Perform a Drag and Drop Web Capture in Adobe Acrobat

Adobe Acrobat 6 Professional enables you to convert a web page to a PDF document with a simple drag-and-drop operation.


  1. Close all open files in Acrobat.
  2. In your Web browser, access the web page you want to convert.
  3. From the Address bar on your Web browser, drag the icon for the Web page onto the Acrobat icon on the Windows task bar.

    While dragging, the pointer displays a shortcut icon underneath the arrowhead.
  4. Hold the shortcut icon over the Acrobat icon on the taskbar until the Acrobat window is active and is displayed in the foreground.
  5. Drag the shortcut icon onto the Acrobat window, and release the pointer in the empty document area of the Acrobat window.

    Acrobat converts the web page into a PDF document.

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