Plant Seeds in a Basic Seed Tray
A basic seed tray or "flat" is a cheap, no-frills way to get plants started for your garden or farm. (You can use a paper egg carton) It also happens to be one of the best ways, if you plant your seeds correctly. If you want to get the most out of your plants, follow these steps to plant them properly. Start turning your thumb green to
- Determine when to plant seeds. Depending on your climate and the plant variety, planting times may vary. Check the seed packet for details.Template:Large image
- Fill the tray with soil. Hold your sieve (sifter) above the tray and put soil, usually seed starting medium or potting soil, into it, breaking it up as you do. Don't worry if some of the soil gets on your work area and not in the tray; you can brush it up and use it for the next tray. Fill the tray until it overflows, and then lift the tray a little and tap it against your work surface to settle the soil.
- Use your hand or a striking board to level the soil. Drag the stick or striking board across the top of the tray to make sure the soil is flush with the top and evenly dispersed. Your hand can perform the same function. Take about {{safesubst:#invoke:convert|convert}} of soil off the top of the tray. If you have a striking board, you can easily insert the indented side of it into the tray and sweep away a thin layer of soil. Otherwise, use your hand or some tool that will fit into the tray to scrape the soil off the top.
- Use a firming board or your hands to compact the soil. Press the firming board (a thin board that fits perfectly inside the tray) down on the soil until the top of the board is level with the top of the tray. You can also use your hands if you don't have a firming board.
- Moisten the soil. Use a watering can with a rose (the apparatus with many holes) on the end of the spout. Turn the rose upside down and hold the can to one side of the tray. Tilt the can until water begins to shower out, and then pass the can over the tray four times.
- Sow your seeds. Pour some seeds into the palm of your hand and pinch some out with your other hand. Sprinkle the seeds on top of the soil, leaving a little space between each one and its neighbors. The amount of space you need to leave depends on the plant, so check your seed packet for further instructions.
- Cover the seeds with soil. Most seeds need to be covered with soil. Check your seed packet to be sure. Sieve a light layer of soil over the tray. In general, seeds should be covered with soil to a depth equal to twice the height of the seeds, but check the packet for exact information.
- Compact the soil. Use your hands or the firming board to gently, but firmly press the soil down over the seeds. Seeds need good soil contact to germinate properly.
- Label the tray. Use a permanent marker or pen to write the variety planted on one side of the label and the date planted on the other side.
- Follow growing instructions provided on the packet. The temperature, amount of sunlight, and amount of water the seeds need will be detailed on the instructions.
- You can easily build or improvise a striker board and firming board, and you may find it helps you to work more quickly than if you used just your hands, especially if you have a lot of trays to plant.
- In general, you can check to see if the seeds need more water by sticking a finger in the soil up to the first knuckle. If it feels dry at that level, add a bit more water.
- Don't worry too much about spacing your seeds unless they're very expensive. Typically you will thin seedlings and transplant only the stronger ones. In addition, follow the recommendations on your seed packet, but don't worry about being too exact if it says to cover them with 1-eighth inch of soil, for example.
- Remember sunlight will help!
- Seeds from different plants have different planting requirements. Be sure to consult the seed information on the packet or in the catalog before planting.
Things You'll Need
- Seeds
- Basic seed tray (seed flat)
- Firming board
- Sieve
- Soil
- Watering can with a rose
- Permanent marker or pen
- Planting labels
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