • Repeat exercises at least 3 times daily. Doctors recommend a regimen of 3 sets at a time, 10 times daily. If that is too much at first, gradually work your way up to this goal. Only do what is comfortable for you.
  4. Trying new techniques. As your body becomes accustomed to standing urination and your muscles more responsive, consider trying the “One-handed Method.” It requires greater dexterity but can be easier once you get the hang of it.[5]
    • Begin by washing your hands and moving clothing out of the way.
    • Form a “V” with the first and second finger of your hand and use it to spread the inner lips of the labia, pulling upward. This encourages urine to drain as a stream and not run down your leg.
    • You can adjust the direction of the stream by adjusting the upward pressure of your fingers, as well as the position of your hips.

Preparing for Standing Urination

  1. Think sanitary. If you suspect that the bathrooms will be unsanitary or unavailable at your destination, keep a few items on hand to help yourself stay clean:
    • Wet wipes or tissues. Travel-sized containers of facial tissue or wet wipes are perfect for wiping when finished urinating.
    • Hand sanitizer. Hand sanitizer plays two important roles in standing urination for women. First, before you urinate, it allows you to clean your hands before using them to guide urination. This prevents unwanted germs in the region that can cause urinary tract infections. [6] Secondly, hand sanitizer can be used to clean up after urination. Because hand sanitizer contains alcohol, it is recommended that you apply only to your hands, using sanitary wipes or tissues for more sensitive areas.
  2. Choose a secluded spot. If you are urinating on a camping trip without restrooms, make sure you have privacy. Getting interrupted while urinating can be startling and might cause urine to get on your clothes.
    • If urinating in or near an urban area, be advised that this could be illegal per local laws on lewdness and public indecency.[7]
  3. Urinate at regular intervals. Don't hold your urine until there is a sense of urgency. This can cause the urine to drain unpredictably and increase instances of spray and dripping. Instead, go at regular intervals to promote a more controlled urine stream.
    • A good rule of thumb is to urinate immediately following meals and/or hydration.
  4. Dress for standing urination. This depends on the person in question. Some women find skirts more conducive. Other women report that they are able to unzip their jeans to urinate and the tension of the denim fabric on the labia actually helps them control their urine stream.[8]
    • Try to decide what clothing is best suited to your experience level and comfort and dress accordingly when you know you’ll have to urinate while standing.

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